ch.32: it was funny as hell

So I was saving the best for last, I wanted to tell her what happened when we went on the dragster, " okay ok. So this was fucking hilarious, so me, Andy, cc,jake,Sam , Lauren, Juliet, sami, Ben and Danny went on the dragster. And this was the first coaster we went on when we got in the park." She was trying not to laugh.

" and I waited to let them see what it does, and well we got in line and had to wait fifteen minutes, but I sat in the front with Sam and it went. Me and Sam, Andy and Juliet, cc and Lauren, and then Ben and danny. So we had to get buckled in the Normal shit." We started cracking up, and I said, " so after that we rolled out of the station and I knew it was going to launch. But I knew and I didn't tell them so.

Once it was starting to roll back I slightly giggled but not loud enough for them to hear. But once it launched all you hear is this terrified scream and all you hear is me laughing my ass off, and once we got to the top right. I saw there eyes and it was like a deer in a head light." She laughed and I continued, " and we went back down and I was screaming with happiness. And they were still terrified and I just kept laughing. But we got back to the station and I didn't tell them it took a picture."

She started to laugh, and I explained, there reaction when they saw the picture. I just laughed. But tour was going good so far and I was wanting to get angel bites and I haven't got them yet but the next venue I wanted to get them but my hair color was also fading. And I wanted to do something edgy again, so I am wanting to do a death hawk. But also die it, I am wanting to go with green and black. But a really deep dark green. But I said I wanted to do something edgy. So that is what I am going to do.

Next venue

So we finally got to the next venue and I woke up with Alexis her legs were on my legs and we both looked so weird yet in this comfortable position. But I grabbed my phone and I texted violet and said, " hey violet good morning so could you come here t the back and scare the crap out of lex. She is still asleep and we are both in the weirdest position."

Then I don't know why but I have started to get creative ideas so violet came in and I whispered, " hand me my journal and a pen please??" She did and well I let my hand write new lyrics, so this new song I got an idea from my past and the dream I had. But I was wanting the title to be throne of bones. And I started to write, " I have promised myself, many lies, I am the one I have been waiting for, I have Been livening this damn nightmare, it cages me inside my head. I am never the one, to say I have one piece left." That was all I got to but I did want to finish before the next show.

But tonight I was going to go with a Lzzy hale inspired outfit. And me having a broken hand won't stop me from playing at a show. But tonight I did have my set list planned out.

Set list

I won't break

Shattered wings


Hell above

I am the fire

So tonight I wanted to do something and well I did have to explain what was happening. But I thought that tonight, I would play that but violet woke Alexis up with a song from slipknot and she skipped a few parts but I just smiled and the song was in the middle of devil in I. But she woke up screaming and fell off of me, I got up laughing my ass off. But she said, " you do know I will get you back."

I just laughed it off. I know all her tricks. But we had a few hours before the show so I wanted to ask lex, " hey lex do you have any clothes?" She shook her head yeah. So I said, " may I see please?" She nodded and went to grab a bag. And all she pulled out was preppy clothes, and dresses with color. "I am so sorry but I have to do this." I faked gaged. And she said, " haha I knew you would do that so what do I do. I take it these clothes aren't appropriate." I laughed and said, " violet you know what I am thinking?" She smiled and said, " yep get yo ass ready we are going to the best place on earth."

I laughed and said, " okay so lex get dressed and I suggest to wear the most girlies dress you have." She nodded okay but confused. And well I got dressed into my Harley Quinn leggings and a asking shirt. With my combat boots and my fallen wings jacket. I wouldn't want to forget that.