ch.30: middle days

Third week of tour

So it is now three weeks into the tour and I am loving it. I get to see the country and perform with my best friend. And well I was really thinking on changing my name to be honest. But I do know what I am doing next week, getting another piercing. I was going to get angel bites. I have been thinking about it so I just said heck with it. But I think this is the most fun I have ever had on tour. Besides me this is only the second one, but the last one was fun. But this tour is going well. I now have a fan base the knights. I did change my name for the stage. But I wasn't sure if I should keep it that way. But, I have a fan twitter now. And five hundred subscribers on my channel.

So this is a big deal for me because one I wanted to live my dream, two I wanted to make my mom proud, three, I want to give back to the world. But I have met, so many fans. And well I did almost get mauled by violet. I thought that was funny though. And right now we are going to Indianapolis. So I am super happy and if we have an off day I want to go visit my dad. I missed him a lot. But I do have news, my cat died, and I was super bummed out and I try not to think about it but she died from eating gum. I don't know where she got it I didn't know I owned any.

But she got into it and ate the whole pack. And apparently she was hyper and her insides were racing and well I think you get the point. But to better news we are at the venue.

So I got out of the rv. And it was hooked to the back of my car so I only had to lug it around. And me and violet took turns driving, but we kept the music equipment in the car and we have two bunks in the rv, so that helped a lot but we have a kitchen I cook a lot. But if we have the chance to stop I want to go to this one marketplace, they have a few food items and others but they make all of it from scratch. But if we get the chance I want to stop there.

So I texted my dad and said, " hey dad. Just saying hey, I love you and miss you." I hit sent. And I have been writing a new song, and it doesn't have a title yet but I do have the lyrics finished. And all I need is the music. So we still had a lot of time and well I got my guitar out of the back and I brought both of them with. But I just practiced for a moment then got creative ideas.

I practiced that for about an hour, and then I heard violet say, " Haley get ready doors open in a half and hour." I yelled back, " okay. Thanks." So I went to the rv to grab my stuff and I wanted to bring a memory back and so I wore my black skinny jeans, brides shirt, combat boots and tied my hair up and I put on my glasses. I wasn't going to wear makeup. But I did that and well I got a text from my dad and it said, " I love you and miss you to. And good luck tonight you will do great." I smiled, I missed him so much.

But I grabbed my blue guitar and headed inside the venue. So me and vi already had the stuff inside. But I walked in and they were letting people in and holy shit that is a lot of people. But I walked behind stage and found violet. But me and her were talking for a while.then violet told me to turn around, and omg I saw my dad I ran up to him and gave him a big hug, and I slightly crushed him. But he said, " I miss you to."

Violet came over and I looked to her and said, " did you know he was coming?" She nodded yes, " yeah she told me and gave me a ticket. But I missed you Haley." I smiled and I gave him another hug then I grabbed violet pulling her into a hug. And she squeaked. I laughed and I released her from the hug. And we were talking for a little while then I heard violet say, " hey girly you have two minutes to go." I nodded and said, " I will see you in a minute dad. I love you." I gave him an awkward hug and then grabbed my guitar. So my set was the same but I was going to swing wild child tonight and I was happy about it. But I was hoping this set would go okay.

So surprisingly it did go well and I was really happy, but I finished my set and walked off, I saw my dad and he had this big dumb grin on his face. So here's me thinking, oh shit what did this boy do now. So I walked over and said, " what did you do now?" He said, " I didn't do anything." He paused and I was about to speak then he said, " yet."

I looked him in the eyes and said, " exactly yet." We laughed and this always happened, but it was a minute and then crown the empire had there set. And they were really good but violet left for a moment and I saw my dad stare me down, I completely forgot that I had my piercings and tattoos, exposed. He said, " so anything new lately." I looked down and said, " shit." He laughed and said, " Haley may I see?" I took off my jacket and rolled up my sleeve. But I told him, " the one on my wrist is in memory of mom, and the one on my shoulder is lyrics from the song puppets by motionless in white."

And I was terrified to tell him about my piercings. But he said, " nice, and when did you get your ring?" I smiled and said, " last tour in Chicago." He smiled and said, " okay." I was shocked and I slightly whispered screamed, " and your not mad?" He shook his head no, " no you kind of look okay with them I am not happy that you did it, but I can deal with it." I smiled and gave him a hug, " thanks dad." I then heard my name called, " Haley?" I looked over to see Remington and sebastian. I said, " hi. What's up?" So they walked over and Remington said, " so we are going to go out tonight, we were wondering if you and violet want to come with?"

I politely said, " I am gonna stay back but I am not sure about violet, I haven't seen my dad in a while ever since I moved to cali. But thanks though." I smiled and they said, " hi. I'm Remington." He shook his hand, and Sebastian said, " hi I'm Sebastian." So I take it my dad had no clue who they were, " hi, I'm chuck." I laughed and said, " he is my crazy dad." I saw a smile slightly appear. And I told my dad, " yes they are brothers? Right?" They both nodded yes the Emerson came over and said, " hey Haley. Hi, I'm Emerson. The non crazy one of the group." Sebastian and Remy looked to him and he said, " okay since when are you then non crazy one."

I laughed and said, " I am gonna go for a moment I will be right back. Good luck tonight guys." So I forgot my phone and I went to put my guitar away in the case and so I can take that to the car. But I was about to walk back inside but I saw something happening. And well I did what my instincts do I went over to see. So I moved like a mouse, and I hid behind the wall and well I this girl she was about my age and she was getting mugged. So I sneaked behind the prick and brought him into a choke hold I swear I wanted to make him pay, I told the girl, " run. And go get help." She nodded and ran. The man got out of the choke hold and almost choked me to death