Chapter 7: First Interactions

The darkness around Liam gradually gave way to the gentle radiance enveloping him. Like a lifted veil, the celestial scene began to unfold, and he found himself suspended in an ethereal sky, soft clouds beneath his feet like celestial platforms. The sensation of floating in the ether brought a mix of fascination and euphoria, Liam's eyes capturing the grandeur of the realm before him.

Amidst this celestial setting, an angelic figure emerged, bathed in shimmering luminosity. White wings radiated with celestial iridescence, emanating an aura of kindness and serenity. Gentle eyes, like wells of compassion, focused on Liam, conveying a warm welcome.

"Welcome, Liam," the angel's voice resonated, soft and comforting. "I am the Cloud Guide, your guide in this realm. Before we embark on your journey, we need to configure some details."

The Cloud Guide explained the basics of Beyond Realms, emphasizing its unparalleled immersion and the vast range of possibilities. Then, he asked Liam to name his character.

"Liam, how do you wish to be known in this world?"

Liam immediately summoned his real-life nickname. "Viper," he said, a choice reflecting his agile and precise fighting style.

The angel smiled, accepting the choice. "Viper, a formidable name. Now, we need to define your appearance. Remember, only a 10% variation from your real-life form is allowed."

Liam contemplated the appearance he desired—a reflection of his personality, a blend of fearlessness and wit. He thought of black hair, piercing eyes, and a presence radiating confidence. As he pondered, he felt his body change in real-time.

However, reconsidering, Liam decided to revert all changes, keeping his appearance 100% faithful to his real-life form. The angel, with a surprised face, welcomed this unexpected decision with serene approval.

"Now that we've defined your name and appearance, here comes the most important part," announced the angel, his expression reflecting the significance of the next decision. "Which class will you choose? We have two options: the magical class and the physical class."

"The magical class focuses on elemental manipulation and offers a deeper, controlled understanding of the world around you. On the other hand, the physical class allows you to enhance your physical abilities, becoming a true master in melee combat," explained the angel, leaving the weight of the decision hanging in the air.

While the angel outlined the distinctions between the classes, Liam silently pondered the possibilities offered by both. The duality between magical elemental manipulation and physical combat prowess presented distinct challenges and benefits, and the weight of the choice reflected in his eyes.

Perceiving Liam's hesitation, the angel softened his tone and said, "Remember, Viper, the initial choice is significant, but it doesn't completely determine your destiny. In the vast universe of Beyond Realms, the boundaries between classes can merge. A physical warrior may find the path of magic, and a mage may discover mastery in sword combat."

Despite this revelation, Liam, wanting to stay true to his years of training and teachings in the Mercer family, felt an instinctive inclination. His thoughts echoed the traditions of his lineage, where physical skill and combat prowess were highly valued. Despite the possibilities of future transformation, he was determined to start his journey in Beyond Realms as a true melee combat master.

With growing conviction, Liam finally announced his decision, "I choose the physical class. I want to tread the path of a warrior, honoring my family's traditions and the lessons I've learned over the years."

The angel, upon hearing Liam's determined decision, nodded with respect and an encouraging gleam in his eyes. "The bravery of a warrior is a noble choice, Viper. May your journey be marked by victories and discoveries. Now, before you fully immerse yourself in Beyond Realms, there is one last step to your arrival."

With a gentle gesture, the angel extended his hands, and a luminous parchment appeared before them. "Before being assigned to a city, we need to know more about you. Answering a few questions will help us find the most suitable place for the start of your journey."

Remembering Oliver's words about the importance of these questions, Liam prepared to answer truthfully. The angel began the questionnaire mysteriously, as if each answer held significance beyond immediate understanding.

"The first question, Viper: what do you like to eat? Remember, your answer will shape the initial atmosphere of your experience."

Without hesitation, Liam responded, "I like simple dishes, reminiscent of my mountain origins. A good homemade soup and a piece of fresh bread always hold a special place in my heart."

The angel nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "The second question: how do you usually spend your free time? This information will be crucial to provide a personalized experience."

Liam reflected on his daily activities and replied, "I enjoy training, honing my combat skills. Additionally, I appreciate moments of tranquility, whether reading or observing nature around me."

Once again, the angel seemed to find meaning in Liam's words. "The last question, Viper: if you had to define yourself in one word, what would it be?"

Liam contemplated this question, considering how to express the essence of his identity in a single word. After a moment of reflection, he answered sincerely, "Determined."

The angel, with a mysterious look, murmured, "Your answers are recorded, Viper. Now, prepare to be assigned to a city where your journey will begin. May the winds of Beyond Realms guide your steps."

The light around them intensified, and Liam felt a sensation of movement, as if he were being transported somewhere beyond comprehension. The angel remained serene, watching the process with an expression that combined expectation and mystery.

The intense light subsided, and Liam felt a lightness indicating that his presence was now somewhere else. Upon opening his eyes, he found himself in the center of a picturesque village. Information appeared in his vision as a discreet holographic message: [Welcome to Brulhart]. The city square stretched before him, with quaint buildings and a welcoming atmosphere.

Liam absorbed the sight around him, observing the details of the village that would now be his starting point in Beyond Realms. Rustic-style buildings exuded a sense of history, with time-worn stone walls and windows adorned with colorful flowers. The aroma of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, blending with the gentle fragrance of herbs from a nearby shop.

In the central square, Liam noticed players interacting with NPCs. His perception was sharpened by the simple attire of the players, a contrast to the more elaborate clothes of the NPCs. A gray dot floated above the heads of the players, a badge marking them in this world.

Curious, Liam explored the square, absorbing the unique atmosphere of Brulhart. Players, some chatting animatedly and others exploring local shops, contributed to the liveliness of the place. The sound of children laughing echoed from a nearby playground, while a street musician played a soft melody on his lute.

Liam's perspective captured the sensory details with precision. He felt the texture of the cobblestone ground beneath his feet and noticed the mix of colors in the flowers adorning the beds. The warmth of the sun touched his face, creating a sense of comfort. The gentle breeze carried with it the murmurs of everyday life in the village.

Players, though noticeable by their badges, were not uniform in their approaches. Some seemed eager to start quests, while others were at stalls selling items, each forging their own path in the vast world of Beyond Realms.

Immersed in the unique atmosphere of Brulhart, Liam decided to further explore the intriguing environment. His steps led him toward a friendly-looking NPC organizing a small outdoor market. The NPC, an elderly woman with gray hair and a floral apron, looked up as Liam approached.

"Hello, stranger! Welcome to Brulhart," greeted the NPC with a warm smile upon noticing Liam's presence.

Liam returned the greeting, intrigued by the idea of interacting with the virtual inhabitants of this world. "Hello! My name is Viper. What's your name?"

"Ah, Viper! A powerful name, no doubt. I'm Elara, a local merchant. What can I do for you today?" responded Elara with enthusiasm, her eyes shining with curiosity and hospitality. As soon as Elara said her name, a holographic system screen appeared with her name above her head.

"Well, I'm new here and don't know much about this place. Could you give me some information?" Liam asked, expressing a slight shyness upon realizing he might be interrupting her work.

Elara paused her tasks, excited to share her experiences. "Oh, of course, Viper! Feel free to ask anything. I know every corner of this village. For example, the tavern across the square serves the best local delicacies. And that shop over there," she pointed to a colorful establishment, "is where my granddaughter sells enchanting potions. She's a very lovely young lady, single, you know? If you're interested..."

While Elara began talking about her granddaughter's personal life, Liam realized she was a talkative elder, eager to share details about the lives of Brulhart's inhabitants. He smiled, appreciating the authenticity and human warmth of the interaction.

Amid Elara's warm gestures and the sounds of the village in the background, Liam found himself delving into internal thoughts. 'Oliver said I should hurry and find the combat instructor as soon as I arrive at the initial village to not waste time,' Liam thought as he listened to Elara speak. He felt a mix of emotions—the excitement of starting his journey contrasting with a mild anxiety about not wasting time.

"You know, Elara, I'm starting my journey here. Where can I find the physical class instructor in Brulhart?" Liam tried to politely interrupt Elara, wishing to steer the conversation toward his initial purpose.

"Oh, dear, the combat instructor! Yes, of course, you'll find him in the training area, a few blocks north of the square. It's a large shed with a wooden fenced-off area next to it. His name is Garret, a robust man full of interesting stories. They say he has faced legendary monsters on the borders of this world. Well, I don't know if it's true, but that's what they say," said Elara, leaning in to reveal a bit more information.

Thanking Elara for the guidance, Liam bid her a polite farewell and headed towards the training area.