
" I'm running out of breath guys" Mia said, almost choking from the tight hug.

"Oops,we are sorry but we are just too excited," Rica said with excitement.

" So he really told you he loved you. No wonder he was reluctant to leave earlier when you told him to " Lea said with amusement.

" It's okay, let's go back to the dormitory after you get changed" I said as she was still wrapped in Ben's suit.

After Mia got changed, we all made our way back to the dormitory and due to Rica's constant pestering for Mia to tell us how the confession happened, Mia used all her energy to tell us how it transpired on our way back.

"So you mean to tell us that you guys didn't kiss?" Vicky questioned with a trace of disappointment in her voice as she opened the door to our room.

"it's not that we didn't kiss, it's just that you guys came at the wrong time.Tell me, did you guys plan it out?" Mia asked while turning to look at all of us.

" No we didn't, we rushed over as we were worried sick and how could you accuse us of spoiling your romance?" Vicky asked with a fake cry.

" It's okay, drama queen," Lea teased.

" After this, let's prepare for our upcoming exam. By the way Lea, if the music team decides to hold an activity please remember to take us there" I said with a pleading face.

" Of course, I am going to do that and besides, didn't you guys take me to the drama team's activity tonight?" Lea replied .

" That would be very kind of you," Rica commented .

" And another thing, the boys of your department are fire," Lea added while wiggling her eyebrows.

The next day, we went to the cinema to watch a movie as it was Sunday. For the rest of the days we fully concentrated on our exams as it drew nearer. Mia and Ben's relationship was kept as a secret between us but their bond grew stronger as time passed. We really appreciated and loved each. Although we've only known and stayed with each other for two years, we already considered ourselves as one family.

"After three exhausting weeks of writing an exam, we are finally done. Lea said as we placed our bags down and found ourselves some seats after entering the dormitory.

"Yes, we are free from attending lectures for the rest of the year. I am more excited with our third year." Vicky said with excitement.

" Let me tell you something more exciting, I am taking you guys out for dinner at a high end classic restaurant. I've already made a reservation for a private room. so we have to be there by eight pm" Rica said with excitement.

" Wow, you are really our godsent angel" Vicky said while raising her thumbs up.

" But guys since it's the last day, let's dress up as usual but not casual." Rica added as she glared at us.

"There's no need to worry as long as I am here" Lea said with a wink.

7:30 pm sharp, We left campus for the restaurant. By this time most of the college students had already left the school premises for their various destinations but the five of us decided to go the next day and yes, it wasn't only us.

We reached our destination and went inside. There, a waitress took us to the reserved private room and as Rica said, the restaurant was a high end and classic indead . The decoration was also beautiful and the venue at which the restaurant was located was very serene. Not to even talk about the beautiful view we got from the private room.

"Wow, the view here is so nice" Vicky exclaimed as we entered the room .

" The environment here is quite beautiful and natural. I really like being at places like this" I said with glee.

" I didn't disappoint you guys, right" Rica said, obviously proud of herself.

"Yeah, but how did you come in contact with this place?" Mia asked as we sat down.

"Don't worry, you'll get to know about that later but as of now,I have a really big surprise for you guys" Rica added with more excitement.

Just then the door opened revealing three men with each wearing a mask but one wearing a cap too and so I didn't really take notice of him.

"Hello everyone" One of the guys said as he embraced Rica .

"Tada, meet my boyfriend Mark," Rica said with delight.

" A big surprise indeed, then I guess he is the one who showed this place to you right." Lea inquired.

" Yes of course, " Rica replied proudly.

" Hello" ," Hello" The other two guys said as they removed their marks.

"Am Teddy Ross," one of the guys said.

"Am also Lyons Rogers and am his best friend" the other one said.

" Look, it's the famous celebrity Lyons . Although I knew he was a friend of your boyfriend , I didn't expect to ever meet him in real life" Rica jumped in excitement.

I stood up abruptly with wide eyes which made the rest of the group startled but at the same time, Lyons came to a realization as he recognised who I was which kept him standing.

" Nicky, what happened, are you also surprised to see Lyons? " Vicky asked teasingly.

" No," I said as I shook my head and sat down.

" Then what happened?"Mia asked, quite curious as to what happened.

" It's nothing," I said with a smile which didn't exactly reach the corners of my eyes.

"Okay guys ,let's dig in, " Rica said, reducing the tension.

The look in Lyons' eyes when he realised it was me made me have mixed emotions. There was both guilt,longing and plea apparent in his eyes. I don't know why but at that moment, I experienced a weird emotion I never felt before. He kept staring at me throughout dinner.

After the meal ,we chatted for a while before going back to campus but throughout the conversation, the two of us stayed mostly quiet.

After going back to the dormitory, Mia asked if something was bothering as she noticed I neither spoke nor ate much at the restaurant.

"I also noticed that Lyons was quiet as he kept staring at Nicky, do you perhaps know each other"Lea asked with curiosity.

" Actually, we know each other, we've met once" I replied with a low voice.

" Wow, that's nice. When was that?" Mia asked.

" Three years ago" I said.

" Then why did you guys seem so distant today, when happens when you guys met in the past?" Vicky questioned.

" The first day we met, we had...we had a one night s..stand" I replied with a stutter.

" WHAT, A ONE NIGHT STAND?" They said almost together with disbelief.