Before It's Too Late

*Adriel's POV*

"Where is Hendrix? my mother whispered nervously to me as we headed down the stairs.

"I do not know." I replied simply.

"Damn it, now he decides to run off.I swear if he went to meet that tramp, I will kill him."

I dropped my shoulders in exhaustion.Insomnia has always been a problem but times like this reminded my body of how much rest it needed.

"We must present a united front;"my mother babbled on, clutching my has "From what the maids told me, the Whitmans seem enraged. Do you think they know about Kiara?"

"I do not know." I recited in my monotone.

Alpha Denzel and his Beta stood up briskly when we entered, eyeing me deep in the eye as the air thinned out in the room.

"Alpha Denzel… It's lovely to have you here with us." My mother greeted me cheerfully, as though she were speaking to an old friend.

Alpha Denzel kept his hard gaze on me as he replied to her.