The Right Decision

Lohan's eyes were still on me, but I was too troubled by my father's look to give him another assuring smile. I excused myself when I couldn't take it any longer. The need to know what had been discussed was killing me, and Carlotta's guilty face wasn't making matters any better.

The pack's leadership didn't hide their sneering as I left Lohan's side to go seek my father.I returned the nasty looks with a smile, the type that would prick their soul.

"I see you and Carlotta are having a nice chat. About me, I suppose." I declared as I approached them. Carlotta looked away, and my father stared at me with visible anger.

"Is it true what Carlotta said?"

Again,Carrlotta avoids my gaze.

"What did she say?" I asked calmly, though nervousness ached to explode within my chest.

"That you rode back on a horse and that somehow, during the ride, your comb fell off? " he asked.

"Yes ,father." I replied,my inner self rejoicing that Carlotta had my back.

"Why didn't you use your carriage?"he asked, narrowing his eyes with suspicion.

I took a deep breath. "I was running late, and the horses were faster."

My father turned to Carlotta,who still had her head bowed. "What was Kiara doing that made her so late?"

"I was--"

"No,"my father said, raising his hand and rudely cutting me off. I could see how pissed he was. "I have heard enough from you. Go sit besides your fiancé. You were already late; we can't afford to appear disrespectful too." He turned his back to me as Carlotta mumbled a response.

I nodded to his commands. I was on the verge of apologising but decided to do as he asked first. Then maybe after the event,I will set things right with him. I scurried back to my seat and sat in my place

My eyes swept over the view in the room for the first time since I entered. There were thousands of flowers and chandeliers doing their work as perfect decor. The place was solely illuminated by the chandeliers above us,giving the place a magical feel. There was only one table—a very long one—with my family on one side and my soon to be inlaws on the other. The table was stocked with food and fruits,all halfway gone. The guests had had their fill, but the maids had a hard time keeping up with refilling the drinks. The party seemed at the end. There wasn't even an official introduction or our dance. I had missed it all, and for what?

'A time stolen from heaven,'the devil on my shoulder replied. Inside warmed up uncontrollably again. The indescribables returned to send waves of euphoria down my body. I should feel violated,goodness, maybe I was,but it didn't move me even a bit. I wanted more violation,if that's what it's called. I enjoyed every second of the tussle,the scent of him blocking any rational thoughts,his voice that seemed to echo in deep parts of my stomach,his face so close, his breath brushing my lips, and those hands—those beautiful hands—roaming where they shouldn't be.

I swallowed when I realised I had begun to get wet down there again. A part of me was starting to believe him. I could not reject him even if I wanted to so I could tag him as a sex offender. But this was different; he wanted to marry me. To have me and own me,apart from the sexual appeal and his charisma,I highly doubt he is even interested in actually having a marriage. It will just be a big wedding, with him being yet another dictator in my life. AND to worsen it,he was a sadist, so messed up he didn't care anymore. The marriage with Lohan might not be a happy one, but it will be peaceful.

I doubt it will be the case with Adriel. Besides,he was the enemy—our direct hit if we ever do start a war. Society despised me already. I don't want to earn even more hatred by marrying a bad guy. If anything, I would rather marry Lohan, who made me look good in the eyes of the public. A gentleman.

"Was everything okay with your father?" Lohan asked me when I turned to him. Those sweet brown eyes stared at me with immense curiosity.

"Yes,it's alright. I am extremely sorry for making you wait." I said,genuinely feeling bad that such an angel will have to put up with me and my small fits of rebellion till death do us part.

He smiled and nodded. "It's fine."

"Thank you for your patience." I said awkwardly. "And I am sorry. I lost your comb while coming back from a little errand I had set up on."

"Kiara," he said, putting his hands on mine. My eyes widened a bit, and he retrieved it. "Can I touch you? he asked.

I smiled at his politeness, and I extended my hands to him. I would rather give my hand for a kiss than have him put his hands on mine when it was folded on my lap. He held my hands and planted a delicate kiss on them. I smiled,watching him. He looked like husband material already.

"The combs don't really matter; I'm just happy you are here."

He held on to my hand and placed it in his. My eyes flicked up at him,feeling pity for him. He shouldn't have to deal with a man like Adreil for this whole marriage saga. I wanted to tell him to prepare for the negotiations or the attempts against his life, but I also didn't feel like I could. He was too close to my father, and they will want to get to the root of the story. I wish things didn't have to be complicated and that I had made better decisions.

'Do you want to dance?' I asked in an effort to make things right.

"Of course,he said," getting up. He confidently led me to the dance floor while the eyes of the guests followed our every move. I saw his family murmur from the corner of my eye and could literally hear some comments.

"Don't pay attention to them." Lohan said as his hands rested on my waist.

"I will try." I replied, putting my hands around his neck,ready to dance my troubles away.


"I do not enjoy lying to your father." Carlotta said to me as she held my hair up in a bun.

"I don't either,but what do you expect me to do?"

Carlotta dropped her hands and started unbelievably at me. "Tell him that bloodsucker held you hostage and stole your comb."

I rolled my eyes. Carlotta had seen him leave with the comb in hand, so I couldn't lie about that. She had assumed I was held hostage because she didn't believe I would willingly stay that long with him.

"It's not that simple; it's more complicated." I sighed, biting my lips. "Way more complicated, " I mumbled.

"I'm just glad you came out alive," Carlotta said, finishing up. Her words hit me. He could have killed me if he wanted to,right? I suddenly remember how well he dodged every accusation I threw at him. I first thought it was because he didn't want to tell me,and yet he pretty much bragged about Alpha Leo's murder to my face. A steady cold shiver ran down my spine,reminding me of how vulnerable and stupid I was. A bad timed intrusive thought of his hands running over my thighs came to me,completely breaking my chain of rational thoughts. I rubbed my hand on my lap, trying to rub the feeling away. It didn't work.I got up and paced around the room, my head driving me mad.

"Carlotta,he wants to marry me." I blurted out.

Carlotta froze in her tracks as her eyes darted to me.I could swear her pupils were shaking.

"It seems my father lied to him about the name of my fiance,and if it hadn't been so,Lohan might have already been dead days ago." I added as my mouth ran like a loose pipe.

Carlotta placed her hands on her chest, shocked and terrified.

"And he took my comb so he could find out who my real fiance is—who he really wanted to kill in the first place." I said again that Carlotta's panic was beginning to creep on me. Hearing my own voice speak it out loud held a more terrifying edge to it.

"He is sick!" Carlotta exclaimed, walking over to me.

"I know,I know,I know..." I repeatedly tapped my head.

She held my arms,her eyes bulging out in fear for me. "You must tell your father,or else Lohan dies, and so does every man you will like, love, or care about."

I stared into her eyes, searching for a reason not to. The only sentence my brain could give me was. "Why does he want to marry me?"

"I don't know, but it's no good reason."

"Perhaps I charmed him at the ball." I smiled like a fool, and Carlotta released me, and she mumbled faint curses in Spanish.

"He tried to kill you at the ball!" Carlotta yelled at me for the first time in...a long while.

"We don't know that,"I said, correcting her.

I could see her fume up and quickly calm herself down.

"Does he deny it?"

After a few deep breaths and the sight of reality plainly laid out before me, I decided to think rationally and do as Carlotta said. That was the reason why I told her anyway, right? So I could get good, clear advice when I wasn't thinking straight.

"You win. It's a bit too late, so I will tell my father the whole truth first thing tomorrow." I said as I climbed into bed.

Carlotta smiled at me with pride in her eyes. "That's exactly what you should do."

I pulled the covers over me and shut my eyes. Carlotta proceeded to blow out the candles and open the windows.She then wished me a goodnight and tiptoed out of the room. I opened my eyes as soon as she left and glanced around the room. Here I was, all alone with my thoughts. I could tell tomorrow was going to be a hectic day. I would have to explain some bitter truths to my father and go meet Lohan's family for the wedding plan.

After a lot of pointless thinking, I let myself doze off, and there I was again,against the wall, hands above me, and all my senses screaming thousands of messages as he touched me,but in my dream he did way more and even in that reality, it felt great. I knew in me that this memory wouldn't ever leave me, and I hoped it never did. I snuggled better under the covers as my mind wandered to places it shouldn't be.