Bad Timing


  *Adriel's POV*

 It was late, really late.

 Not that I was complaining about some alone time but still...It was a little off.

 The girl tea parties lasted a few days at most, but still, how could the introverted Kiara decide to stay that long at a tea party? With people she barely knew?

I inhaled sharply and settled to read the documents again.Why do I care so much anyway?

 I sent my concentration back on the contract; I had to find the best ways to avoid these kinds of worries.Reading and re-reading this contract helps to put my brain in order.

 "Adriel." My mother said, allowing herself in. She walked towards me with fierce urgency in her steps.

"A messenger from Erica's castle came with news." Her tone went hard for the second part as her breaths turned careful. "It's not good news."