The Confession

Mia had always been the one with the strongest personality amongst us but I couldn't get why she decided to endure what was currently happening. She was strong,bold and open minded and so I really admired her but after getting to know Ben over the past few months,she changed a lot but that didn't mean she would just put up with every nonsense and so that night I went to speak to her.

"Hey Mia, why won't you step up for yourself, as far as i'm concerned, I know you wouldn't just keep quiet for no reason or is there anything wrong in particular" I asked with concern.

" So far nothing is wrong and it's not like I wouldn't step up for myself but I just don't see the need to do so and besides if I get into a fight now and in the future I marry the president, someone would try to create a scandal and by that time I will be labeled as the BULLY FIRST LADY, It would be bad for my husband right ?" she said with a smile.

" Can you be more serious, how can you joke around at this time but it's okay as long as you are good" I said while placing a coffee in front of her.

" Thanks but tell me ,Ben is a dumb ass pretty boy, can't he clarify it himself. Say, is he going to pretend that nothing happened" said Mia slightly annoyed.

" I admit he has to clarify but what do you expect him to say. " I said while looking at her.

" I don't know, I just expect him to say something," she said while lowering her head.

" Actually I think you guys are the same. You clearly like each other but none of you is ready to take the initiative to ask the other one out, but by doing so you are not only hurting that person but yourself.I think it's better to face it head on"I said gently.

" I understand but don't worry, I am going to be fine," she replied .

The door to our room suddenly opened revealing our three friends.

" Tada, I brought some food for you guys," said Rica.

"I thought you guys went to different places but why are you guys coming back together?" Mia asked.

" Yes but we met at the entrance just now. let's not talk about that, I bought you guys some designer bags and clothes" Lea said with glee.

" I didn't buy anything big, I just grabbed us some coffee while coming back" Vicky said as she raised the coffee bag with a disappointed face which made us laugh.

"How can you say it's nothing big, I also grabbed us some food and nothing else" Rica also commented which increased our laughter.

" By the way, the clothes are for tonight's party," Lea added with excitement.

" Wow, you are very thoughtful, we didn't even think of picking clothes for the party. We would have been a total mess tonight" I said with a sheepish smile.

" Girls don't need clothes to be beautiful. After all we are already the IT GIRLS even without makeup and luxury clothes" Mia said confidently.

That night, we took a long time dressing up and truth be told, Lea chose some real badass dresses for the party. Exactly 8:20pm, we left the dormitory for the party. After arriving at the venue, we made a horizontal line style with Mia at the center before entering the venue together. All of a sudden, we garnered the attention of all those present at the party. As the party was at the poolside, we didn't wear lengthy heels.There, we saw Ben and I would lie if I didn't say he looked more handsome and hotter than before. After he saw us, he immediately made his way to us but that clingy cat, Lydia, wouldn't leave him alone. She immediately stood before him and started a conversation but Ben looked rather uncomfortable.

At the same time, Mia was going to explode with jealousy. She then excused herself to the washroom. At the same time,Ben also left Lydia alone after he made an excuse to join us but he was already late because Mia had already left for the washroom and so he had to wait.

"Hey wait , where do you think you are going?" Lydia asked Mia with arrogance.

" Do I have to tell you before entering and leaving the washroom?" Mia asked back, obviously annoyed by the fact that Lydia asked her a stupid question.

" Who do you think you are, what makes you think that you have the right to cling onto Ben ?, Just because you got some stupid fans and four minions with you makes you think you are really OASIS?.I don't even understand the reason why you believed that nonsense" Lydia asked in anger.

" owh so you think only you have the right to be around him, ain't you been funny right now and it also seems you like checking up on me.Thanks by the way"Mia said sarcastically which made Lydia more angry.

* Only I am compatible with him and so stay away from him because he is mine" Lydia said almost screaming.

" And what if I don't? "Mia said provokingly.

"You will," Lydia replied rather confidently.

"Then I guess it's Game On '' Mia said as she made her way back to us.

But just as she reached the pool,someone pushed her into the pool. As Mia was wearing a long black fitting dress, she found it hard swimming to the surface . Just then Ben also jumped in the pool and brought her out and as soon as they came out of the pool,Ben took her away from the party .

"Why are you so careless? How can you just fall into the pool like that? Did you know how worried and nervous I was after you fell in the pool. I thought you were going to leave my side" Ben said as soon as he placed Mia on the infirmary bed.

" It wasn't my fault ,someone pushed me in," Mia said with a low voice.

" Don't scare me like that again,I can't stand it, '' Ben said helplessly.

"But why do you care?"Mia said while looking at the other side.

" Why wouldn't I care?" Ben said, a little confused.

"Why don't you just leave me alone and just focus on Lydia "Mia replied.

" And why would I go to Lydia , I have nothing to do with her" Ben asked, a lot more confused.

" Ain't you guys a thing?" said Mia under her breath .

" No Mia , there's nothing between us.Mia I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now but I didn't get a chance to. I love you Mia ,I love you so very much. I know it's a little absurd but I couldn't help it. Mia would you be my girlfriend?" Ben asked.

" I love you too Ben. I couldn't help feeling jealous seeing you with Lydia earlier and yes I would love to be your girlfriend" Mia replied with joy as they hugged each other.

Lea opened the door just as the two left each other's embrace.

"Ben, how is she?" I asked.

"She is okay now," He replied.

" Ben, you can go now , they can take good care of me" Mia said assuringly.

" Then I will go back first,"Ben said reluctantly.

And just as he left, we started throwing questions on how she was feeling and so on.

" I didn't accidentally fall, Lydia pushed me," Mia said calmly.

" And why did she do that?" Rica asked angrily.

" she confronted me about the picture of Ben and I, let's forget about that, how was the party" replied Mia .

" Are you kidding me right now, how can we just forget about it? The party was over after Ben took you away and why would we stay there " Vicky asked.

" Why do you look like you are happy about the whole incident?" Lea asked suspiciously while slightly raising an eyebrow .

" Am I ?, by the way Ben confessed to me and I accepted it" Mia replied as calm as ever .

" Are you kidding us right now, he really confessed his love?" Rica said as she jumped off to hug Mia and we followed suit.