
"Wait, how the hell did that happen?" Vicky asked as she was shocked by what I said earlier.

"You and Lyons?I can't believe it's for real but then why did you act like that earlier on if you guys had such a history between you?" Mia added.

"It all started when I came to Oceans hotel three years ago with my family and that's also the day I met both Lyons and Ben .That day, I went to have a look at the hotel's garden for sightseeing. That's when Ben walked up to me and started a conversation. We were chatting when Lyons bumped into me while skating but then asked if I didn't see him coming which really pissed me off thus I shouted if he also didn't see me standing there.

At that time, I didn't know he was shooting a commercial and it was scripted to ask that rude remark until later on,which was about a month later when Ben sent me a clip of the commercial. That's when I thought he might have thought of me as an extra." I said.

" So Ben also knows about it?" asked Mia .

" No, he has no idea about it. I didn't tell anyone including my family members till now that I am telling you guys. You are the first ones to know about it" I said while looking at them.

" Then what happened next?" Lea asked quite interested in the story .

Then I resumed by saying " so that night Ben invited me to join him for a masked party which I later got to know was for the affluent people and so I agreed to attend it as it was my first time at a mask party. As I didn't know at that time what exactly happened when he bumped into me, When I saw him during the mask party, I gave him an irritated expression when we were chosen to dance as part of an activity at the party.

At the party, we both got drunk and the rest you know, it turned into a one night stand" I completed.

" So does that mean that you were eighteen at that time and Lyons broke your virginity?" Rica concluded with her eyes wide open.

" Yes"I nodded.

" WTF" Lea said while covering her mouth in surprise.

"No wonder Lyons never had a girlfriend after all these years even though the women in the industry was both beautiful and hot as fuck turns out he was waiting for you" Vicky teased.

"So did he try to be responsible for you and was in g..good in ..bed?" Mia asked while wiggling her brows.

" What are you talking about? It was also his first time and yes, he tried to take responsibility but I refused because at that time I thought he took advantage of me and was just trying to protect his name"I answered with blushing cheeks as I stood up and headed to the washroom.

" Come back , where are you running off to?" Rica asked while laughing at my reaction to Mia's question .


" Lyons , why are you acting weird today? it started during the dinner at the restaurant earlier" Teddy asked with concern.

" And you kept staring at the girl who introduced herself as Nicky. you seemed lost when you were looking at her, did something happen?" Mark and Teddy asked as we entered the house.

As we sat down, I blurted out "It's her".

"it's who?, Nicky? , what did she do" Teddy asked, quite confused as to what I was trying to say.

" Do you guys remember the girl I talked to you guys about three years ago and since then we've been looking hard for her?" I asked while looking at them.

" Yh, what happened?" Teddy asked.

" Wait, the one you had a one night stand with three years ago, She is Nicky?" Mark asked as realization dawned on him.

" Yes," I said.

" That explains her reaction when she saw you earlier today," Teddy said with wide eyes.

"So what do we do now, ask for forgiveness and maybe makeup?" Mark asked.

" I don't know and besides I don't even know if she will forgive me. What if she's already seeing someone?" I asked my friend with a soft voice.

" Come on Lyons,don't be like that. how would you know if you wouldn't try it and besides it wasn't entirely your fault right?" Said Mark.

" Yes , I agree with Mark. why don't you try it first." Teddy added.

"Okay" I said with mixed emotions.

"Now, go get some sleep and let's think of what to do tomorrow. okay" Mark said comfortingly. That night, I didn't have a proper sleep.


The next day, we packed our things and went to our various places for the vacation.Throughout the two months vacation, the five of us stayed in touch all the time.Rica told me that her boyfriend wanted my contact for Lyons and I agreed to it as I couldn't let her turn her boyfriend down.

He called and said that he'd wanted to meet up but I told him I was back to my place and I could only go back after the vacation. I then told him to tell me everything he wanted to say to me over the phone. At first, he was a bit reluctant but later on he apologized and asked me to forgive him.

I told him it was already in the past and that I had already forgiven him a long time ago. He then asked if it wasn't late because he wanted to make it up to me but I said it was alright, he didn't need to do that. Then he asked if we could be friends for now and I said yes.


"Guess what guys, I walked into Lydia at the mall when I was shopping today" Mia said.

" Wait, what did she do when she saw you?" Vicky asked.

"Nothing ,she just threw daggers with her eyes and nothing else, I also got to know her family owns the Hilltop Construction company"Mia chatted.

" Isn't your family branch also in the construction field?" I asked.

" Yes although my family is into the Technological field,one of our branches is into the construction field" Mia texted back.

" Wow, you guys are rivals on campus and your family business too are rivals, it's really surprising," Rica texted.

" Not many rivals though" Mia replied with laughing emojis.