ch.35: don't act like your impressed

So I got back and I saw that Alexis violet and the others were outside. But I tried to sneak into the back and I was in trouble, " Haley Lauren ward what the fuck did you do?" Alexis snapped at me and I sighed, " I didn't do anything Alexis. So why do you have to say my name. You don't act like you're impressed." She growled and came over to me and pointed to my head. I smiled and hid my hands behind my back. " I did that this morning. I have always wanted to do it." Then violet came over and started to tickle me to death. And well this didn't end well. " when did you get that. It is awesome." She grabbed my hands.

And Alexis said, " oh what. Let me see please?" I did and she said, " I like it. When?" I laughed and then Emerson and Remington came over and he said, " hi. So what happening?" He looked at my knuckles and said " nice when" I laughed and said, " this morning. So it is still sore. And I am still fucked up." Lex laughed and she said, " so me and violet have a surprise for you. And think of this as an early bday present."

I sighed and said, " Alexis you do know I hate my birthday." Violet said, " we are taking you out so deal with it. And we do this out of love." They pushed me to the rv. And I heard Alexis scream, " and please wear the offutt we layer out for you." I sighed and went to look what it is. So I found it in my bunk and it was actually kind of cute. It was a music note halter dress. And it had my fallen wings jacket. Black rose crown, and a pair of black heels. So I wasn't sure why they wanted me to wear this.

But I knew if I ask they wouldn't tell me. So I just put it on and I wasn't going to put the jacket on just yet. But I did my hair leaving it down and my hair is curly enough so I did a thin streak of eyeliner, and I put the crown. I then walked out to see violet, Alexis, palaye royale. And Chris. I was shocked and I wanted to cry but I didn't thank god. But I went up to him and gave him a hug.

Then I pulled back and asked, " what, how did you get here?" He laughed and said, " it is good to see you to Haley." I laughed and lightly slapped his arm. So violet said, " so I knew you were telling me about him and well Alexis you explain," she laughed and said, " so Chris here went back to Indiana and I may have borrowed your phone and texted him." I widened my eyes, " how did you figure out my password?" She sarcastically said, " Haley you love the album creatures, how could I not have guessed it is the wallpaper on your phone." I need to change it.

But he then said, " so she said that today you guys had an off day and were near bye. So I wanted to surprise you and well I have missed you a lot." I covered my face so they wouldn't see me blush. And he came closer by me with a black rose, and asked, " Haley will you go out on a date with me tonight?" I blushed like mad and said, " yes." He gave me a hug and took my hand. I grabbed my jacket, and we went out. I heard Alexis whisper, " be good." I gave her fake laser eyes, and she rolled her eyes.

But he walked me out to this black car, and he opened the door and omf. This is too cute. So we got into the car and I was wondering where we were going, " so where are we going mr. being romantic." He giggled and said, " I am not telling you but it is two parts. So it is a surprise." I laughed and we were in the car for about a half and hour and we got to this cemetery and it was filled with lights. And I saw there was the perfect moon light glistening down.

Chris opened the door for me and took my hand. I felt like I was living my very own gothic fairy tale. But we walked over to this blanket. And it was this picnic it was perfect but we sat down and well I was amazed, " this is amazing Chris. How did you do this?" He smiled and said, " well I wanted to do something special for you and I may have pulled a few strings." I was shocked but this was my dream date.

So we talked most of the night and I took off my jacket since I was getting a little warm, he then said, " Haley so I know we have been on and off ever since high school. But I think we have a lot we know about each other and well I miss you, you being there by me, and hearing your laugh." He snickered a little. And replied, " Haley what I guess I am trying to get at is will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh shit was I in tears I got up on my knees and said, " yes." I was crying and I gave him a hug? He gave me a hug back and said, " I love you Haley. With all my heart." I pulled back and smiled, and then he said, " I do have another surprise for you though." I smiedala md said, " oh you were always one for a surprise." He laughed and said, " well they start in a half and hour." Oh okay so I thought okay who are they but then again, we are in Scranton so I don't want to jump to conclusions but I do have a weird feeling.