ch.36: you are the best boyfriend ever

So we talked for a little while then he took me to this I would think theatre. But it was really pretty. And he parked the car and we both walked in and I saw a few people in the main hall and then there was a lot more people in the inner part. But we walked to the side and the front. So he said, " so I may or may not have told a friend of mine that we were coming." I smiled and said, " oh well all I can say is I love you. And I always have." He smiled and gave me a hug. Then I heard music and all I saw was the backdrop go down and I just screamed. " eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!" He laughed and he took me to a motionless in white concert. I had to scream, and he just gave me a hug. And so this was the best.

He is the best but I had a really fun time. And well he and I were really close. I saw a few girls look at him and I don't want to be the clingy one but I gave them a death glare. And they backed off but I saw Chris smile to me and wait I think I have met him before. But there set was really cool. But after a while they met up with us in the lobby.

But we met up and I said, " hi. I'm Haley." They waved hi and Chris said, " hey I'm Chris and I think we met before. The one festival in cali. Right?" I then remembered and I thought this was slightly ironic. But I said, " yeah I remember now. It is good to meet you guys again, you were awesome tonight." Then I think it was Ricky that said, " thanks." I then felt super bad and I saw Chris was slightly speechless. I the. Said, " sorry this is my boyfriend Chris." They waved hi. And I then said, " so this is kind of awkward now." I think it was then Ryan who said," wait aren't you on tour with palaye royale?" I nodded yes and he asked " that's cool how's that going?"

I smiled and said, " extremely good. Since I got to be with this joker." He smiled and said, " yeah and she is my Harley Quinn." It made me blush then I forgot who it was but I swear I need to remember the names, " what happened to your hand or I would think arm?" I laughed and said, " funny story actually. But to put it this way I beat the shit out of a no good prick." They started to laugh, " damn girly I guess you put up a fight." So we talked for a little while and they said that we could text on twitter.

But they are really nice guys and motionless is super shy. But Chris took me back and I thought it was super sweet to what he did tonight. And I said, " I had a really fun time tonight." He smiled and said, " I did to. Thank you. Ms. Quinn." I blushed and said, " I love you mr.j" he smiled and blushed, " I love you mrs.quinzel" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and it made me blush like mad but he went home and I walked in the rv and I didn't care who saw me but I felt on the most highest cloud that you could get. But Alexis asked, " so did he ask?" I smiled and just nodded, I then was dancing around and jumped into my bunk. Once I did I was out like a light.

Next day

So I think it was in the morning but we got to the next venue and I think this is going to be a good night. But I do not know for sure. We will find out though.

So I got up and out of my bunk and I was still super happy from last night. But I did start to feel better. Meaning my hand wise. But I still have to wear this damn thing for another week.

And tour is almost over, and I am going to be very happy but still sad since I have a long distance relationship.

Two months later

So tour ended a while ago. And I still live in L.A. But I have a huge fan base now. And I am still not hoping. NOT, I have my reasons but my birthday is in may. But it is a few days away, and well I do keep in touch with my boyfriend, and a few others, but I don't know why, but I am becoming more secluded to myself. I stay inside more, I am starting to not each, but very little. And well I am pale as a ghost, and well the only thing that is keeping me alive is my music. I play my guitar and people try to knock but I don't answer.

I am becoming more and more depleted, from the outside world. I try to see what the others are doing and if anyone is updated but. I don't know what to do anymore. This has happened before, and well I will say this, when I was thirteen I lived with my mom and well this was a week after, and my mom told me the worst thing possible. She told me a week after on my birthday that my grandpa died. That fucking sucks, and well I have changed, it has changed me. Everywhere I go pain and death follows. When will it end. When will I get to live a normal life. With no worries, no thoughts, no pain, just nothing.

One week later

So it has been a I don't know how long but I have become a hourglass, and my time I don't know just everything is fading away. I have become a mute and have cut myself off from the world. And well I think I don't, well I really don't know what to do anymore. But I then heard a familiar voice scream, " Haley, can you let me in you have been stuck in there for two weeks, were worried about you." I sighed and dragging my zombie self over to the door. And I looked through the little peephole and saw, Juliet, violet, my boyfriend, brides, and Danny.

I sighed and mumbled, " go away?" I looked down and violet said, " Haley please. What's happening? Can we talk?" I mumbled, " just please leave me alone. I don't want to talk. I'm fine." I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a monster, I lifted my shirt and saw my ribs, ever slightly, and then I believe it was Juliet that said, " Haley it's Juliet, look. We are all worried about you. What happened to the crazy fun loving Haley we met, come on. Please Haley." I didn't answer, and I set down the monster, and I knew they weren't gonna leave me alone.

So I then heard my boyfriend, " Haley, my Harley Quinn. Please. Can I at least talk to you. I miss you and I am worried about you. I love you to death. I would do anything for you, please let me in and we can talk." I felt a tear fall, and I took a sip of the monster then set it back down and waddled over to the door, I unlocked it and slightly opened it, and growled, " what is there to talk about?" Chris said, " please Haley, were all worried about you, I just want to see you, I miss you."

I sighed and opened the door, his mouth dropped and I said, " I know I look like a train wreck. But you can come in if you want?" They walked in and it was kind of a dim lighting in the room, and I went over to grab my monster, and went over to the others, " Haley what is going on?" I sighed and said, " nothing why?" Chris came over to give me a hug and he did but he quickly pulled back, " are you okay?" I sighed and lifted my shirt to expose my stomach. All I heard was violet scream and I tuned her out.

Once she was finished, " violet, scream at me all you want. It won't change the way I am, I am damaged and always will be. I have my own demons I have to face violet, I have been keeping them hidden my entire life." I then walked over to my bed and flopped to my pillow. Then I heard a few footsteps and violet sat down, and she said, " Haley I know there is something you are not telling me? You don't have to but-" I cut her off and said, " no it's fine. But it is just a little touchy subject."

So I explained what happens in my childhood, to my teen years to the present day. And all I saw was their reaction to holy crap. And then I finished, " and that is why I am this way, so I told you I have my own demons to face. Each and everyday. And do you know how hard it is for me not to go back to cutting?" They just came over to me and gave me a hug. And then when they pulled back I think it was Juliet that said, " so I am so so sorry you had to go through with that Haley. Just know you are wanted, you have great friends like us. And I know something that might cheer you up?"

I saw violet smile and I said, " what did you do violet?" She just started to laugh, and she smiled, " so do you like comics and horror movies?" I sarcastically said, " yeah who wouldn't?" She laughed and pulled out an envelope, and gave it to me and said, ," would you like to go today?" I opened it and saw three tickets, to comic con. I flipped, out and then I was out of breath, " how the hell did you get these, I thought it was sold out?" She laughed and Juliet said, " we got them in advanced. You wanna go?" I smiled and asked, " what time is it?" She said, " in two hours?" I then said, " okay can you give me two hours to get ready?" They nodded yes.

I ran over to my closet and I thought of something but shit I didn't have a costume, so I will just wear a diy. So I told them, " really quick you can grab anything if you need to go back, it might be a little while. But text if you need me and thank you for letting me talk about my past. It feels good to get hell off of my shoulders."

They walked to the front room and I heard a few people leave and violet stayed, just to keep an eye on me. But she had an offutt with her. But I jumped into the shower and that was about fifteen minutes. But I remembered that I had my wings, so I was going to wear that, my Harley Quinn arkham corset, with my wings and my black ripped skinny jeans. But I took a shower and then did my makeup, I got out my special effects makeup kit and I just started to I guess smear black and red bruise colors. But it looked pretty cool. To put it this way I look like I came out of the morgue.

But I got dressed and I put my wings on and walked out I saw violets eyes go wide, and she said, " oh my god, that looks amazing. Are you ready?" I nodded yes and she was this zombie but I said, " I could do your makeup if you want?" She smiled and said, " sure." So I grabbed my makeup kit and I grabbed the toilet paper. So I told her," just a warning that this will smell horrible. But it works." So she just nodded and I started to do her makeup, and this took I think a half and hour but I then heard a knock so I went to answer the door and I saw juliet's face go flat, " hi Juliet. What's up?" Her mouth just dropped. I laughed and said, " you can come in if you want I am just finishing up violets makeup."