ch.34: i'm living one big nightmare

So we finished our set and I knew this was going to happen. And well so we walked backstage and we saw palaye royale. And they came up to us and Emerson said, " good jobs tonight guys you were really good. And also Haley may I see you hand really quick." He motioned to the one in the cast. He got out a sharpie and wrote on it. Then Sebastian then Remington. I laughed and said, " thanks." Then violet said, " hey Haley so I accidentally forgot to tell you." I looked over to her and she continued, " you have a meet and greet to do so I suggest you get moving."

I laughed and said, " okay but you two are coming with." They nodded and I said, " so I am gonna go but good luck tonight guys you will do great see you later." So we walked to the front and we saw so many people but we stood in this one spot and people were coming up to us like mad. But I was okay with it. But I had a sharpie handy so that would be a back up.

But we had signed a lot of people shirts, bags, sweaters. And a lot more but I thought that was really cool. But I was shocked from one thing, people were giving us fan mail. I thought it was sweet but I would read it later. But that went on for a half hour then this one girl she was probably like fourteen she asked, " hi, I'm Sandra, and I was wondering if I could sign your cast." I smiled and said, " sure, go ahead, here is a sharpie." She smiled and wrote her name and a little message. Then she spoke, " thank you. And thank you for saving my life the other day."

She looked familiar and then it clicked she gave me a hug and I wanted to cry, " Sandra you are welcome but it was an instinct. And also if you ever need to talk to someone text me on twitter. Okay?" She nodded yes, " thank you." I smiled and replied, " oh are welcome and don't forget you are a independent young woman and no one can stand in your way." She smiled and gave me one last hug. Then left.

Okay I felt a tear slip out. And Alexis asked, " you okay Haley?" I smiled and said, " yeah I will explain later." So we finished up then wen back to the rv and we had an off day tomorrow. So that was good but I wanted to have a day to myself and get my hair done. But I was wanting to wait after tour, so I am debating on getting angel bites.

But for now we were going to have a movie night. And the first one to fall asleep will have something wrote on her face. But I made popcorn and put in a horror movie. I can handle them I don't know about the others thought. But tomorrow I am going to go to the nearest salon and or tattoo shop. But for now I was getting tired and violet and Alexis were out after half of the movie. But I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


So I woke up in the middle of the street and I looked to see people in costumes and this didn't seem normal, but I got up and I looked to see my clothes and I was wearing my one offutt I wore in eighth grade to the Halloween dance, I brushed myself off and I looked around, I saw people in costumes. I am guessing it was Halloween. But I wasn't sure, so I went over to ask and I tapped on this kids shoulder. He was probably my age eighteen, and he turned around, his face was bloody and it was like he had fangs. But he hissed at me which made me jump.

I started to back away then I tripped over I don't know what but I quickly got up and bumped into someone, " I am so sorry." She hissed at me to. This was super weird, I then ran to an abandoned house. And I ran inside to see it was clean and looked like it was already moved into. I then felt something drip down, I look to see my arm was bloody. There was a slam on the door which made me run and hide.

I found a spot in this I would think spot hidden behind boxes. I heard this girly voice, " what happened when you saw her?" Then a guy answered, " her scent was different, it has to be her. I just know it." I was a little terrified, but I saw something glistening, and I moved and tried to be quiet, but I picked it up and it was a piece of glass. I then heard the same voice, " quiet I think I heard something." I heard footsteps and I held the glass careful but close. Then the boxes flew away, and I saw two people and I tried to keep quiet, but the one guy said, " I guess this is a little spy. Get up."

I did and hid the glass. He walked closer, and his eyes went black, I was terrified, he laughed and said, " I guess that answer the question. You are afraid. You don't have to be afraid, we have to ask you something well a few things?"

The one girl gripped my arm and dragged me over to this chair. And told me, " sit." I did but dropped the glass, so he then crossed his arms and said, " what's your name stranger?" I paused and said, " Haley. But call me scar." I wasn't going to go down without a fight. " okay scar, what are you doing here in this town?" I shuddered, " I don't know I woke up in the middle of the road. And then I saw people in costumes and this is the costume I wore in the eighth grade. I tried to do a diy offutt and look like Andy sixx, or actual last name biersack."

They looked at me confused then he asked again, " what is the real reason you are here?" I widened my eyes, " listen here ass hole I just told you. Now if you don't mind me asking what the fuck do you want from me?" He growled and got in my face, " don't you dare snap at me human, I am the one asking the questions here. Why are you in this town."

I kicked him in the gut and quickly got up. " I fucking told you already. Now leave me alone." I tried to run but the one guy beat me to the door. " we are faster and stronger than you. Now you will tell us why you are here." I saw his pupils dilate, so I was going to go with his little game. So I told him the same thing. And he sighed and nodded to a small space and I felt these two pair of hands grab my arms. And he snapped, " quit lying!" I smiled and said, " I won't break. I am telling the truth but you are not realizing the reality. I have been to hell and I have dealt with the same damn bull shit."

He slapped me too I guess shut me up but I just started to laugh insanely. I screamed, " I'm not your fucking puppet!" I then knocked him in the head and got out of the grip. And bolted out of there. And I ran as fast as I could.

I ran about a mile and a half, and I couldn't take any more. I then found a park, and I saw three people I ran over there and I saw I don't know why but it was Remington, Emerson and Sebastian. I then paused for a moment and then I heard someone say, " she is over here!" I moved away and then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I tried to squirm, but I heard that same damn voice, " I told you stronger. And I always enjoy a hunt." I blacked out and screamed I don't know what happened, but I felt pain all over.

End of dream

I woke up in sweat and I felt this pain in my neck and head. I saw that the other two were still asleep. So I thought okay. It was just a dream. So I started to move around and I was going to get my hair done and have a day to myself. So I got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans, my flats, motionless jacket and supernatural shirt. So I grabbed my purse wallet, phone and earbuds. And left them a note, " hey went out for a bit see you guys later I have my phone but off later, Haley."

So I left that on the couch and went out so I think we were either in Scranton or still in Ohio. But I didn't recognize this state so I guess it was Pennsylvania. So I called an uber and it was about five minutes but it picked me up and took me to the nearest mall. I saw it was kind of big but it was outdoors I payed the driver and thanked him.

I got out and went to a directory board, and I found a salon and it wasn't far so I walked over there and I walked in and I wanted to do something I have always wanted to do. I was going to do a different look. But I want to dye it red and black. I have always loved those two colors. But I went to there and I saw two people so I went to the desk and asked, " hello I was wondering if I could dye my hair for today?" She looked up and said, " sure what color?" I replied, " I was wanting to do half black and half red." She nodded and said, " so we do have an open one so she can take you now so just go to the back and Ella I am sending- I am so sorry what's your name?" I replied, " Haley." She then continued, " Haley back to you I will text you what the colors are." She yelled back, " thank you."

So I walked back and she smiled and said, " hi, so I'm Ella and so you are wanting red and black. Right?" I nodded and she then said, " okay what side do you want which?" So I replied, " black on the left and right red. Also I was wondering if I could shave the two sides of my head?" She nodded and replied, " so two colors and a death hawk, I like it very unique." I smed and she put the dye in first and my hair was really blond so we could just do the dye. But that would probably have to set for an hour. She then asked, " so can I ask you something?"

I replied, " sure." She asked, " what happened to your arm?" I laughed and said, " I broke it when I was in a fight." She gasped, " it is okay this is the first time I have ever broke a bone in my body so I think it is pretty cool." So about an hour later it washed out and then we dried it. I parted my hair so it would be the same as last time I shaved half of my head. But I just went with it.

So she did and once she got both sides done she asked, " do you want me to take off the short ends of it?" I said, " sure." I was just gonna say heck with it. But it felt so fucking weird. But we got that done and it looked really good. But I thanked her and went to pay, so it was only fifty. But I did want to get a new tattoo. So I went to the nearest one and it was in the mall, so I went over and it seemed nice. But I walked in and it was warmer in there than outside. But I went over to the desk and he said, " hey what can I do for you?" I smiled and said, " I was wondering if I could get another tattoo." He snickered a little and said, " okay do you know what design you want?"

I nodded and I wanted to do the one I drew the other day. But I then changed my mind and I was going to get damaged on my knuckles. I actually am damaged on the inside. So I would get that. But he said, " okay so do you want all black or a color?" I replied, " I will just go with black." He nodded and we went back. He drew it out and I got a text from violet and she asked, " hey Haley it is vi. Where did you run off to. I will text you later and try not to get into to much trouble." I laughed and the one guy came back with the stencil. And I remember wearing my motionless jacket. But he complimented, " I like your jacket." I smiled and said, " thanks."

Just why the fuck do I have a weird feeling violet is going to kill me when she sees me. But he put the stencil on and asked, " okay are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded, " yes. I have always wanted to get a tattoo on my knuckles ever since I was fifteen. I know I sound insane. He laughed and well he did do the tattoo. And this actually didn't hurt. But we were talking and it was kind of funny but I was wondering why he looked kind of familiar. I just ignored it though.

This did take only a half and hour to do but once he finished he said, " there you go. But before you go can I ask why you wanted the word damaged?" I sighed and said, " well it defines me. And I actually am damaged on the inside. But I find ways to cope with it. And I just fight with my demons every day and find a new hope." He smiled and said, " it will get better every day. Don't worry." I smiled and he took me to the front and I payed. So I got an uber to drive me back to the venue. And well I wanted to hide my new one but I knew either way they would find out.