Zombie Apocalypse Chap 10

Boom boom boom, a violent knock on the door, accompanied by the hysterical scream of the woman.

"Wang Yi!"

"Help me, Jia Ming, he doesn't know what's wrong, suddenly..."

Listening to the crazy sound of the woman outside the door slamming on the door, Wang Yi knew that Li Mei still hadn't avoided the fate of her previous life.

But I am no longer my last life.

After tidying up the clothes, picking up the machete by the bed, Wang Yi opened the door and saw that Li Mei was wearing pajamas at this time. She should have just gotten up to wash her hair. There was still unwashed shampoo on her hair, and her face should have been sleepy. , Full of panic because of her husband's changes.

Li Mei watched Wang Yi open the door, immediately stopped the hand that continued to clap the door, and said in a trembling voice.

"Wang Yi, listen to me, I was washing my hair just now, and Jia Ming suddenly..."

As soon as Wang Yi stretched out his hand, he blocked Li Mei's trembling lips, and said at the corner of his mouth a not-to-speak meaning, missed Li Mei, and walked towards her house with a knife.

Li Mei didn't understand what Wang Yi meant for a while. Seeing Wang Yi walking towards her own house, Li Mei's divine envoy followed him. If she knew what was going to happen next, she would probably be killed. Nor would he follow Wang Yi.

Gently push open the outer door of Li Mei's house and look inside.

In the luxuriously decorated living room, Wang Yi did not see Chen Jiaming.

"Where is he?" Wang Yi turned to ask Li Mei, who was shivering behind him.

"He, he is in that room." Li Mei shivered, stretched out her arms, pointed to a door on the left side of the living room and cried slightly.

"Last night, he, he suddenly came back and started quarreling with me. Then I went back to my room to sleep. I thought he would go. Who knew I got up in the morning and found him in that bedroom, lying on the bed, vomiting blood constantly. !"

"Okay, I see." Wang Yi stopped Li Mei's next words and motioned for Li Mei to follow.

"Hey, hey...

The two of them had just approached the room where Chen Jiaming was located, and an abnormal sound came out through the wooden door, as if the people inside had taken great pain.

"Ah! He, Jia Ming!" Li Mei exclaimed, and dared to bypass Wang Yi and pushed the door open.


The wooden door opened at the sound, and what came out was a gray-white face, tight muscles on his face, blood red eyes, and teeth on his mouth that had grown out, like a skinned vicious dog, facing Li Mei's hand fiercely. Bite over

Li Mei watched her husband just lying in bed coughing up blood last moment, but now she suddenly turned into this appearance, shocked in her heart, she couldn't dodge it at all.

"Be careful!"

Wang Yi roared, put his hand on Li Mei's shoulder, and pulled back forcefully to avoid Chen Jiaming's attack. At the same time, the other arm holding the machete slashed at Chen Jiaming's head.


auzw.com A chubby head, "Boom boom", rolled to the ground twice.

He died completely by Wang Yi's knife after all.


The foul black blood spewing out from the broken neck, like a flood, sprayed on Li Mei who was directly opposite.


An exclamation sounded, and Li Mei subconsciously looked down at the "husband" at his feet, his mouth was closed to him, as if he was saying something.

The poor woman finally couldn't bear what happened before her eyes, her eyes turned up, and she fell straight back.

Li Mei fainted, and Wang Yi didn't feel anything wrong. If Li Mei didn't have any expressions after seeing this scene, Wang Yi would doubt whether Li Mei was born again.

Looking at Chen Jiaming's stubborn eyes, Wang Yi couldn't help but shook his head.

"Be a human again in your next life."

Wang Yi muttered to the dry head, and then split the head in half with a knife. He didn't care about the sticky brain, and he reached out and stirred it a few times, found the basic meat in his pocket, and looked sideways. Wang Yi couldn't help sighing for Li Mei who was dizzy and unconscious.

In the previous life, Li Mei was eaten by Chen Jiaming, who was turned into a zombie in front of Wang Yi. At that time, Wang Yi didn't dare to open the door to rescue him. He watched Li Mei eat only bones. The **** picture was troubled. It took Wang Yi for a long time, but he didn't expect to live a lifetime and save this poor woman.

Taking Li Meikang home on his shoulders, Wang Yi did not rush to swallow the basic meat in his hands, but first took off Li Mei's stinking pajamas, and wanted to change clothes for this woman, but who knew what was inside this woman? Without wearing anything, he went into battle in a vacuum, watching the graceful ketone body lying on the sofa, Wang Yi's body inevitably reacted.

"This is not the time to relax. You can bear with me, wait for me to settle down, and take you to a big meal."

Wang Yi thought so, resisting the little brother's resistance, and hurriedly washed Li Mei and put it on the bed. This Li Mei is probably really frightened, no matter how Wang Yi "tossed", she did not wake up. The trace, if it wasn't for Wang Yi to watch her **** vibrate slightly with her heart, he thought that this woman was scared to death.

Wang Yi is not a good man and believer. After he became a fifth-level evolutionary in his previous life, he did both good and bad things, but he also knew what to do when.

Now the end of the world has just arrived, and my body is far less powerful than the previous life, not even a first-level evolutionary. If you are distracted at this time, once you taste the sweetness of love, it will never end and affect your physical strength and judgment. Power is not good for Wang Yi now.

I found a half bottle of medical alcohol from the cabinet, cleaned the basalized meat, put the genetic meat into my mouth without thinking, and swallowed it in one bite without chewing.

Feeling a wave of heat dissipating in his body, Wang Yi quickly started various exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, as long as it was a movement that consumed physical energy, Wang Yi did it all over again.

This is the method summed up by humans in the later life of the previous life. Doing some physical exercises while devouring the basic meat will enhance the effect of the basic meat and also maximize the energy brought by the basic meat.

Half an hour later, Wang Yi lay on the ground, feeling that the energy brought by the base of the flesh had disappeared, and at the same time there were many changes in his body.

First of all, Wang Yi's physique was not that bad. He usually does some sports such as running basketball, which is a little stronger than ordinary people, but it is only a little stronger, and there is still a gap between being strong.

After eating this basalized meat, Wang Yi could clearly feel the changes in his body, got up and walked to the bathroom, looked at his muscles in the mirror, and visibly bulged. The fat on his waist had disappeared. The effect of eating the first piece of basic meat is much stronger.

Holding the machete and swiping it a few times, he felt that his power and speed were much stronger than before. It was estimated that he would eat another ten pieces of genetic meat. Will break through the first level of evolution.

Wang Yi didn't go hunting for zombies right away, but picked up a bucket on the ground and poured it on himself. The violent exercise just now, coupled with the various toxic substances discharged from the body after eating basic meat, he already had some It's better to wash the body clean.

Wow, a bucket of cold water was poured on him, Wang Yi wiped it indiscriminately, and returned to the living room naked, just after getting dressed, he heard the sound of crying in the bedroom and Li Mei woke up.