ch.29: wild child

So I went on and I saw Chris was standing in the crowd. And I was smiling but I got through two songs and this next one I had Juliet help me. So i said, " okay everyone, I have a very good friend of mine, who is an amazing girl, and a really strong singer, please help me welcome. Juliet Simms." She walked out and I gave her a mic. She said," damn this has been a long time since I have been out here. So Haley what song do you want to sing?"

I smiled to her and we both had that look in our eyes, " wild child okay?" She said, " that was what I was thinking let's hit it." I started to play and I loved this song but she started to sing and I joined in after a few lines but I saw the look on Chris's face, it was star struck. But we sang another song together and this was really cool. But the last song of the night I wanted to sing I was going to play piano. And it was careless.

I think the title of the song explains a lot. But I brought out a grand piano and Hooked up the mic. I said," okay so far thank you everyone for tonight. I couldn't thank you guys enough. And thank you to everyone how is supportive. This next song I wrote for a special person in my life, and I miss her each and every day. I lost my mom in 2017 I was fifteen. And well I am sorry." Shit i was going to cry. " sorry but this next song I wrote in memory of her. Hope you like it. This is careless."

I started to play and I felt a few tears fall, but I had a really good night. But I got to the one part and I added in this I would think piano chord, and it went beautiful. But I finished after a moment. And I had my makeup smeared. And I couldn't help but to cry. I got done and got up and I saw people holding lighters and phones. This meant the world to me. I just wish I had her here. I miss her so much.

But I walked off after thanking everyone who came out. And I wiped away my tears and my makeup smeared like hell. But Chris walked over and gave me a hug. And the. It became a big group hug. And they pulled back, and I saw a few of the guys faces hold in a laugh, " go ahead and laugh I could careless." I wiped away most of my makeup.

And we talked for a little while longer then I left and I still had to finish packing but I had to leave Monday. And I had to quit my job because with me traveling, and I am missing work. I don't know if I can. But I think I can fend for my own. But I was walking out of the venue and then Chris caught up to me. He yelled, " Haley wait up!"

I turned around and said, " yeah?" He said, " tonight. You were amazing." I blushed, " thank you Chris." So I know this will sound like movie but we literally stared into each other's eyes. And then he made a move a kissed me. At first I was taken aback but I just kissed back and what I didn't fucking realize was that my foot went up and I had to catch air so I pulled back. And I said, " wow." I blushed and why do I have a weird feeling that violet is doing a happy dance right now.

But he said, " Haley please don't leave." I blushed like mad and said, " but I have to go on tour Monday." He sighed, then I thought we'll never mind. But I got an idea. After tour me and him could catch up, and see where it goes from there. Just I really did miss him I just wasn't going to be an idiot and beg.