Zombie Apocalypse Chap 17

"Yes, it is the north. The north is vast and sparsely populated. Although the living materials are lacking, the infrastructure construction is much stronger than that of the south."

Li Mei listened to Wang Yi's narration, nodded without understanding, and also put forward her thoughts.

"Then we can also go to a few provinces in the southwest, where the population is smaller and there are definitely not many zombies."

"You are right!"

Li Mei was a little triumphant when she heard Wang Yi praise her, but what Wang Yi said next made her take the smile back.

"But have you ever thought about how we should live in the southwestern provinces?"

"It's just discomfort and altitude sickness that can kill you half your life. Moreover, those provinces do not produce food, and there is almost no light industry and heavy industry. Do you think you can survive only by avoiding zombies in the last days?"

"In the last days, we are not only facing zombies, but also lack of supplies, population decline, and struggles between people."

After Wang Yi said these words, he didn't care whether Li Mei could understand him or not. Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, and many things can only be seen clearly by himself.

Put the dishes on the table, tell Li Mei to continue killing the zombies after washing, Wang Yi sat on the sofa and waited.

Late, eight o'clock.

Two beams of light flashed from time to time in the corridor on the eighteenth floor. It was a bright flashlight bought by Wang Yi and could be brought to his head.

Li Mei held the machete in both hands, followed closely behind Wang Yi, and walked towards 1801. When Li Mei killed the zombie, he did not take out the Jihua flesh, and Jihua flesh was killed at the zombie. After death, it can only be kept for twelve hours.

Even freezing can't extend the time, so every piece of basic meat is extremely important to Wang Yi!

"Wang Yi, how do I feel so gloomy here?"

Li Mei listened to the roar from time to time outside, grabbing Wang Yi's sleeve with one hand, lying next to Wang Yi's ear, and trembling slightly when she spoke. She didn't know if it was cold or scared.

Wang Yi patted Li Mei's soft little hand lightly, motioning her not to be afraid.

"It's okay. There are only three households on the eighteenth floor. We only entered one house when we came up, and the zombie has already been killed by you. Don't be afraid." Wang Yi said and walked into the room first.

Under the light of the light, Wang Yi saw that there was no change in the living room. It was as neat as it was when he came at noon, except that the strong stench in the air made people uncomfortable.

Looking to the bedroom, the broken corpse of the zombie was lying on the ground. Wang Yi was about to turn over the broken skull of the zombie with the iron rod in his hand, and find the basic meat in it.


"Where is the basic meat?"

Wang Yi turned over with an iron rod for a while, but he didn't see the base of the flesh!

Perceiving the abnormality, Wang Yi turned his head to the room and looked around.

suddenly! !

Wang Yi saw that the head of the zombie and the bottom of the bed were connected by a little plum-like blood, like a red line!


Wang Yi let out a short, rapid faint.

Li Mei was following Wang Yi and suddenly heard Wang Yi forcefully lower her voice and say hurry up, knowing that there might be special circumstances, and did not ask why, so she hurried back.


With a meow, Wang Yi suddenly increased the speed of retreating, but he did not dare to turn his back to the bedroom, because the meow came from the bedroom!


The sharp scream broke the quiet room in an instant, and Wang Yi only saw an orange figure flashing past in the circular beam, and quickly attacked him!

auzw.com too late to consider, the iron rod in his hand swept across!


A howl of pain!

The touch from the iron rod in his hand let Wang Yi know that he had hit the cat.

Li Mei didn't know what happened just now behind Wang Yi, but after seeing a cat bark, Wang Yi waved the iron rod in his hand vigorously.

"Quick! Go back into the corridor!

Wang Yi didn't have time to check where the cat was hit by the iron rod, and quickly ordered Li Mei.

The two of them left the room one after the other and walked into the corridor. At the same time, Wang Yi asked for the machete in Li Mei's hand, and the iron rod was handed over to Li Mei, staring at the door of the room, keeping his eyes on guard. It burst out suddenly!

Ouch! !

The roar from the room is no longer something a cat can make.


A shadow sprang from the door illuminated by the light, and it tapped a few times on the corridor wall at an extremely fast speed, and struck Wang Yi's head across an arc in the air!

Wang Yi quickly raised his head, and the light shone on the mutant cat's eyes, reflecting the dark red light.

Quickly flipped the machete in his hand, with the blade facing upwards, and slammed it towards the top of his head. I didn't know the situation and thought that Wang Yi was about to commit suicide.

Wang Yi had just swung the knife over his head, and a heart-piercing scream followed. Wang Yi only felt a fluffy thing hit his face, accompanied by a few drops of blood!

The mutant cat had a hind leg cut off by Wang Yi, screamed, and flew behind Wang Yi, while Li Mei was standing at a loss behind him!

Standing behind Wang Yi, Li Mei vaguely saw a shadow leaping on Wang Yi's head, and then there was a scream, the shadow like a long jump, jumped on Wang Yi's head, then jumped towards herself !

Li Mei was cruel, holding an iron rod in both hands, and struck it diagonally from bottom to top. The posture was like a professional baseball player, nodding his foot, turning around and swinging his club, and the action was done in one go!

At this moment, Wang Yi was facing Li Mei, otherwise he would definitely applaud for this utterly straightforward action.


With a muffled sound, Li Mei only felt that the iron rod had hit some soft object. He couldn't hold back any strength, and the iron rod flew towards Wang Yi's head without holding one of his hands.

Wang Yi had experience this time. He felt a gust of wind behind his head and squatted down quickly, watching the iron rod flying over his head and falling to the ground.

Turning his head, he gave a thumbs up to Li Mei. First, he praised Li Mei for being in danger, and second, whether Li Mei, this lady, feels that she is too tall, and always works hard at her head.

Regardless of whether Li Mei could understand, she got up and walked in the direction where the mutant cat was smashed into flight.

"Wang Yi, what was that just now?

Although Li Mei looked embarrassed, she still followed Wang Yi and said in confusion.

"It's a cat. It should be raised by them. We didn't notice it when we arrived at noon.

The mutant cat was smashed against the wall by Li Mei with a stick. It was not completely dead at this time. He lay in the corner of the wall and watched the two people approach it, making a threatening sound in his mouth.

"It's all like this, and thinking about biting people, what a damn!

Wang said that the machete was thrown out in his hand, directly cutting off the neck of the mutant cat, and dividing his body!

"How did this cat become like this?

Li Mei looked at the blood-red eyes of the mutant cat, slowly losing its luster, and black blood leaked from the neck that was cut off by Wang Yi.

"This cat ate the basic meat that was contaminated with zombie brains, and became something that zombies are not zombies, and animals are not animals!

"Basicized meat?