ch.18: i'm lost( and i never want to be found")

So I saw there was a fifteen minute wait and for the other ride it was a half and hour so this was good one. I could go through a haunted house, and two I am home free. So after a few minutes I walked in with this group and they were in all black, and so was I but I loved her outfit and makeup, so I started to talk to her while we were in line, and I said, " my name is Haley." She said, " violet, and thank is Chris but we call him hale." I waved hi and I had to compliment her outfit, " I love your offutt." She smiled and said, " thank you. I love your jacket."

So we walked in and down this hall and it was red and black velvet, and this deep, metal sound. I was in love with it. And the scare workers the guys they were really kind of cute. But we walked through the maze and we were all dancing with them and it was super fun. But we walked out and I was talking to violet and I told her what happened and she said, " same. Also did you come here with someone. Like friends?"

I knew what she meant. " yes, but I didn't want to go on the dive coaster, and Andy asked me if I was scared. I lied through my teeth hell yeah I was scared. But I told them to go ahead, and why do I have a weird feeling this is going to bite me in the ass later." She laughed. And said, " well I don't know but maybe. And I wish you luck." I replied, " thank you. Also may I ask where you got your boots. They are amazing." She laughed and said , " my demonia conquer boots I got from when I was at this store in the U.k."

I smiled and said, " lucky, well I think I need to go find them before they hunt my ass down. But it was good to meet you violet. Take care." I started to walk away and I saw Andy, and the others. So I slightly cursed, " I'm fucked." They started to walk over to me and I said, " hi, so how was it?" They gave me a evil smile. And I then said, " why do I have a feeling that I should run?" They started to walk closer and I started to back away, and then I just bolted.

So I just ran like my life depended on it and I made it to the iron dragon and I ran into the line and I doubt that they would find me it was pretty packed. But I slightly laughed and I hope they don't find me. But I had my phone on me and I heard it vibrate. And I saw that it was a message from Danny and I read the text and it said, " girly where are you?" I laughed and texted back, " I am in line for blood on the bayou. I forgot how to spell it but I am going in now bye."

I laughed and it was moving up the stairs and I then saw the text and it said, " meet us at the exit. We need to talk." I just laughed and shut my phone off. And the line started to move again. And I heard my name being called I look over to see violet, I said, " hey violet. How's it hanging." She laughed and said, " I should be the one asking. What happened when they saw that you ditched." I started to laugh, " well I saw Andy and Ben walking towards me and then I walked back a little then I bolted. And I lied telling Danny that I went to bayou. So here was my thoughts, I'm fucked."

She laughed and the line was moving again and I went to the second row and she went to the third. And Chris went in the front. But she asked, " so if you don't mind me asking, what do you think is going to happen?" I said, " I don't know I think I will be sleeping outside though." We saw the next one come in and we got on and I asked, " hey violet, it is good to meet you." She smiled and said, " thank you it is good to meet you to Haley." So we pulled down the restraint and they did the same thing and off we went, it was super fun and brought back good memories.

But I got off after it pulled back into the station and violet asked, " hey Haley me and hale can go with you if you want?" I smiled and said, " that is up to you. But if you do come just giving a heads up, I came from Los Angeles." She looked at me confused and we walked over and I saw them and they were in a small group and I saw Danny and Andy start to walk over to me, and I cursed under my breath, " I'm fucked."

Violet gasped, and whispered, " you know them?" I nodded and whispered back, " I know that was my same reaction. But if I have to I will wink and you distract and we run. Got it?" She nodded and I heard Andy ask, " so I take it you were scared." I smiled and said, " look who's talking gazelle legs." Danny started to crack up. And Andy lightly punched his arm.

But I said, " so what's up?" Andy looked over to danny and said, " grab the arms" I screamed, " oh shit run" I tried to run but Andy grabbed me in a bear hug. And I just squirmed and I saw my past memories flood back and I felt tears flood out and then everything went black.