Zombie Apocalypse Chap 18

"What is basic meat?"

Li Mei had never heard Wang Yi talk about basic meat, and had a keen interest in this somewhat sci-fi name.

"You'll know in a while."

Li Mei's calm appearance just now made Wang Yi feel that Li Mei should be a good helper in the future. Although there was a small episode in the middle, Wang Yi knew that it was just a physical problem, so Wang Yi was going to let Li Mei consumes basic meat to improve her physique and is also responsible for her own safety.

Wang Yi bent down to pick up the machete inserted into the mutant cat and handed it to Li Mei. He turned around and held the iron rod that fell on the ground tightly in his hand. He made up his mind to never let Li Mei touch this iron rod in the future.

Li Mei saw Wang Yi staring at the iron rod in a trance, and his face was blue and purple. After all, this was the second time. Although Wang Yi didn't say much, Li Mei knew that he should reflect on it.

"Hush! Listen!"

Wang Yi put his index finger on his lips and motioned to Li Mei not to make a sound. The two stood in the corridor and listened quietly.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Someone broke the door!"

Li Mei was just born, watching Wang Yi immediately made a downward gesture, and quickly shut up.

"It's not a person, it's a zombie."

Wang Yi whispered in Li Mei's ear, and the exhaled heat hit Li Mei's ears, so that Li Mei's face rose with two burning clouds, which was really beautiful.

But in the dark night, Wang Yi didn't pay attention. He felt it lightly, and after confirming that there was only one zombie inside, Wang Yi repeated the old tricks, but this time let Li Mei stand in the distance facing the security door without letting her Follow behind me.

At the same time, he asked Li Mei to turn off the bright flashlight, and took her own flashlight from her head, and placed it on the ground facing Li Mei. The light from the flashlight caused Li Mei to squint her eyes lightly, not understanding what Wang Yi did. What is it to do.

Wang Yi put the iron hook into the keyhole and turned it lightly. He felt that the door was about to open. He quickly freed one hand to grab the iron rod standing beside him, and the other hand holding the hook stirred vigorously. The door suddenly opened, and a female zombie fell out of it!


The zombie just heard a sound outside the door, and walked in the direction that the sound came from, but it encountered obstacles on the road. It was unconscious and could only slam into the door frantically, with its forehead and face already hung. The clothes hanging on the door are all small holes, and the foul black blood is dripping out one by one, dripping on its pajamas, but it does not know what the pain is, only thinking about how to stop it. The things smashed away, to eat the flesh and blood on the opposite side!

The door suddenly opened, and the zombie slammed into the air, and fell directly to the ground, smelling the smell of flesh and blood in the air, it went crazy.

It might be that it smelled the **** smell in the air when it came out, and then it was Li Mei that it saw. It just thought it was Li Mei's scent, and didn't notice Wang Yi who was hiding in the shadows behind him.

He got up with his hands and feet together, stretched out his claws, rushed towards Li Mei with a strange howl!

Although Li Mei squinted her eyes, her ears heard the roar of the zombie. Accompanied by the stench coming from her nose, Li Mei took a few steps back, turned and ran.

Wang Yi stood behind the door, watching the zombie suddenly rush out, grabbing towards Li Mei, clenching the iron rod with both hands, and hitting the zombie's shoulder fiercely!


There was a sound of broken bones, only to see that half of the zombie's body was half short, and the speed of rushing towards Li Mei suddenly dropped!

The zombie was hit on the shoulder by Wang Yi with a stick. Instead of chasing Li Mei, he turned his head swayingly, opened his blood basin and bit at Wang Yi's arm.

But the zombie's speed was too slow at this time, the collapsed shoulders had seriously affected its movements, and the sharp fangs bit straight towards Wang Yi's side.

Wang Yi saw the opportunity and swiped an iron rod on the forehead of the zombie!


As if ringing a bell, the zombie's skull was directly lifted off by an iron rod, and with a trace of brains, it hit the wall.

The zombies swayed for a few times, and the gaze looking at Wang Yi slowly faded. With a plop, they fell to the ground and there was no movement.

"Wang Yi!!"

With a scream, Wang Yi paused while searching for half of the zombie's head.

"Why did you let me be a bait just now!"

Li Mei ran back angrily from the other side of the corridor, and yelled impatiently before Wang Yi was in front of him.

"Why? Not happy?"

Wang Yi shook the brains of Jihua flesh, looked at Li Mei calmly and said.

Li Mei was also frightened just now, and now seeing Wang Yi's calm look, she felt a little embarrassed, after all, Wang Yi didn't let her have anything to do.

"It's not unhappy, but you can tell me first if you let me be a bait in the future, so that I have a preparation..."

The more Li Mei said, the smaller the voice, until finally there was only a whisper.

"Okay, I know."

Wang Yi did not continue to listen to what Li Mei said, but Wang Yi could still guess what she meant.

"That's it for today, take this piece of basic meat, let's go back."

Li Mei took the Jihua meat that Wang Yi handed over, and only felt sick for a while, but Wang Yi found it out of the zombie's brain, and after a closer look, there was still a trace of brains on it that was not cleaned!

But when Wang Yi spoke, Li Mei didn't dare to refuse, so she had to resist the nausea and put the base of the meat in her pocket.

But the good news is that I can finally go back. Li Mei spent the whole day in a nightmare, but she couldn't resist, and she would never wake up.

"and many more!"

Wang Yi waved his hand suddenly, causing Li Mei to stop following behind him.

"What's the matter, Wang Yi?"


"Listen, there is a scratching at the door!"

Wang Yi closed his eyes and listened carefully.

"No way!

This sound should not be the sound of a zombie!

Wang Yi looked puzzled, and couldn't figure out what the voice came from!

"Could it be some mutant animals like cats and dogs? Li Mei had just seen how powerful a mutant cat is," questioned.

"No, mutant beasts only came out more than a month after the outbreak of the end times. There can be no mutant animals now!"

"But didn't you just say that it was a mutant cat?"

Wang Yi glanced at Li Mei and continued to explain.

"The one who just became a mutant cat was because it directly swallowed the basic meat. Because it had zombie brains, it became abnormally manic, but the normal mutant beast is not so manic. At least he knows the pain and knows to hide. ."

Wang Yi thought for a while and said to Li Mei who was full of doubts beside him.

"You follow me, and run away if you feel something is wrong!"

Li Mei said firmly.

"I'm not that kind of person, I will throw you down in danger, I can't do it!"

"I'm afraid you will drag me down, so don't think about it!"

After Wang Yi finished speaking, he walked towards the house where the zombie threw out, and the voice came from there!

Nourish, nourish,

A slight beating of the door came out of the bedroom.

Wang Yi held the doorknob, hesitated for a while, and pulled it abruptly, while kicking his legs and jumping back.


Wang Yi looked intently.

A zombie, a baby, or a zombie baby!

Wearing baby clothes, he was crawling towards Wang Yi with his short and sharp claws.

The eyes that should have been innocent and innocent were now revealing bloodthirsty rays, looking up at Wang Yi, rows of sharp teeth appeared in his small mouth, violating the law of natural growth.

"Li Mei, come here."

Wang Yi didn't kill it, because Wang Yi felt that Li Mei should end its short and sad life.

"What's wrong? Isn't there any danger?"

Li Mei walked over from behind Wang Yi and followed Wang Yi's gaze.

"Yeah! Child!"

Li Mei's biggest regret is that she has no children. Watching the baby crawling outwards, she bends over to pick up the baby in surprise, without noticing the baby's abnormality?

"what are you doing!"

Wang Yi grabbed Li Mei's hand that was about to touch the baby!

"Look at it carefully!"

Li Mei listened to Wang Yi's words and took a flashlight to take a picture of the baby.

"Ah! It, it's a zombie!"

Li Mei exclaimed, her expression unbelievable.

"Yes, it's a zombie. Take a machete and kill it!"

"Me? Kill it?"

Li Mei pointed at the zombie with slender fingers.

"It's still a baby, with no resistance at all?"

"Oh? Why is it a zombie in my eyes?"

Li Mei heard it too. Today, she wouldn't let it go if she didn't kill the baby Wang Yi, she took the machete that Wang Yi handed over, closed her eyes, and chopped it down at the baby!


The baby screamed harshly.

Li Mei's knife didn't cut the baby zombie's head, but somehow it cut it on its shoulder, and chopped it down with its arm. Li Mei opened his eyes and found that the cut was wrong, and immediately it was another cut. Going down, who knows that the zombie baby roared, Li Mei's arm trembled, and another slash, which also chopped off the other shoulder of the zombie baby!

When Li Mei was fine, he raised the knife and chopped it down again, but he showed Wang Yi who was standing beside him with a horror. It would be better to provoke this woman less in the future. This woman is too cruel.

After three swords, Li Mei finally chopped off the zombie's head.

Holding the knife to look at Wang Yi's eyes flickered, only to make Wang Yi's heart hairy.

Taking the knife in Li Mei's hand, he took out the base of the flesh from the zombie's brain. Wang Yi had never seen such base of flesh in his previous life. Unlike usual, this piece of base of flesh exudes a faint green light, like a piece of beautiful jade. No need to wipe, there is no trace of brain stain on the base meat!