ch.31: i am stronger than you think

I waited a moment and th kicked the ass hole in the face. He stumbled back and I was ready to fight. No one should do that. He said, " you are so weak. You can't even put up a fight." That pissed me off and well I socked him in the ja. I laughed and I kept fighting, I screamed, " I am stronger than you'll ever be you fake ass prick." I kept punching him in the face and I did until he was knocked out. I then heard a few people running, and I saw, two security guards, violet and my dad.

I got up and I saw my hand was disfigured and bloody, I smiled and said, " so he's out cold." Two secretly guards picked him up and he was out cold, but my dad came over to me and said, " are you alright?" I nodded and said, " yeah I am okay. Just my hand hurts." I moved my arm and showed him. He gasped, " damn Haley. What the heck did you do to it?" I laughed and said, " I beat the shit out of that guy. He was trying to mug this girl and she looked like she was thirteen or fourteen."

He said, " I am just glad you are okay." I smiled and the guard came back, and said, " thank you, so we are going to let the police deal with him but he won't be back for a while. But it does seem like he has some damage, broken nose, busted lip. And a black eye." My dad's expression went from sad to holy shit. I giggled a little. But he saw my hand and said, " I can take you to the first aid station we have here." I nodded okay and said, " violet I will be okay just the- wait call if you need anything."

We walked over to a room and it was a first aid station but I sat down and he said, " so can I touch it?" I nodded and he lightly did I didn't feel anything. I laughed and said, " well I don't feel anything." He said, " okay I am gonna try to clean the blood off, so one moment." He went over and grabbed a wet cloth, and he was very gentle, and he seemed like he was young twenties maybe. But he was wearing a wedding ring and I smiled, I said, " so is it broken?" He sighed and said, " sadly yes. I can see that there are two bones in your hand that are broken, index finger dislocated, and your hand is not supposed to look puffy and black and blue."

I laughed and said, " I think I might get something good out of this?" He looked at me and I continued, " this is the first time I have ever broken a bone. So I guess this will be a weird yet good memory." He laughed and he wrapped it in a bandage. And it was fucking cold, I don't know why. But I guess that s what I get for breaking my hand.

So he then said, " okay so you are not going to be able to play for about six weeks." I looked at him like the fuck. " can I still sing?" He said, " yes but I suggest that you don't try to move it much. And getting it checked out at the nearest hospital. This will just be like a cushion for now." I sighed and said, " well thank you." He said, " no problem. I am used to this because I have seen many people sadly get hurt, like in the pit. I broke my foot in the pit and now I have problems with it."

But I got up and walked out and to my car. I heard someone scream my name, " Haley!!!!" I laughed and turned around to see Remington, sebastian, Emerson, and violet. " hiiiiiiiiii!!!!" I screamed back. They ran to give me a hug and I tried to protect my hand and said, " please watch I fucked up my hand." They pulled back and violet looked at me glaring fake lasers into my eyes.

I said, " violet, lasers will not come out of your eyes." But I heard Remington say, " what did you do to your hand?" I looked down and giggled, " nothing much. Just got into a fight." I heard him gasp, " damn girly." I laughed and said, " well I went back to my car to put my guitar back and well this prick was trying to mug a fourteen year old. So I did what my instincts told me to do." They looked at me like what? " I beat the shit out of him." I saw violet's face go to complete shock.

" I have learned to stand up for myself, and I have grown strong. And besides I still live with my demons." So after a silent pause, I heard Sebastian say, " well we are going to go out and violet is coming so do you?" I wanted to spend time with my dad and I haven't seen the dogs in a while, I declined, " I am going to stay back and visit my dad I haven't seen him since I moved but thank you for the offer but I am going to stay back."

They nodded and I heard Emerson say, " okay well call if you need us. And hope your hand gets better Haley. Later." I smiled and they walked away so I had a weird feeling that my dad went home, and well I went in the rv and I was mauled by Buster and daisy, I smiled and I was ecstatic, " hi guys. What are you doing here?" I looked up to see my dad, Ashley, and Alexis. I was crying happy tears and I said, " hi what are you guys doing here?" Ash said, " well I missed you." And Alexis said, " I wanted to visit."

I gave them a hug but I then remembered my hand and I cursed. " fuck." They looked at me then to my hand, back to me then my hand and my dad saw, " what did you do?" I smiled and said, " so funny story actually." Ash said, " spill." I laughed awkwardly, " I broke my hand and dislocated my index finger. And I can't play for six weeks. But that is not going to stop me." Ash smacked me in the back of the head, " why did you do that?" She exclaimed, I then said, " so this is just a bandage could we go to the hospital and have them check it out. It hurts like hell."

My dad sighed and said, " let's go to the car." Buster and daisy blocked the door, I laughed and said, " Buster daisy I screw up my hand and I will be right back. Okay. I love you bugs." So they moved out of the way and we went to the truck and went to the nearest hospital, and it wasn't far thank goodness. But we walked in and I said, " hi so I am just going to say this bluntly. I fucked up my hand, and it is broke."

She got up and slightly laughing, and she said, " okay well you are right it is broken. I will take you to a room and have the doctor check it out." We walked into a room and I waited for a moment, and then I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and it was Chris. I smiled and hit decline and told ash, " can you do me a favor, grab my phone and text I in hospital, broke hand from fight. Emoji smiley face." She looked at me like, " why the smiley face?" She typed it in and I read it and it was okay, " okay send it. Please." She did and then the doctor came in. " hi, I'm Linda. I hear that you damaged your hand."

I nodded yes and she checked it out, " yeah, I am sorry but you will be in a cast for six weeks." I laughed, " that is what the one guy said." She looked at me confused, " the security guard at the venue." She then nodded, and said, "okay so what color?" I smiled and said, " they have color? Then again I have never broken anything do what colors?" She pulled a bin out and said, " neon, pink, yellow, red, balked, blue, purple-" I accidentally cut her off. " sorry purple please." I smiled and saw my dad smirk. So purple was my moms favorite color.

And it reminded me of her. But she said, " okay I will go get the gauze." I laughed and she left, so my dad was about to talk, " yes I did it for a memory." He smiled and gave me a hug. And then the doctor came back and she wrapped it and we had a small conversation. " so have you broken a bone before?" I replied, " no. This is the first time."

She looked at me shocked, " wow. Well let's try not to break anymore." I laughed and said, " I almost broke my ribs by jumping into a pit. Worst decision ever." She laughed and said, " well you are all wrapped up. And Haley next time try not to break any bones." I laughed and said, " yes I will try not to." So we checked out and went back to the venue. So when I got back to the rv, omg so this is why I do not leave the dogs alone. So I found the dogs, laying on the floor with a empty ripped bag of Cheeto puffs.

I laughed so much and this was just fucking hilarious. But I said, " and this is why I don't leave them alone." I got my phone out and messaged violet, sending her a video of what happens, " so this is what happened when you leave these to alone. And this wouldn't be the first time they have done this, but I think we are out of cheetos now. But this is just too funny. And this little monster ate three Christmas ornaments once. But I will explain later."

I sent the video. And I waited a moment and she texted back, and said, "" they are so adorable you didn't steal them did you?" I laughed and replied, " no, they did steal my heart though." I hit send. And then I sat down from being tired and sad. So Alexis literally flopped on my stomach, and I said, " ow what the fuck?" She laughed and asked, " why you depressed?" I sighed, " I can't play for six weeks. And I am really pissed." She got up and gave me a big smile, " what are you thinking?" She smiled and said, " well I could possibly help." I then completely forgot.

So lex used to play guitar and she had a blue acoustic, and I forgot about it. But I then had an idea. " so you remember how to play?" She nodded yes, " but I am a little rusty." I went out to grab my blue guitar, and I came back in and said, " you scratch it you will get hurt. By the dogs." She laughed and I took it out and said, " this is my first guitar. Please be careful." She put the strap around her and I asked her, " okay what do you remember?" She played a few chords and she remembered all of the notes. So I was wondering if we could learn a few songs. So I asked her to play this, and I gave her the paper.

And she is a fast learner. But she played it and I went to the next song and this was the one that I played at the one venue last tour and almost fucked up my ribs and chest. But I said, " okay so do you think you can learn a few of these. And come on tour for until I am healed?" She nodded sure and I also wanted to let her now about the setlist, " oh and also so we play four songs and one cover. So this next one I want to talk to you about it. But the cover for the next set I am wanting to do burned at both ends. But I want to hear your views."

And I had an extra thing to add, " so also preferably rock, alternative, or metal." She nodded and said, " who are you touring with??" She asked me and replying, " palaye royale and crown the empire." She nodded, " okay I will do it I just might need to go back and get a few clothes. I smiled and I was thinking on getting another tattoo. But I wanted it to be a clash between nightmare before Christmas and Alice in wonderland. So I got a piece of paper and I just started to draw.

After a while I heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see violet, and palaye royale. I moved out of the way and said, " hey come in." And all we heard was daisy growling, and Buster happy and running up to them. And I said, " so meet Buster he is the lovey dove one and daisy she is the scaredy cat." I smiled and went of to daisy and said, " come on daisy these are nice people. Friendly."

I pet her and she came out and she started to relax. I smiled and said, " so what's up?" They laughed and violet said, " so what's up with you? Little miss, ' broken hand" I laughed and said, " well I can't play guitar for six weeks." I saw the faces go to shocked, and I said, " I do have a backup plan, my very good friend, Alexis." She waved hi, and said, " so she used to play and well I showed her a song and she catches on fast." They nodded and I forgot, " sorry alexis, this is violet my manager, and friend. We met at the most wonderful place on earth." Her eyes lit up.

She knew what I was talking about. She then said, " you need to tell me about it later, just when did you go?" I smiled and said, " halloweekends, with brides and asking." She smile and then I said, " so this is remington, Emerson, and Sebastian, also know as palaye royale." She smiled and said, " hi. I'm Alexis but call me lex." They smiled and I really think one of these days violet is going to get drunk off her ass.

And I am going to laugh but I would pick her up. " so when do we go to the next venue?" Remington looked to sebastian, and he said, " I think in a hour." I nodded okay, and said, " so I have a question?" They turned their attention towards me, " okay so what was the first amusement park you went to?" I smiled and I was just super happy so I didn't catch what they said, and we spent the next hour just talking and I heard violet say, " Haley. Please come back to reality."

I caught my attention to her and said, " what? Sorry." I heard her laugh, and she said, " Haley I will drive tonight. So you can rest." I gave her a hug and said, " thanks vi." Then Alexis came in on the hug then the others. I just laughed and said, " I think we are crushing violet." Hey released the hug and palaye left and violet went into the front and me and lex stayed in the rv.

So I made a bag of popcorn and me and lex were going to watch airheads. I laughed and said, " so what's going on lex?" She smiled and said, " nothing much so who is this asking for brides you speak of?" I smiled and said, " well they are really good friends of mine. And I showed you them before. Does black veil brides ring a bell?" She shook her head no. And I got out my phone and wine to twitter and showed hr a picture.

She gasped,, " damn. You are friends with those five angels?" I laughed and said, " yeah and the asking boys. They are really cool, but once they have a drink or two they are rowdy." She looked at me weird once again. " asking Alexandria?" She shook her head no and I just said heck with it. But she then asked, " so how was cedar point, anything change there?" I laughed and said, " no not really but guess what is still standing?" She asked, " what ride?" I said, " blue streak." Her eyes widened and she said, " it is still there." I nodded yes, and I said, " oh and guess what haunt came back."

She looked confused, " club blood. I was super happy about that." She smiled and well I explained to her what happened and to every last detail but I saved the best for last.