Awakening Amelia and Aunt

After Aunt Lana drank the potion, she closed her eyes, savoring the refreshing sensation. When she looked at herself in a hand mirror she produced from seemingly nowhere, she remarked, "Hmm, nothing seems to have changed."

"Of course, it only reversed your age by 5 years. What were you expecting?" Leon said, rolling his eyes.

"Now let's check your affinities," Leon continued, activating her bracelet that scanned her.

The scan revealed:

Name: Lana Ryder

Species: Human

Affinity: Ice 69%

Lana nodded, noting that her affinity was quite strong.

"Though I have some other plans. These affinities are still too weak for both of you," Leon said, presenting a list of elements and awakening potions. "Here's a list of bloodlines I have, along with awakening potions. The first person to awaken the element from this list will get that bloodline."

Amelia and Lana examined the list Leon provided, puzzled by the unfamiliar Elements.

"Aren't all of these elements are unique and never before seen?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, they are. But I have obtained bloodlines for them, so just choose any," Leon replied.

He had acquired many bloodlines from the Existence Realm, where blood was a common resource used in various abilities. Thus, there were abundant options available for all elements.

Soon, Amelia and Lana both selected their choice, and then Leon gave them 5 Higher Awakening potion to both of them

"lets see, if you two get your choices" Leon said, as he let them chug the potion one by one.

after they both gulped own the potions Leon scanned them.

Name: Lana Ryder

Species: Human

Affinity: Ice 69%, Plasma 100%, Flame 100%, Darkness 100%, Anti-matter 100%, Dark matter 100%


Name: Amelia Gupta

Species: Human

Affinity: Obsidian 80%, Space 51% , Time 54%, Solar 100%, Lunar 100% , Chaos 100%, Genesis 100% , Annihilation 100%.


"Hmmm, at least one of you got lucky," Leon remarked as Amelia ended up with the Genesis affinity she had desired.

Aunt Lana, on the other hand, shrugged. "I'm happy just to awaken. I'll select one of the bloodlines," she said.

"Choose Anti-Matter; it's one of the best among them," Leon suggested.

Aunt Lana nodded in agreement.

Leon then handed them another potion. "Drink this. It will fortify your bodies and enhance your strength," he said, while giving them sleeping pills.

Both Amelia and Lana took the potions and soon fell asleep.

Leon then used Awaken on them. The results were as follows: Lana became a High Human-like Leon, with enhanced capabilities. Amelia, on the other hand, transformed into a Holy Human, a branch of humanity more attuned to energies rather than physical might.

High Humans are balanced between physical and energy attributes, while Tyrant Humans are more focused on physical strength.

Just a few minutes later, their eyes fluttered open as the effects of the sleeping pills wore off. Despite the pills being effective on regular humans, they had little effect on those at a higher evolutionary stage.

Both stood up, feeling the surge of power coursing through their bodies. "I feel powerful!" Lana exclaimed, flexing her biceps, which caused her chest to puff out. Leon, slightly embarrassed by the display, turned his head away.

Amelia looked at Aunt Lana and shook her head. Even before the potion, Lana had a striking figure, but now, she could rival many of the most beautiful women, exuding confidence and allure.

"Alright, let's proceed with the awakening," Leon said, preparing the bloodlines and drawing them into syringes.

He guided them to two beds and carefully strapped them in. "Have you both gone through the awakening kit in the UVR?" he asked.

Amelia nodded.

Lana looked confused. "What's an awakening kit?"

"Oh, right, you haven't," Leon said. He unstrapped Lana and instructed her to undergo the UVR awakening kit before trying it in reality.

Lana, understanding the gravity of the situation, agreed. She knew it was a matter of life and death.

Before injecting the essence into Amelia's heart, Leon paused and made a quick check. "What's that for?" Amelia asked.

"Just making sure you're alright and haven't already fainted from the pain," Leon said with a reassuring smile. In reality, he transferred a potion to Solomon's consciousness, ensuring that the bloodline consciousness awakening would be suppressed if necessary. Leon used the highest grade available for them, just below the progenitor level, allowing them to grow stronger and more powerful than typical awakened ones, as long as they can suppress the consciousness in the bloodline which is not possible for them and Solomon will do that for them.

Leon then aimed the syringe at he heart and plunged it in and injected the essence with 30%, it was an absurd amount but Solomon will also kill her pain receptors allowing her to feel the pain of only 10%, the percentage she survived in simulation.

and soon Amelia begin to undergo awakening her eyes widened as she fought against the pain, she bit the leather belt hard as she held herself back from screaming.

After half an hour the process ended.

Leon then put her in rejuvenation pod and she wakes again after 3 hours,

"that hurts like someone poured boiling lava in my blood" she said.

"But it was worth it, you look beautiful" Leon said and Lana nodded.

Amelia hearing them went to a mirror as she looked at herself.

Amelia looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes wide with disbelief. Her skin was covered in shimmering scales that constantly shifted colors, creating an iridescent effect. Her ears had elongated into elegant, pointed shapes reminiscent of an elf's. Her hair flowed long and wavy, changing colors like a river under sunlight. Despite the dramatic changes in her appearance, her eyes remained relatively normal, though they were now a deep, serene blue.

"What is this?" Amelia exclaimed, touching her new features with a mix of awe and confusion.

Leon approached Amelia, his gaze appreciative as he observed her transformation. "You've successfully awakened with genesis bloodline—a rare and potent bloodline renowned for its versatility and beauty. The scales and shifting colors of your hair are distinctive features of this affinity. Your blue eyes are particularly notable, as they grant you the ability to perceive constructs on a deeper level."

He continued, "The scales will enhance your adaptability, allowing you to change your skin to suit any environment and protect against various attacks. This is a unique trait of the Genesis element, which embodies creation, transformation, and life."

"Now, what abilities have you unlocked?" Leon asked.

Amelia smiled and explained, "I've gained one passive and one active ability. The passive ability is called 'Ruler's Sphere.' On its own, it's not particularly impressive, but when combined with my active ability, 'Genesis Convergence,' it becomes quite powerful. 'Genesis Convergence' allows me to create an area of any kind—be it a sandy desert, a frozen plateau, or a sea domain. Meanwhile, 'Ruler's Sphere' enables me to control and manipulate these creations."

"they are quite good abilities" Leo said and then he asked "Want to test them?"

She nodded and then both of them entered inside the UVR, while also sending link to Lana, she then joined them in testing area.

"you can start" Leon said to Amelia as Lana came too.

Amelia took a deep breath and extended her hand, murmuring, "Genesis Convergence." A small blue orb formed in her palm and quickly expanded to ten meters, creating a chilling icy zone around her. "It's so cold," she murmured.

Leon advised, "Use your scales."

Amelia focused, and her scales spread across her entire body, shifting to a frosty blue hue, giving her an appearance akin to a being of ice.

"This feels normal now," Amelia said.

"Then show us the effect of your passive ability," Leon prompted.

Amelia nodded and closed her eyes, concentrating on controlling the ice. Soon, the ice began to shift and form a floating sword in mid-air, surrounded by swirling frost.

"Try moving around," Leon suggested.

Amelia complied, and Leon watched in amazement as the icy zone moved seamlessly with her. "Now that's an incredible ability," Leon said, impressed. "If the zone were static, it would be good, but the fact that it moves with you makes it exceptional. It's as if you wield the power of all elements."