Chapter 8: First Challenge

The entrance to the training shed approached as Liam crossed the village of Brulhart. The sun still bathed the landscape, creating long shadows stretching across the cobblestone ground. Upon reaching the entrance, Liam noticed a commotion of players moving towards the interior.

The shed, imposing and sturdy, seemed to pulse with the intense energy of training activity. Approaching, Liam saw a sign above the entrance that read "Brulhart Training Ground."

Entering the shed, the scene unfolding before Liam was diverse and action-packed. Players of different sizes and body shapes were eager to face the challenges of the initial test or train their skills in the training ground.

Liam observed the layout of the entrance and noticed three different lines. One led to a kind of open area where duels were apparently held, another went directly to the center leading to a counter, and a third line went to a kind of covered gym.

Liam chose to join the line leading to the central counter. As he waited his turn, he sensed the electric atmosphere of the environment. The sound of battles, players commenting on their peers' performance, and others shouting words of motivation created an animated buzz in the air.

As Liam approached the counter, a robust and confident NPC, dressed in an instructor's uniform, waved to him with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Brulhart Training Ground. I'm Instructor Selene. How can I help you today?"

Liam returned the smile, feeling the excitement of the moment. "Hello, Instructor Selene. My name is Viper. I'd like to get more information about the initial test for the physical class."

"Great! Let's get started then. First question, what is your name in Beyond Realms?" Selene asked, ready to jot down the answer.

The instructor nodded, recognizing Liam's quest for guidance. "Certainly, Viper. The initial test for the physical class in our city of Brulhart consists of three challenges. First, we have the speed race, where you'll compete with others to record the best time. Next, there's the strength test, where we evaluate your muscular capacity and your ability to deliver effective blows. Lastly, there's the confrontation with the wooden puppets, testing your combat skills."

"We from Brulhart are known for producing the best warriors in the Veridus region. That's why our challenges and challengers are as comprehensive and difficult as possible. To register, you just need to leave your fingerprint on this scroll." Selene said, showing a scroll that would exempt the training ground in case of any accidents during the test.

Liam nodded, understanding the seriousness of the challenges ahead. He watched as Selene explained the details of the mission, absorbing every word to ensure he was fully prepared. When the instructor mentioned the fingerprint, he extended his finger, pressing it into the ink and putting his mark on the scroll.

A private holographic screen appeared before his eyes, displaying the mission information:


[REWARD: XP: +300 | Initial Skill Unlocked]

[MISSION OBJECTIVE: Successfully complete the three physical initiation challenges to unlock your initial physical class abilities.]

[REQUIREMENTS TO RECEIVE REWARDS: Overcome each challenge individually and complete the mission.]

[MISSION INTRODUCTION: Prove your strength and agility to become a true warrior. Overcome the physical challenges we've prepared for you and unlock the abilities that will make you a master in the art of combat.]

Liam absorbed the information, feeling the excitement mixed with determination. He looked back at Selene and said, "I'm ready to face the challenges and prove my worth."

The instructor nodded, expressing approval. "That's the spirit! Good luck, kid. Just move ahead and talk to Instructor Garret."

Liam, fueled by determination, headed towards the first challenge, the speed race. Upon entering the area, he noticed players getting ready, stretching their muscles, and analyzing their opponents. A robust NPC, shirtless with prominent muscles adorned with scars, stood at the front of the hall, clearly Instructor Garret.

As Liam approached, a random player asked the Instructor, "Instructor Garret, when can we start the tests?"

Garret, with a serious look and an expression that showed his combat experience, replied, "We need ten people to start, one person is still missing. Be ready to show what you're made of."

Liam observed as other players prepared for the race. Some exchanged comments, and others stretched to be ready. The atmosphere was one of anticipation and competition.

Liam continued to watch as the players prepared. Shortly after, a player who differed a bit from the other newcomers in Beyond Realms appeared. He was wearing a hood that concealed his face, which was surprising as everyone else was in ragged clothes. Garret, noticing the arrival, waved to the newcomer and declared, "Looks like we have our tenth person. Let's gather and start."

The instructor gathered the players in a specific area for the speed test. There, he explained the challenging course that awaited them: "First, we have a simple 100-meter sprint, then after crossing this mark, we have 100 meters with obstacles, and finally, an area where harmless magical lasers will be shot in your direction, reducing your scores if hit."

While Garret explained the details of the test, the anxiety in the air was palpable. Players exchanged nervous glances, some hopping to warm up their muscles. Tension only increased as the instructor outlined the challenges that awaited.

Garret, in a clear and concise manner, outlined the rules of the test. "Each of you will receive a score based on total time, the ability to overcome obstacles, and effectiveness in avoiding magical spells. The goal is to complete the course as fast as possible."

As Garret conducted the instructions, Liam noticed a separate area where some players were gathered, chatting among themselves. From a distance, snippets of dialogues could be heard, indicating that these people were guild recruiters, closely observing the performance of newcomers in the initial test.

One of them, in shiny armor, commented to his colleague, "We need a decent damage dealer in Haven Shiny. I've been spending three days going back and forth in the training grounds, but few make it through the tests. And those who do already have contracts with guilds outside the city. It's driving me crazy."

His colleague, looking at the players getting ready, replied, "Yeah, it's tough finding uncompromised talent. The competition is fierce. I hope at least one of these newcomers stands out."

Garret, after finishing his explanations, headed towards the starting line, signaling that the test was about to begin. Players, some with nervous smiles, lined up, ready to face the challenges and perhaps catch the attention of a guild.

"Get ready, everyone! Good luck to all!" exclaimed Garret, raising his hands and lowering them quickly. "On my signal... go!"

As soon as Garret lowered his hands, signaling the start of the race, the training ground transformed into a whirlwind of energy. Players shot forward like arrows, the sound of their footsteps pounding on the ground blending with the murmurs of the wind. The race had begun, and each step was a quest for victory.

Liam, fueled by determination, opened a considerable lead over his opponents. The hooded player, displaying remarkable agility, was the only one who could keep slightly close, but even then, he remained about half a meter behind Liam. The wind cut through the air, and the grass and compacted soil beneath their feet added a rough and real texture to the race.

Spectators, both guild recruiters and other players awaiting their turn, watched with diverse expressions. Some murmured among themselves, surprised by Liam's and the hooded player's impressive speed.

An experienced spectator explained to a group around him, "It's incredible to see how some players manage to stand out even at the beginning. All level 1 players start with the same stat points, so the difference lies in their ability to use their bodies efficiently. What we see now is true mastery of physical control."

As the runners approached the 100-meter mark, the sound of footsteps became a pulsating rhythm, and spectators kept their eyes fixed on the two leaders, anticipating who would emerge victorious.

As the runners entered the obstacle section, Liam adjusted his posture, maintaining the accelerated pace. The obstacles were a series of barricades, fallen tree trunks, and thin wooden logs stuck in the ground like stakes. Each demanded a unique approach, and the uneven terrain added an extra layer of challenge.

As Liam advanced, he quickly assessed each obstacle, seeking the most efficient path. His feet touched the ground with precision, leveraging the rough texture of the compacted soil for grip. The hooded player, though agile, seemed to hesitate for brief moments, giving Liam the opportunity to open a slight lead.

Encountering a row of logs, Liam calculated swiftly. 'I'll use the height to propel myself forward. Less friction, more speed.' His muscles responded promptly, propelling him gracefully over the obstacles. He landed smoothly on the other side, maintaining the fluidity of the movement.

The next barrier was a series of logs embedded in the ground. Liam opted for agility, choosing to jump over the logs instead of going around them. His internal thoughts were a conversation with himself, guiding him through the maze of challenges. 'This is easy compared to walking on Instructor Shen's sword hall blades,' he reflected, his eyes focused on the path ahead.

Liam noticed that the hooded player, although skilled, was starting to lose pace. 'He seems to hesitate more on the obstacles. Maybe I can use that to my advantage,' he thought, deciding to intensify his speed even more.

The obstacles passed quickly beneath their feet, each movement calculated and executed with precision. The wind whistled in Liam's ears, mixed with the muffled sounds of spectators and other players. The competition was fierce, but the confidence built from his training in the family village flowed through each movement.

Upon reaching the exit of the obstacle section, Liam realized he had managed to open a significant lead over the hooded player. The terrain now opened to the final area, where magical lasers awaited. He kept his breathing steady, both physical and mental preparation proving to be a crucial advantage.

The training ground was in a frenzy, the murmurs of the crowd growing as Liam and the hooded player stood out as leaders in the race. The outcome of the obstacle test would be crucial, and Liam was determined to maintain his position at the forefront.