Twin Destiny II

Len felt confused for a moment as he found himself buried under pile of bodies.

But he shrieked even more as he saw various dog sizes rats gnawing at he bodies.

Swiftly covering his mouth he quickly accessed his system.

[My Gacha System Activated]

[Welcome, Host]

[Newbie Gift Pack detected. Would you like to open it?]

Hearing this, I pressed Yes.

My rewards were displayed.

[Host received the following items:]

[Omni-Talent Awakening Stone, Designated Character Gacha, Random Monster Egg]

Although I was confused by the egg, I had little time, so I swiftly initiated the Gacha. A spinning machine appeared with six grids on it, each grid displaying a different character. These were all the top characters I knew, and getting any of them would mean escaping this predicament and starting my new life.

"Do the Gacha!" I shouted, unable to contain my excitement, as the spinning machine began to spin.

Leon watched as it moved from Black Beard to Black Star of Marvel, then to Strike the Blood MC, and slowly began to slow down. It eventually landed on a handsome young man with a smirk on his face.

[Congratulations on obtaining Character Noah Osmont!]

Leon gasped in surprise and quickly opened his Character screen to see what he could copy from Noah Osmont.

Leon skimmed through the details, knowing that because of his deal with the Will of Reality, he had five chances to copy his abilities. His first choice was immediately obvious he decided on the Infinite Mana Trait.

I mean who would not, it is the best thing to have.

Next, Leon selected the second trait, the Protagonist Trait.

With three chances remaining, he faced many options, but considering the long-term, he had to choose carefully, as many stuff are there that he cant use them currently at his pitiful state nor even if he advance and reaches the peak of this new world.

He decided on the Absolute Sin Ruler Skill Tree, the Skill Creation aspect, and lastly, the Bloodline of Vampyre Progenitor.

There were many other things he wanted but they would take the top of priority list.

And then he inherited them all. His body got ablaze with fire as he inherited the bloodline.

His Heart was crushed as the bloodline reached his heart and redeveloped his whole body.

The pain was excruciating, but Leon gritted his teeth, not letting out a sound. Soon, the transformation was complete.

His senses were now sharper and could detect the outside world. He saw himself in a train, while many fought outside against the same rats gnawing on a nearby body.

Soon, the memories of the original body also came to his mind.

"So, I am now in the body of the Monster Integration World MC's brother, and I was supposed to go to the washroom when this train was attacked by these magical beasts," Leon mumbled to himself. Even in this world, his name was still Leon.

Hearing his murmuring, the rats looked at him and then leaped toward him. But a blood spike pierced through all of them, killing them instantly.

"Blood Absorption," Leon said as the rats began to shrivel up, and his body started healing. Soon, Leon pushed aside the dead bodies as he emerged from the pile.

Leon looked around. "Blood Absorption," he murmured again, and from all the bodies, blood began to converge and form a shape—a Blood Bead.

Leon grasped the Blood Bead as its information displayed before him:

[Blood Bead]

[A bead formed by the accumulation of a large amount of blood purified and taken in as the only purified essence]

[Effect: Strengthens one's body after ingesting it]

Despite its effects, Leon didn't eat the Blood Bead as it was formed from human blood. Instead, he looked at a dead body beside him—it was a small grey bird, his bond.

But now its dead, He from memories know she died while protecting him, he said him as his memory was sealed up until now, only after an life and death would he had awakened his memory.

he looked at the Dead Grey Spark Sparrow and lifted her up, he stored her as he can always revive her back with his new vampyre Progenitor bloodline.

In the Monster Integration world, one gains power by forming a natal bond with a beast, and now Leon's bond was dead.

"Now I understand why the Egg was included in the newbie pack," Leon mumbled as he brought out the Egg. It was a simple white egg.

Leon dropped his blood on the egg, and it began to crack.

Soon, a creature emerged from it—a small, scaly being called Anciake.

It resembled a small King Cobra, with a purple body and blue eyes.

It looked cutely at Leon while, through their bond, Leon received the knowledge of the skills it had obtained.

This was a Mythic Monster from the game Bulu Monster, possessing Darkness, Lightning, and Poison attributes.

Leon raised his right hand as Darkness, purple Lightning, and Poison elements danced in his palm.

Leon then send him back into his body as he opened his system screen.


Name: Leon

Age: Irrelevant

Realm : Private Stage (Peak)

Mana Refinement Engine: Manual Ancient type

Talents: Infinite Mana (???), Protagonist (???), Awaken (S)

Blessings: Soul Protection (All Champions' privilege by Will of Reality), Dream Simulation (From Trixie to his Champion)

Skills: Analyst (S), Gambler (S), Swordsmanship (S), Sin Ruler (Ex), Blood Lord(Ex)

[Vampyre Progenitor](Awakening) :: The Bloodline of the Vampyre Progenitor has fused with your origin, slowly continuing to awaken to its full potential as time progresses.

Bloodline boosts include: Ancient Being, Vampyre Ruler, Supernatural Beauty, Decelerated Aging, Blood Controller, Bloodline Affinity, Bloodline Bestowal, World Portal, All Element Resistance, Natural Blood Armor, Enhanced Charisma, Unnatural Healing, Unnatural Speed, Unnatural Strength, and Blood Gourmet.

Bond Skill : Darkness Controller, Void Lighting Controller , Poison Emperor


Leon also used the Omni talent awakening Crystal which resulted in Blood Lord Skill.

Leon the crafting the Blood bead into a long red katana, mumbled " Now, I am ready for outside world" 

He kicked the broken train door open as he stepped outside.

Coming out, Leon saw many people fighting against Red-Tailed Rats. One of them spotted Leon and yelled, "What are you dilly-dallying about? Come fight with us if you want to survive!" The man shouted, and Leon nodded before rushing to the battlefield.

As he brandished his sword, he lunged at one of the rats besieging a lone man. Leon's sword glowed with a blue light as he slashed the rat in two.

"A skill?" the man asked, surprised.

"No, just half a skill," Leon replied, thinking to himself, Phew, I almost forgot I'm now a commoner from a poor family. There's no way I could have gotten my hands on a real skill.

Leon continued slashing at the Private stage rats.

They were either level 1 or level 3 at most; the higher-level rats were at the front. But since he didn't want to show off, he kept his true strength at the Private stage level 3, or peak, hidden.

After all, in this world, you never know when you'll encounter traitors to humanity. He didn't want to reveal his genius without a good reason.

But then Leon remembered Michael. He rushed back to the area where level 1 or 2 Private stage fighters were battling and soon found Michael, along with another guy, fighting together.

Leon rushed to them, slashing all the nearby rats in half.

"Leon?" Michael muttered in surprise as he looked at Leon.


Be sure to check out my original novel , COSMIC RULER.

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