Amelia and first game

[Master, its normal for it to be non static after all the name of the ability is Convergence not zone] Solomon said.

" Still although its overpowered but only until she can face her own attacks effects" Leon said,

Solomon nodded as if she were to increase the gravity she has to face the same amount , she has to learn either genesis immunity or learn how to make sure her own abilities don't effect her.

"Seeing your ability, I think you could wipe out all those Wiltons on your own," Leon said.

Amelia paused, looking back at him. "I think so too. Now I understand why you were so confident in handling those bastards," she replied, clenching and unclenching her fists.

Leon nodded in agreement. "Let's head back."

But Amelia suddenly stopped him. "Let's fight."

"Easy there," Leon said, smiling. "You've just awakened your powers. You can't possibly defeat me, much less touch me."

"How can you be so sure?" Amelia challenged.

"Very well, then. Queen, create an arena for us to fight," Leon instructed.

[Acknowledged] The AI responded, and a fully-fledged arena materialized around them.

"You first," Leon said, bowing to her.

Amelia nodded and used Genesis Convergence once again, creating several icy swords that she hurled at Leon.

"Make a better effort," Leon said, effortlessly dodging the attacks.

Amelia nodded, and this time, she focused and created a lightning zone. She enveloped herself in a lightning skin, her scales adapting to the new element, making her appear as if she had lightning coursing through her body.

She then created lightning lances and launched them at Leon.

"No matter the source, it won't matter if it doesn't hit me," Leon said, dodging her attacks with ease.

Amelia gritted her teeth and pushed herself harder, despite the lightning zapping her as well. Leon sighed, quickly closing the distance between them. In an instant, he pointed his sword at her throat.

"You lost," Leon said calmly.

Amelia dropped to the ground, catching her breath. "Train me," she demanded.

"I will, don't worry. And after I'm done, it'll only take you one day to wipe out the entire Wilton clan," Leon replied, a confident smirk on his face.

Amelia looked at him, wondering how he planned to accomplish that.

"Just log out. I'll explain everything," Leon said.

Without further hesitation, he logged out. Amelia stared at the spot where he had been, then logged out as well, her mind buzzing with curiosity.

As she came out, she looked at Leon sitting on the sofa and a portal in middle of the room.

"Go inside" Leon said.

Amelia gazed at the portal with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What is this?" she asked.

"This portal leads to a training dimension," Leon explained. "In there, 1,000 days will pass for every day that goes by here. So, as I said, in just one day you'll have trained for over two and a half years."

Amelia's eyes widened with realization. "That's incredible. How does it work?"

"My ability" Leon replied simply and Amelia nodded and went inside.

Leon watched as Amelia stepped through the portal, then turned his attention to Lana, who was sitting on the sofa looking thoughtful.

"What's on your mind?" Leon asked.

Lana glanced up, her face reflecting a hint of embarrassment. "Well, I used the Awakening kit."

"And?" Leon prompted.

"I fainted within the first few seconds," Lana admitted with a sheepish smile.

Leon chuckled. "It's okay; the awakening process isn't something everyone can handle right away. Just keep pushing yourself, and eventually, you'll become numb to the pain."

He stood up and stretched. "I'm heading inside to start my first game."

Lana looked at the notification on her device and asked, "Why did you send me so much money?"

Leon grinned. "So you could bet on me."

Lana's eyes widened. "Are you sure? That's a lot of money."

"Don't worry," Leon replied with confidence. "Even if I lose, I can always earn more."

Lana nodded as he logged in too.

Leon appearing snide, stretched a bit as he mumbled " I have practiced , now time for debut" he said and then looked at the individual game interface.

"Queen I want to join Individual games" he said and the Queen started the registration procedure.

After a while, he finished and called for the queen. "I am done filling in the information form, you can apply for my participation now."

"Sir Leon, are you certain that you want to apply using an anonymous persona?" She asked.

"Yes please, I want all of my private information to be blocked from everyone." He nodded his head and said,

"As you wish, sir Leon."

A few seconds later, she informed him that his application had been successfully approved by the SGA.

"I suggest for you to reread the rules sir if you planned to join the games now." She advised with good intentions.

"Thank you queen, But I am already familiar with them, so there is no need." He smiled.

"Alright Sir, good luck on the games."

As he opened the New game and on it two wheels came in front of him, one was game format and other was greyed out , Leon spun the game format wheel first as he looked at its spinning and then said " stop" 

Soon the wheel begin to stop as the pointer settled on "Puzzle format"

"Great, thought not that bad " Leon thought as he spin the other one, and stopped it, as it stopped on the 'Escape the Room'.

[the game will start in an hour , Please customize your Avatar] Queen voice reached him as he nodded.

After ten minutes of customizing his avatar, Leon declared, "The name will be Hero King." He reviewed the game avatar while waiting for it to start.

He looked at his avatar, it was an young man with silvery white hair as well as slivery white eyes, wearing a pure white suit too. 

"good enough" Leon thought as he closed the screen and waited for the game to begin while looking over the rules.

Game Format: Puzzle Escape

Game Name: Labyrinth of Perils

Participants Number: 20 (Fixed)

Rooms Number: 11

Puzzle Types: Various puzzles including logic, riddles, and physical challenges.

Integration Allowed: None. No modifications to puzzles or personal abilities.

Ranks Allowed: Bronze and Silver.

Race Map: A complex maze of rooms filled with diverse challenges.

Hidden Addition: Yes.

Prize Pool: High-grade stones, Peak Grade Stones, Enigmatic Artifacts, Instant Escape Potion, and Purity Fountain Drop.

Rules of the Game:

Abilities Allowed: None. The game is purely based on solving puzzles.

Assisting Others: Assistance is not allowed. Participants must work independently.

Winning Criteria: The first player to escape all 11 dangerous rooms and solve the final puzzle wins the game.

Game Points: No points are awarded. The winner is determined solely by escaping all rooms and solving the final puzzle.

Starting Placement: All participants start in different rooms.

Time Limit: There is no time limit, but the first to complete the escape wins.

Additional Notes:

Collaboration or aiding others is strictly prohibited. Each room has its own unique set of puzzles and challenges that must be solved to progress to the next room. The final room will contain the ultimate puzzle that determines the winner.

For more information, please open your SG profile Interface.

Good luck to all participants.