ch.27: are you crazy?

So they were still yelling at me then brides finished their set and then I don't know who they did this but, cc, Jake and jinxx said, " what the hell were you thinking?!" I laughed and said, " I don't know but I do not have anything broken." There mouths dropped, and I just laughed, " what this wouldn't be the first time I fucked something up." Violet smacked me in the back of the head, " what?" Then Andy said, " okay so you might be crazier than me." I laughed and said, " I fell of a ATVin the fifth grade and it left only a black eye and a scar on my eyebrow."

They looked at me shocked. " I told you guys I am not sane." I laughed a little and then cc said, " okay you are one crazy girl. What else did you do?" I laughed and said. " in preschool, I fell three feet off a playground. And I cried for five minutes. With nothing broken."

So we were talking about the type of stupid things we did, and I did have one question, " Andy can I ask you something?" He nodded, " so remember when you broke your ribs. May I ask what you were thinking like no offense but why do it?" He laughed and said, " to be honest I don't know why and I don't know what I was thinking. But I saw the videos and I just flopped over. Just I suggest not trying to jump from marble to more marble." We laughed and I said, " okay but I do not think I will do that."

So we talked a little longer then they went out. I stayed back and checked my twitter and insta. But I got a YouTube notification and I clicked on it and it was a video of me doing what I did tonight. I sighed and commented, " I don't know what I was thinking. But at least I do not have anything broken in my body."

I posted that and I read the other comments I saw a few that said. " okay I think this is kind of stupid but I hope she is okay that was a nasty fall." I read another, " yikes I wish I went to night. But I am now glad I didn't. I just hope she is okay. Hope you feel better Haley." I smiled and these people were so supporting and I was going to post a video to YouTube. So I went outside and got my phone out.

YouTube video:

Hi guys, it's Haley. And I know I haven't posted in a long a time but I have been really busy. But I just want to say that I am okay nothing is broken. If you went to the concert tonight or if you have been in the previous thankyou guys for coming. But if you were at the concert tonight and you saw what happened. I do not know what I was thinking. But I am okay, and I did black out for a moment but I left with only a few bruises and no broken bones. And I have never had anything broken before. But I just want to let you know. So and if you are a fan of crown the empire or palaye royale, go check out their social media and follow them. That would be great but I think this is it.

Wait okay so I do have one more thing, I am debating on making either an EPA or album, but what should I title it. Leave your words in the comment section below. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, and follow me on my twitter and instagram. I will leave those in the description below. But thank you guys see you later. Bye.

End of video

So I posted that and I put my social media accounts in the description and I was super tired so I headed to bed.

After tour

Okay so it has officially been a week after tour and I am getting ready for the next but I am going to this one place right now because I have gotten a album done. And there is a little tweaking but, I have almost finished, and I did this on my own. With the help from violet. She used to work for a college in Arizona. And she was a major in technology. But we got that done at twelve last night. And right now I am going to get a new tattoo with her. Because she doesn't have any. But we have decided that we are going with caged virus for this album title, and there is going to be twelve songs.

But the front of it is going to be this like zombie burned face, and this like apocalypse background. And I drew an outline but she did the coloring and the shading. But right now we are headed over. And I already said that sorry. But the tattoo we are going to be getting is for me going on my shoulder and her it is going to be on her right shoulder. But we are going to get this album title and the type it is going to look like, well to put it this way the letters of it are going to look like it is melted.

But we got there and I called in a day early and I went to this place where I got my two tattoos. But me and vio,etc walked in and I saw Justin, and he works part time here, so I said, " hey Justin. How's it going." He gave me a hug and said, " good." He looked over to violet and he stuttered, I snickered a little and he said. " h-hi, I'm Justin." She smiled and said, " violet."

But he asked, " okay so how was tour?" We walked to the back and violet was going to go first, but I said, " good. We have to go again next week." He looked at me shocked, " lucky you do know that you are becoming famous around here." Violet smiled and I replied, " well I won't let it go to my head." So violet held my hand and this girl was about to turn it black and blue. I then heard Justin ask, " so no offense what happened in philly?" I sighed and violet laughed, " I don't know what I was thinking. To be honest."

But this was going for an hour and then it was only a half and hour left so it wasn't much but I thought it looked really cool. And violet was a chicken but I really can't say anything because that is how I was. But me violet Justin and Lauren. So we haven't hung out in a while and we went out to get ice cream. And I haven't had it is forever. But we were talking and Lauren asked, " okay so who you going to on tour with?" I laughed and I ate my ice cream, and violet said, " don't get a brain freeze."

I laughed and said, " well we are going on tour with crown the empire and palaye royale. So I am super happy about it." She smiled and we talked for a little while longer and well I was happy but I was dreading one day that was coming up in may.

So this would be three months for tour since we are going to be across the country. I was daydreaming about if I ever found another guy. I knew there was one out there for me but I was thinking about this one. He was my ex highschool boyfriend. Chris, he understood me, and he cared for me. We were perfect together then I heard my phone ring.

I picked it up and said, " hello?" I heard the other line, " Haley." I swear I almost dropped my phone. But I said, " Chris?" I felt a tear escape. And he said, " hey." So there was this pause but I replied," what's up?" I got up and went over to somewhere a little more private.

Conversation: Chris and Haley

C: nothing much you?"

H: not really.

C: how have you been?

H: good. You

C: no

H: why?

C: I miss you.

H: I Chris, I miss you to

C: Haley. I have been a mess without you.

H: Chris I, I don't know what to say.

C: could we possibly meet up somewhere? And catch up on things?

H: I I don't know. I don't live in Indiana anymore

C: what do you mean? Where do you live now?

H: Los Angeles California

C: damn girl what are you doing out there

H: living my dream

C: okay,are you busy Saturday.

H: I only have to do an interview. But why?

C: I could possibly fly out there

H: I don't know I still have to pack

C: please

H: you are doing puppy dog eyes aren't you

C: yep.

H: fine. But beware of cat

C: thank you. And beware of what?

H: ghost she is my little kitty

C: okay well I will see you Saturday

I hung up the phone and I was on cloud 9. But I walked back over to where the others are and I didn't realize that my face was red as fiery hell. But Lauren said, ". Oh, why you so blush?" I laughed and said, " I am not blushing I am just a little warm." Violet said, " you're a terrible liar Haley." I looked down then said, " okay my ex is coming to visit me Saturday." All I heard was aw. But I said, " and I have a weird feeling he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend again." They awed again and I said, " please stop. It is not cute."