Hunt I

While walking, Leon attempted to use his special eyes, but he found himself struggling—his mind went blank or his vision faltered.

[Master, try focusing on a specific concept,] Solomon suggested.

Leon nodded and concentrated on the idea of infrared vision.

Suddenly, his perception shifted. The world around him transformed, revealing a landscape bathed in a spectrum of colors and illuminated by a vibrant, glowing light.

This new perspective allowed him to see heat signatures and energy flows, revealing hidden details that were not visible to the naked eye.

The landscape took on a new dimension:

Beasts: Heat signatures of various creatures were visible in the distance, their forms outlined by the warmth they emitted. Some were moving, others were stationary, and a few even showed signs of being in groups or nests.

Resources: The infrared vision highlighted areas with higher energy concentrations, indicating the presence of valuable minerals or potential resources hidden underground or within vegetation.

Terrain: The environment's temperature variations provided clues about different types of terrain and possible environmental hazards.

[This can be considered basic vision, Master. Try focusing on more profound visions, such as Life Vision,] Solomon suggested.

Leon nodded and concentrated on the concept of Life Vision. However, despite his efforts, he couldn't activate it. Frustrated, he decided to take a different approach. He sat cross-legged by a tree and closed his eyes, focusing on his own life energy.

'I need to understand what life truly is before I can visualize it,' Leon thought as he began meditating, trying to sense and visualize his own life energy.

Solomon observed Leon's progress with approval, recognizing that Leon was on the verge of mastering his Life Vision.

After about half an hour, Leon started to perceive green energy flowing through his entire body. "So this is what it feels like," he muttered, nodding in understanding.

He stood up and activated his Life Vision. Focusing on the tree before him, he noticed green lines crisscrossing all over it, converging at a single path. Intrigued, Leon conjured a gun and aimed at the spot where the lines intersected. As he fired, he watched in awe as the green lines began to drain away from the tree, which soon appeared devoid of any life energy.

Leon deactivated his Life Vision and returned to his normal sight, observing the now lifeless tree.

It looked like it is dried up totally, with yellowy leaves and dried up trunk.

"it seems using life vison I can also see others weakness" Leon mumbled.

[Yes, Master you are right, its like locating their heart] Solomon replied.

Leon nodded, assessing the range of his Life Vision. "Hmm, over 100 meters—not bad," he mused.

[Master, there are numerous treasures here that can enhance your affinity with Fantasia, potentially allowing you to perceive it over distances of up to 10,000 kilometers.] Solomon informed him.

Leon agreed, "We'll look for those later. For now, let's focus on earning some money." With that, he headed toward the bipedal lifeform he had detected.

Upon arriving, he found a boar-like monster feasting on the corpse of a rat the size of a cat.

"well, I guess anything worked here" Leon mumbled jumping to top of an tree and then creating a big rifle.

Leon watched as the sniper rifle began to take shape, resembling an AWM from a popular game. Satisfied with its form, he proceeded to inject his energy into it, focusing exclusively on the Destruction aspect of the Fantasia element. After some lessons from Solomon, Leon understood that the Fantasia element encompasses Creation, Dreams, Illusion, and Destruction.

He concentrated on the Destruction aspect, channeling pure destructive energy into the rifle. A red bead formed in the barrel, which he decided to call the "Anti-Life Bullet."

Using Life Vision, Leon examined the boar. He noticed two distinct spots: one was a stable, round source of life energy, and the other was an erratic, flowing source.

"Solomon, is the other one a core?" Leon inquired, observing the stable energy source.

[Yes, Master. Cores can also be a source of life.] Solomon confirmed.

Nodding, Leon aimed the rifle at the boar's head, targeting specifically the brain, reasoning that he didn't need to aim for the heart to achieve a kill. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet left the rifle with minimal sound. Before the bar could understood what was the muffled sound its upper body was wholly erased from existence.

Leon observed the scene and thought to himself, "I guess I infused too much energy."

[ unfortunately, it seems the core and heart both were erased too] Solomon said.

Leon nodded as he also saw this, son he spotted another ones, it was group of three boars, they all seemed to be sleeping.

Leon observed a group of three boars sleeping and decided to act swiftly. Determined to use minimal energy this time, he fashioned a sniper rifle with a silencer—a special one that completely erased any sound.

He aimed carefully at the leftmost boar and fired. The bullet silently reached its target, erasing the boar's upper head without alerting the others. Nodding in satisfaction, Leon quickly took aim again, firing two more shots in rapid succession. Each shot was precise, ensuring that the other two boars were eliminated before they could react.

The operation was smooth and efficient, with no noise to disturb the peaceful surroundings.

Leon then walked towards boars a she first used Awaken on them and he created a small knife and then he cut the boar as he took out its core, it was small one like a glass bead.

Leon, satisfied with his haul, loaded the boars onto a cart and began his walk back to the city. As he trudged along, he couldn't help but think, 'Who would have guessed a millionaire like me would end up pulling a cart?' He sighed, feeling a bit down about the situation.

Upon reaching the city, Leon asked for directions to sell his loot. The guards pointed him towards a building marked with two crossed swords, a wand in the middle, and a shield in front. The symbol didn't appeal to him much, but he pushed through and entered the establishment.

Inside, his eyes widened at the sight of the bustling activity. The place was alive with motion, filled with people engaging in trade, discussing items, and negotiating deals. The energy of the marketplace was palpable, and Leon quickly realized he was in the heart of the city's commercial hub.

Leon headed to the meat shop, ready to sell his loot. The shop owner tried to scam him, but Leon, armed with knowledge of the boars' true value thanks to Solomon, managed to negotiate a fair price and even turned a profit.

As he looked at the temporary card he received, he saw it displayed his earnings: 151,000 EC. The card was a multifunctional device, akin to a smartphone. It allowed him to make calls, use various apps, and capture both photos and videos.

With a satisfied nod, Leon marveled at the modern convenience of the card and thought about his next steps in the city.

Leon efficiently sold the boar parts at various shops: the cores went to an alchemist, and the tusks and bones were sold at a blacksmith. His efforts paid off handsomely, totaling 567,000 EC. The substantial amount came from selling the high-tier boars, which were classified as Tier 3 and 4 beasts due to the energy he infused.

With his newfound wealth, Leon first went to the registration center to obtain a permanent identity. Then, he visited an alchemist shop and purchased 10 potions for his sister and aunt. For his younger brother, Solomon suggested that they could bring him to the realm where he would age quickly, so Leon bought an additional 10 elemental awakening potions.

The total expenditure was 400,000 EC, leaving him with a sizable balance and well-prepared for future endeavors.

Leon suddenly had a realization: "Wait, all my hard work might be wasted if I return to the material universe given the vast time difference here."

[Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it, Master.] Solomon replied.

Leon pondered for a moment and then thought, "What if I create a clone and leave it here? That way, it can continue to develop and gain abilities while I'm away. But first, I need to reach the peak of the Awakening Realm."

Determined, Leon set a goal to reach 99% integration in his bloodline. Over the next few months, he dedicated himself fully to this task. By the end of this period, he successfully achieved 99% integration, and the wisp of consciousness within the bloodline was awakened.