ch.33: part-time makeover

At hot topic

So I got dressed and me and violet came out to see Alexis in the most girlies dress. So this was perfect but it was fucking pink as hell. But I dealt with it and said, " okay. So we are going to a place where we call heaven and you call darkness of the pits of hell. So we take that as a compliment. But we are going to redo you in a metal way. But this will be only temporary." She nodded and I smiled and said, " to adventure."

We flooded out of the rv and I called an uber. But the car took us to the mall and it had a hot topic so that would be good. But we got there and I payed but we flooded out and I said, " okay so lex I understand that sometimes you do listen to rock, and others right?" She replied, " yeah. This is true why?" I looked to violet and she said, " we are taking you to a new level of metal." I smiled and we walked over to hot topic and once we walked in I saw a smirk appear to her face.

But we walked out the cash register, and she said. " hi what can I do for you?" I smiled and said, " so our friend here, is in desperate need of a new wardrobe. And she is going to be helping me for the next six weeks while we are traveling." I put air quotes around it so people don't get too much of the hint. She nodded and said, " okay I can help. What's all of your names?" She started to walk to the back and I said, " I'm Haley, then there're alexis, then violet. And yes Alexis is the one in the very bright dress." She laughed and said. " I can slightly tell. So is there a certain look we are going for?"

I looked to Alexis and she said, " I do not know any of this?" I laughed and siad " well I would think a pair of skinny jeans would be good to start off with." I heard her laugh. " okay follow me and we will see." So Alexis followed her and I looked around and after a while violet came to get me and we saw the one girl walk out and she said, " so I present you the new and edgy Alexis." She walked out in a black pair of ripped skinny jeans, an mcr shirt, choke collar, fake plugs, and a pair of super natural combat boots.

So this is what I did I fake cried, " you had me at the mcr shirt." She laughed and we all did this we put our hands to our heart and all at the same time we said, " 2013" we nodded and it was funny but Alexis asked, " what?" Violet almost lost it. " we will explain to her the worst tragedy yet, later. But I want to say thank you." She smiled and said, " you are welcome." And we just had this wired moment, but Alexis said, " are all skinny jeans this comfortable." I laughed and said, " I love their skinny jeans here. They are so comfortable." So we talked then I had to get her a eyeliner and new makeup pallet. But I also got a pair of plugs.

So we payed and she gave us a discount because I gave her tickets to the next concert. But she was really nice and well we then got back to the venue and it wasn't far thank god but once we got back all I heard was this slightly person screaming, " give it back." I couldn't help but to laugh, but I asked violet, " I take it they are fighting again?" She nodded and said. " I could ask ways text sebastian." I said, " okay but I don't know if it will work." So we walked in and it was almost time for the set so I said. " hey vi did he answer?" She turned to me and laughed, " yeah and he said that Remington accused Emerson of stealing his eyeliner."

I am so sorry but I couldn't help but to laugh. So I did get a new eyeliner so it was still in plastic and I said, " so we have tape and a small envelope?" She nodded, " we do have tape and I could make one?" I nodded okay and I rummaged through the hot topic bag and finally found it. So she made one and gave me the tape, and she asked, " giving him the eyeliner?" I nodded yes.

She said, " good luck." I laughed and said, " don't worry if I have to I have my arm." She laughed and I grabbed it and went over to their bus. And taped it to the side and knocked them went back to mine. I came in laughing. And Alexis asked, " oh no what did you do?" I replied, " nothing I just gave a eyeliner so they would stop fighting." She smiled and said, " that was very nice of you." I smiled and I heard violet laughing at her phone, " what you laughing about violet?" She showed me the text. And it read, " thank you eyeliner fairy. But I found it in my bag." I smiled and I thought that was funny.

But I said, " okay so we have two hours to get ready and practice but here is the list for tonight." I told them and Alexis had one question, " who is halestorm?" I sighed and said, " oh my friend you have so much to learn." But I went to get changed and I was going to wear my black and white stripe jeans, with my leather jacket, heels, and feather earrings. But my makeup was going to be neutral, and my hair I was going to curl it.

So I did that which took an hour. But lex and violet were ready and well I kind of looked weird because of my arm but meh it is not going to stop me from living my dream. So lex was practicing and she knows all of my songs and a few covers along with the one we are playing tonight. But she wore the new offutt we got today. And then we walked out and we looked really good. But I was then tackled by a hug from Remington. I squeaked and he said, " hello my friends." I just laughed and then he asked, " who's the new girl?"

He turned to Alexis and I said, " so we went shopping today and got Alexis a new wardrobe since she is going to be helping me with guitar. Since I fucked up my hand." I saw Alexis blush, and well we walked in the venue and it was already packed with people. And well we had to go on first and well I will admit I knew something was going to happen sooner or later. But for now we had two minutes but I was really confident. But tonight was going to go great.

So we got to our cover and everyone I think I heard were singing along to a few songs. But I thought that was sweet but for now, " hello, everyone. How's everyone doing tonight?" All you heard were screams of happiness, " that is good to hear. So I think some of you are wondering who this lovely friend is over here." I walk over to Alexis and she just blushed, " so this is Alexis and she is going to be with us for the next six weeks since I fucked up my hand. But she is a very good friend of mine and please be nice and have a good welcome for her."

People were cheering and then I went over to violet, " and we have another good friend over here, violet, she is our drummer and my manager and also a very good friend. But really quick who knows what the roller coaster capital of the world is?" We heard a few cheers I laughed and said, " so that is good I meet violet there and me and lex met through our parents. But now we are just this awkward family. I wouldn't trade for the world." Violet came down and away from the drum set and we had a big group hug even with the crowd.

But I then said, " so thank you for that but our next song is by a very great band, halestorm. I am the fire. Sing it with me if you know it." So I had a huge smile on my face and I was really thinking on instead of having a solo career to start a band. But I kind of like having a solo career. This was just running through my thought.