Zombie Apocalypse Chap 11

Pushing open the bedroom door, Li Mei was crying and hugging the pillow.

Li Mei watched Wang Yi walk in, but ignored Wang Yi, but continued to cry in bed, tending to get worse.

"Don't cry." Wang Yi's calm voice came.

"Uuuuu." Li Mei continued to cry.

"I said don't cry!"


"I said you are so special, don't cry!!!

Wang Yi's voice was almost made by shouting, with a hint of anger!

Li Mei was frightened by Wang Yi with a hideous expression and immediately stopped crying and looked at Wang Yi blankly.

Seeing Li Mei stopped crying, Wang Yi rubbed his head in pain, not knowing how to communicate with Li Mei.

"Listen to me." Wang Yi talked with Li Mei slowly in a tone as calm as possible.

"Now the world has changed. You just saw that the husband who spent time with you has become a monster that is neither human nor ghost."

Seeing Li Mei heard that her husband had become a monster, the corners of her mouth pouted and there were signs of crying, Wang Yi quickly changed the subject.

"It's not just your husband, most of the people in this world have become monsters. When they see the flesh and blood, they will pounce on it desperately, biting wildly."

"Look out the window."

"Wang Yi puffed out at the window.

Li Mei probably didn't react, opened the quilt, sat on the edge of the bed and looked down the window, forgetting that she was still naked.

Only saw humanoid monsters in twos and threes gathered downstairs, biting around the human corpses, broken limbs and internal organs were scattered all over the street, and there was a monster with only half of its body that was grabbing to the ground with both hands and climbing to the broken limb Pick it up and eat it next to you, Li Mei can hear the sound of breaking bones upstairs!

A young man in his twenties climbed onto the street light pole, shouting for help. After a while, due to lack of physical strength, he slowly slid down and was swarmed by the zombies waving their paws under the street light. There was only a pool of blood left on the meeting floor, and the young man was gone.

Li Mei looked at the subversive scene in front of her, only felt her stomach churned, retched, and threw up directly on the bed.

Wang Yi didn't stop it either. The first time I saw these things, it was normal to vomit. If she remained like this after waiting for a while, Wang Yi would consider giving her something to eat and drink, and then throw her away.

Wang Yi doesn't need a vase. What Wang Yi wants is someone who can help him in the last days.

"Okay, don't throw up, put on your clothes, and then go to your house with me to see what you can use." Then Wang Yi threw a camouflage uniform to Li Mei, and Li Mei realized that he was still Naked, he quickly covered the quilt, looking at Wang Yi with a vigilant expression.

Wang Yi knew that he should go out, turned around and closed the door, acting extremely chic.

There was a rustling sound, Li Mei was already dressed and standing at the door.

Seeing Wang Yi was wiping the knife covered with his husband's blood, he asked Wang Yi.

"Wang Yi, are all these things true?" Li Mei's tone was a little low.

"It's true, didn't you see it all." Wang Yi didn't look at Li Mei, but seriously wiped the machete.

"Then, what you said to me last night, weren't they...


Wang Yi threw the machete in his hand to the ground and looked up at Li Mei with blinking eyes.

She has too many questions, Wang Yi has to consider whether she should shut up.

Li Mei may have noticed something, and she didn't continue to speak very interestingly. She stood there silently, her eyes drifting away, and she didn't dare to look at Wang Yi.

"I will tell you what I should say."

After Wang Yi finished speaking gloomily, he picked up the machete on the ground, got up and walked outside the door.

Seeing Wang Yi left, Li Mei consciously followed, walked through the gloomy corridor, returned to her home, and looked at her husband who had fallen into three in the living room, and tears could not help but slip again.

After all, he is still Li Mei's husband, even though the two have reached the point of talking about divorce.

Li Mei is nothing more than an ordinary woman. If Wang Yi had no memory of his previous life, he might not be as strong as Li Mei!

"Don't cry, it's already like this, what you should think about now is how to live in this strange world."

"Do you have a slightly stronger knife or axe in your house?" Wang Yi saw that Li Mei kept crying, so he wanted to find something for her to do.

"Ah, can only a kitchen knife work?" Li Mei answered Wang Yi's question quickly.

Wang Yi shook his head helplessly and said.

"Never mind the kitchen knife. Go and find out all the things you can eat at home. Also, if you have sneakers, change your shoes and don't wear slippers."

Seeing Wang Yi's order, Li Mei didn't dare to ask Wang Yi why, so she quickly cleaned up.