How did it come to this?

Frantically gripping the steering wheel, I swerved from left to right, struggling to keep the car under control. My heart raced as I glanced at my comlink, which showed 13 missed calls and several messages from Kristina. But right now, I had to focus on getting us to Juan's place. I quickly accessed the navigation system, and a line appeared, guiding me through the dark streets.

Pierce lay slumped next to me, his breaths shallow, his focus fading. I drove like a maniac, honking horns and screeching tires echoing around us. At one point, I nearly collided head-on with another car, but managed to swerve away just in time. "1.5 mile to go," My thoughts were a whirlwind of fear and disbelief. 'How did it come to this?' I wondered, my voice barely a whisper over the sound of my racing heart. Every turn of the wheel felt like a desperate fight against fate itself.