Zombie Apocalypse Chap 27

Impossible to go, you must die here!

Behind the collapse is madness.

"Fuck! Fuck! You don't let Lao Tzu go, then all die here!"

The second child suddenly roared incoherently, and smashed the glass shards in his hands towards Xiao Bing's neck.


The nurse squatting on the ground watched the whole process. Seeing that the second child had collected the shards of glass, his mouth made a deafening cry.


A burst of air suddenly sounded. The moment the second child pierced Xiao Bing's neck with glass fragments, Wang Yi moved and violently pushed the dagger in his hand out, and the black dagger flew out in the blink of an eye. Second arm!


Faster than Wang Yi's dagger is a silver-white scalpel.

The sharp scalpel pierced directly through the old second-hand palm, taking advantage of the flow, bringing out a stream of blood, as easily as cutting paper, and directly almost scratched off the second-hand palm.

The second child didn't react until Wang Yi's dagger penetrated the second child's arm.


Pain, the pain of ten fingers connected to the heart, half of the palm is only connected by a layer of skin, and the glass shards have already fallen to the ground.

Xiao Bing took the opportunity to break free from the arms of the second child and ran towards Wang Yi, while the second child still stood there looking at half of his palm in a daze.

He didn't understand how his hand suddenly became half.


There was another sound of breaking through the air, and the second child subconsciously looked up, but only saw a dark figure, getting closer and closer to his eyes.

"Puff chuff~

The daggers entered, and the second child didn't even have time to cry out again, and his consciousness was plunged into darkness forever.


The second child slumped to the ground softly, his legs twitched slightly, and a pool of dark yellow liquid slowly flowed out from under the second child.


Brother Liu sat slumped on the ground, looking at the second child's body, his heart was blank.

It is not that he is not afraid, but that he has been frightened and even forgot to escape.

"Are you okay?" Wang Yi held Xiao Bing with his arm, feeling the trembling of the woman's body in his arms.

She is not afraid of nothing.

"Woo...no, nothing..." Xiao Bing threw himself into Wang Yi's arms, tears streaming out uncontrollably. She was just holding on, now she is safe, but the most vulnerable side in her heart is no longer Can't hide it.

"Woo...I, did I commit a crime?"

Xiao Bing raised his head slightly in Wang Yi's arms, and looked at Wang Yi with tears on his face. Coupled with her exquisite face, it made me feel pity.

"You didn't commit a crime, and I didn't commit a crime. There is no definition of good or bad in this world, only life and death."

After receiving Wang Yi's words, Xiao Bing nodded without understanding, then remembered that he was still in Wang Yi's arms, and immediately broke free of Wang Yi's hands and jumped off Wang Yi's arms.

"Well, big brother, what's your name?" Xiao Bing asked in a low voice.

"Wang Yi, Hou Yi's Yi." Wang Yi said, pointing his finger at the scar on Xiao Bing's neck.

"You go and clean it up. Although there should be no zombie virus on the glass, if it is infected, I am afraid that it will not be a good thing in the end times."

"Well, thank you Brother Yi." Xiao Bing smiled at Wang Yi, as if nothing happened just now. When he walked to the second child's corpse, Xiao Bing even kicked the corpse on both feet, whispering in his mouth. curse.

"This woman is not ordinary." Wang Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh as he watched Xiao Bing tumbling in the medicine cabinet.

It is not that she is not afraid, but her adaptability is much stronger than the average person.

Even Wang Yi in his previous life couldn't be so calm when he murdered for the first time.

Xiao Bing bandaged the wound on his neck with the help of another nurse. On the other side, Doctor Zhang and the nurse named Lu Shuang also walked back with hiking bags filled with various medicines.

"This is! What happened?"

Doctor Zhang saw the second child lying in a pool of blood at a glance, and couldn't help asking anxiously.

"Doctor Zhang, Brother Yi agreed to my request and helped us kill this person." Xiao Bing replied.

"Kill? But what do we...

Doctor Zhang looked sadly at the second child's body. He originally meant to use Wang Yi's request to take a few people out of the hospital, but now this request has been used. When Wang Yi left, Several of them are still trapped in this hospital, and the final result can be expected.

Xiao Bing also reacted, looking at Wang Yi with a look of pleading.

Whether to save or not to save is only between Wang Yi's thoughts, but the danger is very different.

If it was Wang Yi alone, Wang Yi would be very sure to evacuate home safely, but with these few people, Wang Yi might not even be able to guarantee his own safety.

auzw.com Seeing Wang Yi's face was gloomy and uncertain, Dr. Zhang said as if he could feel what Wang Yi was thinking in his heart.

"In this way, we don't need you to take us away, as long as you can help us out of this hospital, we will find a way to go by ourselves!"

Wang Yi glanced at Doctor Zhang after hearing this.

The face of forty to fifty years old was shining with a firm look.

"Okay, I can help you out of this hospital, but you have to find me some medical supplies."

"What medical supplies?" Doctor Zhang wondered.

"All kinds of surgical instruments and needles, as long as they can be easily carried, I want them all!"

Ten minutes later, the operating room on the fourth floor of the hospital.

Two broken zombies lay outside the door. Wang Yi was holding a **** machete and standing at the door. In the operating room, Dr. Zhang and three nurses quickly put various scissors and tweezers into his pockets. In the corner, Brother Liu was sitting in the corner, all over his body.

Doctor Zhang did not understand why Wang Yi had to take him.

"Brother Yi is installed, when shall we leave?" Xiao Bing handed the bag full of medical equipment to Wang Yi, and asked anxiously.

"Leave now." Wang Yi tied his pocket tightly around his waist, entered the operating room and pulled Brother Liu out.

"You are very tight for a while, don't be injured by the zombies." Wang Yi walked downstairs first after he finished speaking. There are not many zombies in the entire outpatient department, which is less than the inpatient building. Shi has been cleaned up by Wang Yi, so there are no zombies on this staircase.

All the way down to the second floor, Wang Yi put his ear on the corridor door and listened for a while. After confirming that there were no zombies near the door, Wang Yi carefully pushed the door open and looked inside.

"Doctor Zhang, you said that the ambulance duty room is in the room on the second floor?"

Wang Yi turned to look at Dr. Zhang behind him. When he first collected the items in the operating room, Dr. Zhang said that they could escape from the hospital in an ambulance, but they had to go to the ambulance duty room before they had the key.

"It's at the end of this corridor, but there are usually at least two drivers on duty." Doctor Zhang pointed to the end of the corridor and said to Wang Yi.

"Okay." Wang Yi nodded, and handed the rope tied to Brother Liu to Doctor Zhang.

"Watch him, it will be useful for a while."

As Wang Yi said, he put the machete across his chest and walked into the corridor first.

The corridor is about two meters wide, with various examination rooms on both sides, but it is extremely quiet, without a trace of blood, which can reflect that there are not many zombies on this floor.

A few people did not dare to breathe, and moved step by step to the room that Doctor Zhang said. Wang Yi looked up, and there was a duty room sign hanging on the door.

"Shhh~ No matter what's inside, don't make any noise." Wang Yi whispered to Dr. Zhang and several people, and gently pressed their ears to the door of the duty room.

"Kang 哐~~

The sound of a collision of things reached Wang Yi's ears. The sound was not loud and not very messy. There should not be many zombies inside.

"Stay back." Wang Yi waved his hand to Dr. Zhang and motioned them to lean on both sides of the wall, reaching out and holding the door handle.

"Ka Ka~

Wang Yi slowly turned the handle, and there was a mechanical knocking sound from the door immediately, and the sound in the room stopped, and Wang Yi stopped turning the handle.

"Da, da...

The sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer, and the blurry glass was blocked by a shadow. Wang Yi immediately took out the iron rod from his bag and pointed the sharp end at the wooden door. It was estimated that it was about the position of the zombie's neck. Wang Yi suddenly exerted force on both arms. To stab the iron rod into the door.


Suddenly, a coughing sound came from inside the door, and Wang Yi immediately retracted his strength, and the iron rod slammed into the door with a slight noise.


"Who is it! Who is outside!"

A middle-aged man's voice with a hint of fear came from the room.

"The people inside!" Wang Yi reacted immediately and turned to look at Doctor Zhang.

Dr. Zhang was taken aback when he heard this voice, then there was a hint of excitement on his face.

"Inside...is the Iron Army?"

Doctor Zhang suppressed his excitement and asked in a low voice.

"It's me, who are you..." The tone of the people inside the door also improved a little, but they were still a little wary.

"I'm Doctor Zhang, Tie Jun, open the door!" After Doctor Zhang got the answer, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and patted the door.

"Ah! Doctor Zhang, you haven't been eaten by that monster!" The Iron Army inside the door made a surprise sound, and then opened the door from inside.

"Come in, come in, there's that man-eating monster outside!"

Before the Tie Jun even saw who was standing outside, he stretched out his hand and dragged Wang Yi into the room.

"Hey! What a lot of strength!" Wang Yi couldn't help being surprised. You must know that Wang Yi has already taken Shukuaihua meat, and his physical fitness has long surpassed ordinary people. Even a professional athlete, I am afraid that Wang Yi is not as strong as Wang Yi. , But the thin man in front of him actually dragged Wang Yi into the house directly from outside the door. Although Wang Yi had no preparations, it was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to drag Wang Yi into the duty room so easily. .

But astonishment is astonishment. Wang Yi didn't realize that there was anything. He had experienced so much in his previous life. If he could be shocked by one person, Wang Yi wouldn't say anything about being born again.

After a few people entered the house, the man named Tiejun immediately closed the door tightly, and looked at Dr. Zhang with some rejoicing.

"Tie Jun, I remember that you and Lao Kang were both ambulance drivers on duty that day. Why are you alone, Lao Kang?"

Doctor Zhang frowned. The Lao Kang in his mouth was also an ambulance driver. He was on duty with Tiejun, but there was only Tiejun in the duty room, but Lao Kang disappeared.