ch.28: i say hell yes


So I had to dress up and today I had to do an interview with hot pic and I was super happy about it. But I wanted to dress up a little. And by that I mean me not wearing a dress. But I was going to wear my black combat boot heels, ,y black and white stripe skinny jeans, my slipknot tank top. And my fallen jacket. But I did my hair straight and kind of the way I did it back in my freshman year of hell. I mean high school. But I found my one beanie and I threw that on and my makeup was only eyeliner.

But I grabbed my purse keys and wallet. And headed out to my car. I said, " bye my little kitty be good." I am so glad I have her. She is the most sweetest cat ever. And I still slightly feel bad that I got her declawed. But I had good intentions though. She was destroying everything, she kept scratching me. And well she kept nibbling on the couch. And well I headed over to hot topic and I was super happy.

But I got there after a while, and I parked my car then walked inside. When I got inside I saw these two girls and they were whispering and well I ignored it but, I end to the front and she recognized me, " hi Haley. You are just in time. Follow me." So we went to the back and there was this lounge area. And I sat down and she said that there was going to be a different person. And she had to get him.

But I just waited a moment and then she came back, so this guy looked very familiar. And then I heard his voice so this was really cool and I kept my sanity. But his name was Justin. I smiled and he asked, " is it okay if we film this for youtube." I nodded, " yeah. I am fine with it."

So they set up the camera and we started rolling. " what's the worst trouble you got in to at school?" I laughed and said, " I was actually a really good kid. As crazy as I am." " favorite holiday memory?" I said, " no. But favorite holiday would be Halloween." I laughed and the next question was a little touchy, " favorite memory with family?" I politely asked, " could we move on to the next please." They nodded and said, "first concert?" I smiled and said, " Motley Crue. And poison. Best night ever." I laughed." so this went on for about forty-five minutes. But I thought it was cool.

When we were done they said, " do you have anything to say?" I replied, " just that stay true to yourself and be who you are and don't let anyone stand in your way. You are strong and independent." I smiled and they shut off the camera. But we talked off camera for a moment then I got a text from Chris and he said, " hey so I just landed and where do you want to meet?" I smiled and said, " the sunset strip."

So I said, " sorry to cut this short, but one thank you for having me, and I am gonna go, but thanks agian this was really fun. And also I love your store. I get all of my clothes from here. But I have to go meet up with my friend." They gave me a group hug then I headed over to the sunset strip. And well I was there before him thank god.

But after five minutes he texted me, " hey I'm here where are you?" I smiled and I said, " okay I am by the field, during the summer they have a stage. But you are close. See you soon." So after a few minutes I saw him walking and I just smiled and I walked to him to meet him halfway. I took off my jacket since it was getting warm out. And he saw my tattoos and his mouth dropped, " what haven't you ever seen a girl with tattoos before?"

He smiled and said, " so how's everything going Haley?" I smiled and said, " well pretty good? You." He nodded and said, " so what brings you out here to California?" I smirked and said, " my dreams." He smiled and we stopped for a moment and he asked, " that is good. But Hale-" I was cut off by the song immaculate misconception screaming what the fuck. I laughed and I looked at the screen and it read violet.

I asked, " I am sorry can I take this for a moment it's my manager." He sighed and nodded his head. I walked away a little, " hey vi what's up?" I heard her reply, " okay so one I may or may not have booked you a show tonight at the music theater in san francisco." I also sat dropped my phone. I said, " what? How did you do that?"

She said, " I have my ways. So how's things going so far." I sighed and said, " I am with my ex at the sunset strip right now." She said, " oops sorry I just wanted to tell you. And tell him I said hi. And he hurts you I hurt him." I laughed and said, " okay I will tell him. Later violet." I hung up the phone and he said, " everything okay you kind of screamed?" I laughed and said, " everything is good. By the way how many days are you staying?"

He thought for a moment, " probably until Tuesday. Why?" I smiled and said, " are you doing anything tonight?" He shook his head no. I grinned like an idiot. " okay well would you like to go to a concert tonight?" He smiled and it was cute. But he replied, " sure that sounds like fun." I had to text Juliet to ask her something.

So me and Chris went over to the food area and it had a bathroom he said he would be right back. Perfect time for me to ask, I got my phone out and texted her, " hey Juliet are you busy tonight?" She replied, " no me and Andy were just going to stay in. Why what's up?" I replied, " I was wondering if you could do me a big favor?"

ASo he got back and I explained the details to her, but me and him talked for a little while longer and it was getting late and I had to get ready for tonight. So I said, " hey Chris I am gonna head back to my place to get ready for tonight. Where are you staying for tonight? He said, " a hotel near by." I wanted to be polite and I had a air mattress and I could sleep on that but I wanted to surprise him so I said, " oh, okay. I am going to go text me if you need me. See you tonight."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek which left a purple print on it. I saw him blush and I walked away. I was going to make him run for his money. But I went back to my apartment and I still had to pick a offutt. But I got back and I had to ask for help. So I texted, Juliet, violet, Lauren, and inna. But I asked if they could come over and they immediately said yes.

But I wen to read to my closet and I was happy. But I heard a knock on my door and the cat meowed, I picked her up and went to answer the door, " hey girlies. Come in but beware of cat. Are any of you allergic?" They shook their heads no. So we went over to my closet and I had to explain the details. " okay girl spill." I laughed and said, " so Chris is my ex, and we went to highschool together and well to put it this way. We are an on off relation. But he understands me. He cares for me. He stays on my dad's good side. But right now I don't know what to wear I am a fashion train wreck."

I flopped on the bed and I changed my mind, " not a train wreck a fashion shipwreck." Inna and Juliet went to my closet and after a moment they came back out with a offutt. I didn't even know I had that. But it was a small goth skirt, my black demonia boots, and a New Year's Day shirt. I smiled and said, " I love it. It has an edge yet cute as hell." We laughed and Inna say, " so could we go with I want to meet him. He seems nice." I smieled and then Juliet said. " please I think Andy can get out of the house. He has been super bored ever since tour ended. Which is really kind of demeaning." I nodded yes, " yeah that would be okay. Just it is in San Francisco."

So there eyes widened and they all said, " well let's get you all sexy for tonight." I laughed and I leant them a few things. And so it was it, tonight I was going to show myself to the world as this girl who crowd dived into the pit. Great. But hey atleast I get to spend it with friends.

But we all got dressed and so we all looked like goddesses. I swear. But I smiled and this was real. But I saw violet check her phone and she said, " oh shit it is five and you play at seven so we needed to go." We all flooded to the outside but I brought my black guitar and I changed the strap to red. But we got to my car and I was going to drive them to there and it was only an hour so it was because I was speeding a little thank goodness I didn't get a ticket. But we got there and we ran inside, and I went to the back stage. And along with the others. But I saw black veil, and part of asking. It was danny, Ben and Sam. So I smiled and said, " hey guys."

When I walked over with the others there mouth dropped, I just laughed, and said, " close your mouths you will catch flies" they did, but I heard my name being called, " Haley?" I turned to see Chris, he looked kind of cute. But he was wearing black skinny jeans and a tank top. With a black shirt. I walked over to him and said, " hi."

I saw him blush. And this is the most I have ever seen this boy blush. But he said, " hi." Then violet tapped my shoulder, " so you must be Chris. I am violet, Haley's manager and friend." She put her hand out and he shook it but she brought his ear close, " you hurt her and I will hurt you got it?" He pulled back and nodded.

I alighted and said. " guys I want you to meet someone." I walked over and said, " so this is Chris. My high school ex boyfriend." He waved hi, and I saw shock in his eyes. " this is Andy, ash, cc, Jake, jinxx, Danny, Ben, Sam, Juliet, Inna, Lauren, and violet." He waved hi and brought me over he was about to say something, " I will explain later." I then heard violet say, " Haley you're on in three." I nodded and pulled out my guitar. I smiled to Juliet, and she smiled back. So that was our cue. Well code I would say.