Twisted Lies

*Erica's POV*

"Your highness?"

"Not now."I ordered.

"Its—its about an invitation, your highness."

"What part of NOT NOW do you not understand?"

The maid shut her lips tight and bowed.

I glanced at Marcello in the corner of the room and beckoned him over.

He did his tic tac toe walk as he approached me and stopped a few feet away from the desk.

"Your majesty?"

"Is Hendrix still insisting on having more staff?"

"Yes,your highness."

I groaned and sent him back to his position.

My eyes roamed the room carefully and

I got up.It seems like I have to fulfill his needs.In addition to lying that I will suddenly stop this plan of revenge.Now I have to treat him like a king although he is just a banished man.

I am tired of pretending,of halting my plans while there is a raging war at my door steps.

I seriously am.

I can't now live my life without wondering if it pleases him or not.