Warm welcome

In Leon's room, he was once again strapped to the bed, a leather belt in his mouth to prevent him from biting down too hard. Amelia stood nearby, accompanied by another woman with blonde hair, an adult version of Amelia, but with slightly different facial features—this was Lana, their aunt.

"Leon, I can't believe it," Lana said, her voice a mix of frustration and concern. "The World Council has yet to announce whether we're joining the SGA or waging war on them, and here you are, already becoming an Awakened." She looked at the restrained Leon with exasperation.

Leon, unable to speak with the belt in his mouth, simply shrugged. At first, he and Amelia had planned to keep his awakening a secret, but Lana had unexpectedly barged in on them, leading to this awkward exposure.

"It's okay, Aunt Lana," Amelia said, trying to offer some reassurance as she took hold of a syringe filled with another 20% of bloodline essence.

She glanced at Leon, who gave a confirming nod. Amelia took a deep breath and, with steady hands, injected the essence directly into his heart. She quickly moved away from him as the injection took effect.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Then, the integration process began, and Leon's muffled screams filled the room as his body twisted and contorted under the strain. Thankfully, the straps kept him restrained and secure.

Lana watched in horror, her face pale. "Is this normal?" she asked, clearly worried.

"Yes, it's normal," Amelia replied with a calm tone, but her voice betrayed a hint of underlying concern. Even someone who wasn't perceptive could sense the anxiety lurking beneath her composed exterior.

After an ten minutes the process stopped, seeing this Amelia went to him as she fed him Rejuvenation potion.

And then she waited.

Lana approached, her eyes full of confusion and concern. "What happened to him?" she asked, observing Leon now lying peacefully, a stark contrast to the turmoil he had just experienced.

Amelia handed Lana an AP bracelet. "Here, take this and bind with it," she instructed, guiding Lana through the process of binding with the bracelet and explaining the dos and don'ts.

Lana examined the bracelet, then looked back at Amelia, who was carefully tending to Leon. With a resigned sigh, she sat on the sofa and began the binding process. As her consciousness connected with the UVR through the bracelet, she went limp, her awareness slipping into the virtual realm.

After half an hour, Leon slowly regained consciousness, his body still adjusting from the intense integration process.

"I swear, this is getting more and more painful," he mumbled, the first thing on his mind.

"So, how did it go?" Amelia asked, concern evident in her voice.

"If you're talking about obtaining the active abilities, yes, I got mine," Leon replied, looking at Amelia. "Want to see it?"

Amelia nodded in response. The three of them, including Lana who was now logged into the UVTR, were ready to explore Leon's new abilities. Leon made his way to the testing site, bypassing the long queue with a payment to enter quickly. He invited Amelia through the link, ensuring she could join him in assessing the new abilities.

"So let's get started," Amelia said, looking around with anticipation.

Leon nodded and declared, "Queen, make a few dummies of peak Awakening Realm strength."

[Acknowledged] came the response, and soon, several dummies with human shapes were created.

Leon raised his hand and activated his first active ability, "Fantasy manifestation." A gun materialized in his hand—it looked like an ordinary gun but lacked any visible ammunition.

"What is this?" Leon wondered aloud.

"A gun?" Amelia asked, puzzled. "That's your ability? I thought it would be flames or lightning, not this."

"Oh, you're going to wish you had it," Leon smirked. He pressed the trigger, and the gun absorbed energy from him for a brief moment before launching a small energy projectile. The projectile exploded upon contact, completely obliterating one of the dummies.

"What?" Amelia's eyes widened in shock at the result.

"You just destroyed a peak Awakening Realm dummy like it was nothing," she exclaimed.

"Yes, this is my active ability called Fantasy Manifestation. It allows me to create objects out of fantasy, like how I imagined a gun. It takes my energy, compress and condense it, and fires it as a projectile," Leon explained.

"Now that I think of it, what is your element affinity?" Amelia asked, curiosity and a hint of envy in her voice.

"I had only one fantasy element, but my master helped me with a bunch of others," Leon replied, noting the envy in Amelia's eyes.

Seeing her reaction, Leon added, "Don't worry, I can help you too."

Amelia nodded appreciatively, and then Leon asked, "What are your affinities?"

"It's Obsidian, Space, and Time," Amelia sighed. "It's like the universe doesn't want me to awaken or something. All these rare elements—where am I going to find bloodlines for these?"

Solomon interjected mentally, [Master, the Fantasia Realm has many beasts from every single element. It's a realm of fantasy for a reason—filled with all sorts of goodies.]

Leon nodded thoughtfully. He then mentally asked Solomon, 'You've seen my memories. Will the Monster Integration System work here?'

[It will, Master.]

'Well, that was fast. Don't you need to run some simulations and such?' Leon asked.

[No, Master. I would usually require that, but as a small part of a larger entity serving Lady Rimuru, she handled the calculations herself and delivered the result directly.]

'Bigger entity, huh? Is it Ciel?' Leon inquired.

[Indeed, Master.]

Leon nodded and then turned his attention to the depressed Amelia. "Who said I can't get you those bloodlines?" he said reassuringly.

Amelia's face brightened with hope. "Thank you," she said, hugging Leon tightly.

Leon smiled and gently rubbed her head, nodding. "Of course. We'll find what you need."

"I'll go get it," Lon said, pushing her aside.

"Right now?" Amelia asked, surprised.

"Yes, right now," Leon confirmed, transferring her a substantial amount of money. "Here's 100 million Sc. Use this to buy an Awakening Kit and simulate the awakening. It will help you deal with the original one."

Amelia stared at the amount he had transferred to her, amazed.

"how did you make so much money?" She asked, looking at Leon .

"My master" Leon said as she logged out and then he used the Second unlocked ability of his " Fantasia Portal" 

A shimmering multicolor portal formed in front of him as he stepped inside.

"Wow , that's some welcome" Leon mumbled as the moment he stepped inside he saw various Angels pointing their weapons at him.

yes Angels, literal Angels, with white swan like wings, golden hairs and eyes and a golden halo above their heads.