Hang on, I can't drive.

As we navigated the grim, bloodstained corridors, Pierce abruptly halted near the elevator. His eyes glowed a deep blue, scanning for something unseen. "Don't use the elevator," he instructed sternly. "Marlene, take the flash grenade from my pocket, set it for two minutes, throw it inside, and hit the button for the ground floor."

Hesitating, my gaze shifted to Tom's broken form. Pierce's urgency snapped me out of my daze. I retrieved the grenade with shaking hands, following his directions. As the elevator doors closed on the ticking device, a sense of dread filled me.

"Now, the stairs. Quickly!" Pierce's command was sharp. As we approached the staircase, a door swung open violently. An armed thug emerged, gun in hand. In a fluid motion, Pierce shifted Tom onto his shoulder and fired his A.R.E.S Crusher shotgun. The deafening blast left my ears ringing, blood trickling from my left ear.