Realm Of Existence

Just as Leon was contemplating his next move, the guards parted, allowing a strikingly beautiful woman to pass. She had long, moonlight-blue hair that matched her eyes, and her face radiated a cold, yet mesmerizing beauty. Adorned in silver knight-like armor, she walked straight up to Leon, locking eyes with him.

"What is a Fantasyan like you doing in the Divine Kingdom's capital city?" she asked, her tone both authoritative and curious. "Don't you know it's not allowed for any race other than the Divine race to enter here?"

Leon, mesmerized by her appearance but keeping his composure, replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm new to my powers, and when I was experimenting with a Fantasy portal, I ended up here."

The Silver Knight lady scrutinized Leon and then opened her mouth, saying, "You're not lying, so it must be a real mistake."

"Very well," she continued, her tone softening. "Come with me. I'll escort you out of Sanctaris, the capital city of the Divine Kingdom." She began to move, signaling the guards to step aside.

Leon, intrigued by her presence and sensing her significant power level, subtly used the Eye of Truth to gain more insight into her true nature.

[Name : Lyra

Race : Six Winged Angel

Realm : Ascendance Level 8

( Angels cultivation system : Radiance, Luminescence, Ascendance, Transcendence, Divinity, each ream is divided into 10 levels )]

'Dam, she is some of bigshot' Leon thought she looked at her power level, as well as the Angels cultivation system.

Leon then seeing this take back any thoughts of talking t her, knowing she wouldn't even look at him with his pitiful strength, but Leon ha to say this is his first time when he is even attracted to a girl.

Leon continued observing the bustling city, noticing the angelic inhabitants going about their daily lives. The scene was vibrant and serene, with angels interacting with each other, children playing in parks, and various businesses operating smoothly.

His attention was drawn to a particular structure displaying numerous names, seemingly a list of some significance.

"Can I ask what that is?" Leon inquired, pointing toward the structure.

The Silver Knight looked at the direction he indicated, raising her brow in mild surprise. "Don't you know about the Heavenly Power List?" she asked, clearly amazed that someone could be so unfamiliar with it.

Leon's lips twitched at the implication, his expression reflecting his awareness of being perceived as uninformed or out of touch. "No, this is my first time seeing this," he replied honestly.

The Silver Knight's demeanor softened slightly as she began to explain, "The Heavenly Power List is a record of the most powerful and influential beings within our Divine Kingdom. It includes those who have achieved significant accomplishments, demonstrated exceptional strength, or held high-ranking positions. Being on this list is a mark of great honor and respect."

Leon nodded, taking in the information. The list clearly held great significance in the city, showcasing the elite and notable figures of the Divine Kingdom.

"Thank you for explaining," Leon said. "It's quite impressive."

The Silver Knight offered a small, understanding smile. "I'm glad to be of help. Now, let's continue to the exit of Sanctaris." She motioned for Leon to follow, guiding him through the city while he continued to observe and take in the new and fascinating sights.

Soon they reached a teleportation like device, "Should I send you to city of Fantasia Kingdom or were you going somewhere else?" She asked.

As Leon prepared to leave, he sent a final thought to himself, weighing the fleeting opportunity to converse with her. With Solomon confirming the city name "Exodius," he instructed the Silver Knight to transport him there. She nodded in acknowledgment and signaled the operator to set the coordinates.

Leon entered the teleportation circle, feeling the familiar sensation of being enveloped by particles of light. Before the teleportation process began, he called out to her, "What is your name?"

lyra paused, looking back with a hint of curiosity. "Lyra Benz," she replied.

"My name is Leon Gupta," he said. "If fate allows, we may meet again."

As Leon's form was absorbed into the light of the teleportation array, Rachel watched with a subtle smile. She chuckled softly to herself, thinking, Did he believe he could reach my level? He seems quite weak, especially considering where he's from.

With that, she turned and began her return to her duties, her thoughts drifting back to the responsibilities awaiting her in the Divine Kingdom. Meanwhile, Leon felt a rush of energy as the teleportation transported him from the city of Sanctaris to his new destination, Exodius.

As Leon materialized in Exodius and stepped out of the teleportation circle, he glanced around, noting that the people here bore some resemblance to him, making him blend in more easily.

"So this is Exodius, one of the cities of the Fantasian race," Leon muttered to himself. He then turned to Solomon and asked, "Why are we here?"

[Master, the Fantasian race is renowned for their alchemy skills. I thought we could find potions and other resources here that might assist you,] Solomon replied.

"But what currency is used here?" Leon inquired.

[Master, here people use Existence Coins. Since both the Divine Kingdom and Fantasian Kingdom are part of the Existence Realm, the currency is standardized. However, we currently have no means to earn Existence Coins. Perhaps we could hunt some beasts, upgrade their levels using your awakening abilities, and then sell them for a profit,] Solomon suggested.

Leon nodded in agreement and asked mentally, "Tell me about the Realm of Existence."

[The Realm of Existence is a vast and multifaceted plane that includes numerous interconnected realms, each with its unique characteristics. It's home to various races and civilizations, including the Divine Kingdom and the Fantasian Kingdom. The Realm is known for its advanced cultivation techniques, diverse magical systems, and high level of competition among its inhabitants. The currency, Existence Coins, is used for transactions across the Realm, making it crucial for acquiring resources and maintaining influence,] Solomon explained.

[Not only that, but the Unigin here have never left this realm, so no other Unigin are aware of its existence. Master, you are the first outsider to ever set foot here,] Solomon informed him.

[Additionally, there is a significant time dilation here; one year outside equals about 1,000 years inside,] Solomon added.

Leon nodded, thinking, "So, I could practice here for 1,000 years, and only a year would pass outside."

[Exactly, Master,] Solomon confirmed.

Leon stood up and observed his surroundings. The city resembled a typical European fantasy setting from Earth. He made his way to the city gate, planning to leave.

"May I see your ID?" the guards asked.

Leon was surprised by the unusual request but responded politely, "I lost it, along with some other belongings. That's why I'm going outside to hunt beasts and earn some money."

The guard glanced at him and then called to an office. "Here is your temporary ID. For a real one, you would need to pay over 1,000 EC (Existence Coin) . Good luck," the chief guard said. Leon thanked him and left.

"They seem like an easygoing race," Leon murmured.

[Master, they are one of the three supreme races in this realm. To them, you are just a small, insignificant ant that could be easily crushed, so they didn't bother verifying your identity,] Solomon explained.

Leon twitched at Solomon's comment and muttered to himself, "Thanks for the encouragement."

He set off in the direction suggested by the guard, heading towards areas known for beast activity.