ch.26: shattered wings

So we got to the next venue and I drove all night I couldn't sleep so I let violet relax. And she slightly snored. I didn't care to be honest I had so many thoughts running through my head. But I did know that I was planning on getting another tattoo. But I think our next spot after today is either philly or New York. I will have to ask. But tour is almost over. We have only three shows left and then we head back to L.A.

I was kind of happy about that but I actually might miss this. But I have been writing more and more songs. And I have got about five done in the past few days. Which is good. But tonight I wanted to do something drastic. So I found this hot topic near by and I went there.

So I walked into hot topic and I heard people murmuring and I ignored it. But I went over by the skinny jeans me I found this one pair it was black and white. One side was black and the other white. I got that a new shirt. I found this one that said, ' I am proud to be a freak.' It was a American horror story shirt, I definitely got that. Then I started to walk back to the front and I found this like jacket and it was adorable. But it had stitch on the back I thought about it but I got a few choke collars, a new makeup pallet. And a red eyeliner.

I wanted to do something bold so I was going to die my hair, black and white. A ombré look. But I did want to do something bold. So I bought that stuff then went to a hair salon. I walked in and went to the front desk. And asked, " hi. I was wondering if I could dye my hair?" She looked up and said, " sure what's your name?" I replied, " Haley." She typed it in the computer and then asked, " okay what color would you like?" I replied and said, " black and white ombré." She smiled and said, " that is cool. So it will be a moment one of our girls is just finishing up."

I nodded and said, " thank you." I sat in one of the chairs and watched tv then I felt my phone buzz. I looked to see and it was a twitter message. I opened my phone and I was a little shocked, " hey Haley, it is Remington. So if you get the chance can we talk to you about something?" I replied, " okay sure." I waited a moment and he replied, " okay so this is going to be kind of a group chat."

" okay that is fine. But what's up?" I sent that text and then this one girl said, , okay Haley." I got up and texted him, " I am going to be kind of busy for a moment could we talk about this later please?" I waited a moment and I said, " hi, I'm Haley." She waved, " Mandy. So I am guessing you would like to dye your hair?" I smiled and said, " yes. Please." She laughed and nodded so me and her talked for a little and we put the dye in and then I got a message, " okay. Just let us know when you are free." I smiled and I was a little curious to why I would get a text from him. Oh well. We will find out in a minute.

So the dye sat in my hair for two hours and I did this at like twelve so it is like two now. I still had enough time to get ready for the show. But while the dye sat, me and Mandy were talking, " so what brings you out here, to this city?" I laughed and said, " well I am traveling right now and we only have three spots left. And I am kind of sad about it. But you never know." She looked at me confused then asked, " okay by traveling you mean?" I replied, " I am on tour right now." She widened her eyes and said, " lucky who ar enough on tour with? Sorry I am being noses I am just curious."

I laughed and said, " Juliet Simms, black veil, and asking." Her mouth dropped open, " you are so lucky. And I think the dye is ready to come out." I laughed and the dye was then rinsed out and I had to dry my hair. So when my hair got dry it looked amazing. I smiled and said, " I love it thank you so much for doing this." She smiled and said you are very welcome. And also good luck tonight." I smiled and said, " thank you Mandy. And also I forgot something." I reached into my purse and grabbed a twenty and a ticket. I had to she was super nice. But I gave that too her and she was ecstatic.

She gave me a hug and said, " thank you haley. This is awesome but you didn't have to." I smiled and said, " it is okay I wanted to. But I am gonna go before my friend gets mad at me. But once again thanks Mandy." I went to the front to pay and then I grabbed my bags and headed back to the venue. It wasn't far thank goodness. But I got to the inside and I went to the bathroom to get ready.

I put on my offutt and my demonia boots. I couldn't go on tour with out them. But I then did my makeup and I put red eyeliner on and a little smoked eye. But it looked cute and bold so. I put my extra clothes in the bag along with my shoes and makeup. But I walked out and I saw violet, " excuse me but do you know where I could find this one girl, she has like a little bit of short hair brown, pale." I laughed and said, " violet it's me."

Her mouth dropped open, "omg, Haley. That's you. I didn't even recognize you." I laughed and said, " what's up?" She then said, " so Juliet wanted me to ask you to meet her by the east wing of the stage. And when did you do this. It looks- omg it looks bold. In a good way." I laughed and we started to walk, " I did it this morning, and I just got back." We got to the east wing of the stage and I saw Juliet, " hey Juliet, what's up?" Her mouth dropped open, " Haley. You look wow. Girl you are bold."

I laughed and said, " that is what violet said, but she mistakes me for another person." She laughed and said, " so tonight are you doing anything?" I shook my head no, " okay so violet, Haley. Me, Andy, Jake, cc, ash, and jinxx are going to go out tonight. Would you guys like to come with?"

I heard violet say, " sure. Haley?" I replied, " I am going to stay back tonight. I have to talk to someone. Well catch up but you go ahead." She nodded and said, " okay well my set is in a hour so good luck tonight guys." She got up and walked away and so did violet, so I walked over to the side. And I got my phone out and texted him back.

" hello, so I am not busy anymore. May I ask what you wanted to talk about?" He quickly replied, " yes, so we were wondering if you wanted to be a opening act for the next tour, it would be if you said yes, it would be you, palaye royale, and crown the empire." I was shocked and I don't know for sure so I texted back, " I am not sure to be honest, when would the tour be or start?" I waited a minute, and he texted back, " two weeks after you finish that tour with brides and asking." I thought okay, so two weeks that would give me enough time, and I could always try to get a few more hours in but I am still not sure.

" okay I will do it." I then saw three texts fly to the page, " okay that would be great. Thanks." " don't worry the only wild one is Remington." I laughed and he then said, " I am not wild, that is you and Sebastian." I just laughed and I looked out. Then shut my phone off. I still had to practice for tonight. But my set for tonight would be.

Set list:

Living in this hell

Shattered wings

Scream love hate


Get well by icon for hire

So I wanted to do a cover for tonight but I chose a song by icon for hire since I love the band and I wanted to do something bold. But I practiced that and I felt pretty good. But I was excited for the next tour but I had to let violet know. So I texted her to meet me by the side of the stage. I then heard running footsteps. I saw violet running towards me, " what's up?" I smiled and said, " so I suggest that after this tour you keep your bags packed." She said, " what?" I smiled and said, " after this tour we are going on tour with palaye royale, and crown the empire."

She gave me a hug and said, " when did this happen?" I laughed and said, " just a minute ago. I was texting Remington, and he asked, and the others agreed to this. But I agreed. So I am seriously going to rent a rv the next time." She nodded and said, " so you have a half and hour before you play so you know what you want to play right?" I nodded.

So I was really happy. And to be honest I did want to change my name. I mean like permanently. Now don't get me wrong I do like my name but I wanted something different. So I was debating on going with scar knight, or scar legend. But I was still pondering about it. But a half and hour passed by and I walked over to the side and Juliet finished, and we started to set up. But I wanted to do a bold move so in the middle of the set I was going to use a wireless cord for my guitar, and a mic that I guess would be kind of attached to my face.

But this would all make sense during my set. But we finished setting up and violet went to the drum set, and I walked over to the middle of the stage. But we started to play the first song and our first song was a new one and it was living in this hell. I wrote this about my past and the demons I faced. But the message for it is to say that you are never alone through the toughest problems. You have the strength to fight. And don't let people say you can't do it.

But we got through two songs and then we got to our third. And our third one was scream love hate. This was what I had to deal with when I was in high school. And the hell I went through and that I felt like the strings of a puppet. But I was happy and dancing around then I did the most stupidest thing I jumped off the stage and into the crowd. So I fell into the pit and well I blacked out this was the most stupidest thing I have ever done.

I woke up back on the stage and I felt pain all over, but I ignored it and I think I skipped the whole song and I just went to the last, get well. I sang my heart out and I ignored the pain. But I did a bold move which ended up being the most fucking stupid. But we finished the set and I walked off in fucking pain. So I saw a few bruises form on my arm, stomach, and my chest. So I saw an met here and I wasn't sure why but he checked me out and said, there is nothing broken. He said, " you are really lucky my friend. Just I suggest you never do that again." I nodded and he then said, " okay well just take it easy and keep ice on the bruises, the will go down for swelling."

So he told me that and then walked away, so I saw Juliet, danny, Ben, Sam and violet come up to me. I swear violet is going to kill me, but I let them ramble on. Then Juliet said, " okay what the fuck were you thinking?" Violet cursed at me. I said, " I do not know." Juliet then said, " okay you are worse than Andy." I rolled my eyes, and said, " I do not have any broken bones, and besides I am not sane."