Zombie Apocalypse Chap 26

"You, you, why did you come in?" The second child shivered when Wang Yi suddenly broke in, and the words just said were basically left behind.

"Huh?" Wang Yi was sensitive to the second child's tone, he shouldn't be this kind of fearful.

"Who is he, why should I be afraid of me?" Wang Yi turned to look at the second child, but he was still puzzled. Wang Yi didn't take the previous matter to heart, and the second child and Brother Liu were trapped here. For a few days, Wang Yi didn't recognize it.

Although Wang Yi did not recognize the two of them, it did not delay Wang Yi's view on the form of the medicine library.

The two men should obviously be in the same group, and the doctor and three nurses hugged each other and squatted weakly on the ground. The situation was simple and clear.

In the previous life, Wang Yi had also stood in the position of a bully. Naturally, he was extremely sensitive to this kind of thing. In the last days, as long as it is a man with a little desire, I am afraid that he has done such dirty things, and Wang Yi is the same.

However, in the previous life, Wang Yi couldn't see any hope of living. In this life, Wang Yi was well prepared to live. It was just a goal. To live better is hope.


A painful cry interrupted Wang Yi's thoughts and turned to look. The man lying on the trash pile was staggering up, his back and buttocks were covered with all kinds of broken glass. The blood had wet his pants. But he didn't dare to make much noise, as if he was afraid of angering Wang Yi, he staggered and supported the medicine boxes on both sides, and limply walked behind the second child.

The tripartite was in this small medicine storehouse, and no one dared to speak first. Even the nurses stopped crying, and looked at Wang Yi with a trace of alertness in their expressions.

I can't believe anyone, even though the apocalypse broke out only a few days later, these people have already understood a truth.

"I'm here to find some medicine."

After a long silence, it was Wang Yi who opened the silence.

"Medicine? What's going on outside?"

When Dr. Zhang heard Wang Yi's words, his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Those monsters have erupted for three days, but there has been no rescue. It can be seen that the disaster is not local, but that is just the idea of ​​Doctor Zhang.

Now that Wang Yi talked about finding medicine, it further confirmed Dr. Zhang's idea.

If nothing happened outside, how could you go to a hospital full of cannibals to collect food!

"Outside, there are now all zombies, not just Jinling, the whole country, and the whole world."

Wang Yi stared at Doctor Zhang closely. He wanted to know how Doctor Zhang would look when he heard the news.

"Sure enough." Doctor Zhang looked calm and didn't feel frightened by the news, as if it should be like this. On the contrary, the nurses behind him heard the news, tears flowed uncontrollably again. come out.

"Don't cry!" Wang Yi yelled. He has important things to do this time. Since entering this hospital, a lot of time has been lost.

"I need all kinds of medicines. You can help me find medicines. I can help you with one thing."

Wang Yi said that he glanced at the two brothers and brother Liu on the wall, meaning it was self-evident.

Brother Liu and the two were chilled by Wang Yi's first glance. What Wang Yi said just now, the two had never doubted. The entire hospital is full of human-eating monsters. If it weren't forcibly charged in, there would be nothing more. In addition to Wang Yi's scattered pieces of meat and the machete slung behind his back, he was not lying.

"Good." Doctor Zhang did not think too much, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"What medicine are you collecting, is there a list?"

Wang Yi then took down the backpack he was carrying and spread it out on the floor, took out a list from it and handed it to Doctor Zhang.

Doctor Zhang took a quick glance and was immediately attracted by the drugs listed on the list.

It's not that the above things are not available in the hospital, but these medicines are basically emergency medicines, such as all kinds of adrenaline, and Sanlian. They are basically emergency medicines that are not available and only available in hospitals, even Dr. I also saw Nicosame and Kolamin.

Most people are not familiar with these kinds of medicines at all. They can basically list all these first aid medicines. Apart from hospital workers, Dr. Zhang can't think of anyone who knows about these medicines.

"Why, don't you have these medicines in your hospital?"

Seeing that Doctor Zhang was born in a daze, Wang Yi couldn't help but wondered.

"Um...no, we have all these medicines, but..."

"Hurry up if you have it, nothing is just!" Wang Yi waved his hand impatiently.

"Okay." Doctor Zhang nodded hesitantly, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes looking at Wang Yi.

The ability of the zombies outside, Dr. Zhang witnessed with his own eyes. How could it be possible for a normal person to be able to rush in surrounded by zombies?

auzw.com "Lu Shuang, follow me to find medicine." Doctor Zhang said to one of the crying nurses, and led her to the medicine racks.

Brother Liu and the second child looked at each other and knew that it was time to leave. If it was too late, when Doctor Zhang came back, they would not have the confidence to fight Wang Yi.

Brother Liu glared fiercely at the remaining two nurses, unspeakably threatening, and then turned to look at Wang Yi who was standing at the door, with a grin on his dirty face.

"Well, brother, you don't think there is anything wrong with the two of us, or we will withdraw first, so as not to get in your way."

"You can't go!" Before Yi could speak, a nurse leaning on the medicine box suddenly stood up, pointing at the two anxiously.

"These two people just took up everything they could eat and wanted to defile us. The one who lost a pinch of hair wanted to kill Dr. Zhang!"

The nurse immediately turned to look at Wang Yi, begging.

"Brother, you really can't let these two people go, if they go out, they will harm others!"

The nurse pleaded with Wang Yi, her better face was full of tears, which shows how much wronged she has been in these few days.

Wang Yi took a high look at the nurse. Wang Yi had already thought about the situation inside, but he didn't expect that the nurse would have the courage to stand up and testify against the two. You should know that even ordinary women have been insulted. , I'm afraid I would choose to escape, just like another nurse, just sitting on the ground and crying, there is no meaning to testify to the atrocities of the two.

"Okay, this is your request." Wang Yi looked at the man's head, which was missing a pinch of hair, and agreed to the nurse.

Seeing Wang Yi nodded in agreement, the second child who was holding Brother Liu from the side immediately turned gloomy and looked at Wang Yi with flickering eyes.

Although he has a straight temper, he is not stupid. Wang Yi came all the way in from the outside, showing his ability. The two said they were just ordinary people, so how could they be Wang Yi's opponent? The second child missed this and knew to stay here. , The end must be a death, but he can't beat Wang Yi again.

Looking at the nurse who was only a garbage dump away, the second child did what he thought was the most correct approach.

Can't beat Wang Yi, can't beat that nurse? Even if you die, you have to pull back!

Just do it if you think about it. After a while, the doctor Zhang is back. I'm afraid it's really time to explain it.

I saw the second child let go of Brother Liu who was holding him, pulled out a piece of broken glass from Brother Liu's buttocks, and rushed towards the nurse!



Brother Liu only felt a sudden sharp pain in his buttocks, even more than three minutes more painful than sitting on the garbage dump just now. With an involuntary cry of pain in his mouth, his body was also limp and fell to the ground, while the second child took advantage of the king. When Yi was drawn by Brother Liu's painful breathing, he went straight to the nurse in three steps and two steps, grabbed the nurse with one hand, and at the same time pressed the sharp glass against the nurse's neck with the other hand.


The nurse squatting on the ground saw her second child suddenly rushed up, and immediately yelled out of her mouth, as if it was her who was kidnapping, curled up and squeezed into the corner.

Wang Yi was not in a hurry. He looked at her second child with calm eyes. In fact, Wang Yi had already reacted the moment the second child moved, but he did not immediately stop the second child.

The nurse held hostage by her second child had noticed her since Wang Yi broke into the house. Of course, it had nothing to do with her appearance, but her calm performance made Wang Yi unable to help but notice.

She was too calm. The other two nurses were crying. She was the only one who didn't have any fear. She even dared to testify against the atrocities of the two when the two people asked to leave.

"Fuck! It's all you bitch!"

The second child yelled angrily and pushed the glass shard placed on the nurse's neck forward, looking frustrated.

A trace of blood slid down the shards of glass, and the nurse just frowned, but there was no fear on her face.

"What's your name?" Wang Yi asked, looking at the fearless nurse.

"My name is Xiao Bing." The nurse replied, her voice unusually calm.

"Xiao Bing." Wang Yi nodded and stopped talking.

The conversation between the two of them irritated Xiao Bing's cock.

He feels that he is taking the initiative now, and Wang Yi and Xiao Bing are passive. As long as the glass shards in his hands lightly scratch the blood vessels in Xiao Bing's neck, Xiao Bing will blood stain the drug storehouse, but the two are too far If you don't give face, you can't save your life, but you still have a calm conversation, and you don't even mean to be afraid.

"Stop talking fucking, you leave the door open for Lao Tzu, or she will die!"

The second child suddenly roared, clutching the glass shards tightly, and pointing at Wang Yi.

He wants to die.

"Impossible, you can't go out." Wang Yi shook his head silently, his calm eyes had a glare, and his arms trembled without leaving a trace. A sharp dagger had already appeared in Wang Yi's palm.

"Big brother! I beg you, let me go, let me go!" The second child seemed to collapse, tears and nose suddenly flowed down, crying and begging Wang Yi, the last line of defense in his heart was short by Wang Yi A short sentence completely disrupted.