Zombie Apocalypse Chap 31

It is not easy for the two of them to enter the kitchen rashly, not because they are afraid of Li Mei, but because they don't want to hurt Li Mei, such a beautiful face, if they get hurt, it will affect their mood.

There was a sound of cooking in the kitchen and Li Mei's intermittent crying. As long as Li Mei prepared the food, put down his vigilance, and had the sharp kitchen knife, the two would not have to throw a rat avoidance.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed, and the sky is getting dark, but the sound of cooking in the kitchen still keeps on.

"I said sister-in-law! You hurry up, our brother is still waiting here, it really doesn't work, let's help you?"

Zhang Peng couldn't wait any longer, and his voice also brought a hint of threat.

"Li Ran, if she doesn't come out yet, let's just go in, don't worry about other things, first take the kitchen knife from this bitch's hand!"

Zhang Peng whispered a word and held the machete in his hand. He couldn't wait, even if Li Mei was injured, he would admit it.

Li Mei couldn't help feeling anxious when listening to Zhang Peng's slightly threatening tone in the kitchen.

"Why isn't he coming back."

The afterglow of the sun shines through the window on Li Mei's slightly sad face, which is actually a strange beauty. It is a pity that Zhang Peng and Li Ran did not see this scene, otherwise the two would immediately rush in regardless.


The sound of footsteps approaching the kitchen caused Li Mei to panic instantly.

"The meal, the meal is ready, you are waiting outside, I will take it out immediately." As soon as Li Mei's voice fell, the two shadows at the kitchen door stopped immediately, as if they were discussing something, and there was no action for a long time.

"Okay, sister-in-law, don't let us wait any longer!"

Zhang Peng outside the door shouted loudly and waved to Li Ran behind, and the two slowly returned to the sofa.

"This can only be done first, I hope he can come back soon."

Li Mei bit her lip and saw the fruit knife on the knife holder, a trace of firmness flashed in her eyes.

After a while, Li Mei slowly walked out of the kitchen holding the tray.

"Haha! Sister-in-law is kind to us!"

A hint of excitement flashed across Zhang Peng's eyes.

She didn't bring that nasty kitchen knife!

"Um... you eat quickly, and you can leave when you are done."

Li Mei put the food on the coffee table in front of the sofa somewhat restrainedly. The two looked sideways and just saw Li Mei's plump buttocks forming a ninety-degree angle with the ground.

The jewels are round and jade, the alluring arc is extremely tempting in the sun.


When Zhang Peng took a breath of air, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, he didn't forcibly break into the kitchen just now. Otherwise, he would never see such a beautiful picture for the rest of his life.

Li Mei noticed that the two of them seemed to have substantive gazes, and their pretty faces couldn't help but flushed. He glanced at the two of them in disgust, and quickly got up and retreated to the side.

"Hey, sister-in-law, how about... have something to eat together?"

Zhang Peng tried his best to hide his desires in the depths. He looked harmless to humans and animals, unlike just now.

But a certain part of his body is already as hard as iron.

He has never played with women less, pay, free, or even give him money back, but no one, like Li Mei, the temperament of the young woman next door, I am afraid that anyone will be excited.

auzw.com "No, no, eat it." Li Mei subconsciously shook her head and refused. Li Mei had already thought about the idea of ​​his two.

"Oh! Sister-in-law, let's have some together, or we are embarrassed to do it."

With a weird tone, Li Ran suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Mei, forcibly pressing Li Mei onto the coffee table.

"You let go!" Li Meijiao shouted, and shook off Li Ran's salted pork knuckles.

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry! Li Ran also wants you to have some food." Zhang Peng hurriedly next to him and agreed, glaring at Li Ran fiercely, meaning it goes without saying.

A good meal is not afraid of being late!

"Look, sister-in-law, you should sit down and have some food together. How else are we embarrassed to eat?" Zhang Peng turned around and said to Li Mei politely.

Li Mei took the bowls and chopsticks, knowing that it was necessary to eat, and slowly sat on the sofa, but her anxiety was silent.

Why is he not coming back!

Li Mei subconsciously glanced at the closed door, how much she hoped that the door could be knocked at the next moment.

"Why? Sister-in-law wait for someone?" Zhang Peng keenly noticed Li Mei's gaze, he picked up an order and said casually.

"My sister-in-law may not know that now there are those monsters who cannibalize people. They are extremely dangerous, let alone ordinary people, even if an army comes, I am afraid they will be eaten by those monsters without leaving any bones!"

Although Zhang Peng's remarks are suspected of intimidating Li Mei, they are true, that is, the two of them were lucky and did not meet the hordes of zombies. Otherwise, they would never have come to this community. Smoothly arrived at Wang Yi's home.

"What!" Li Mei opened her eyes, and the worry in her eyes was released without concealment.

It was extremely dangerous outside. Wang Yi had said this to Li Mei, and Li Mei had seen it with his own eyes, but when he said it from Zhang Peng's mouth, the taste changed again.

It's extremely dangerous outside, let alone people, even if the army comes, there will be no bones left by the zombies.

What about Wang Yi?

Wang Yi may not be an ordinary person, but he is definitely not strong enough to compete with the army.

At least now Li Mei thinks so.

Zhang Peng was very satisfied with Li Mei's current expression, he wanted to completely disrupt Li Mei's heart.

Once a person's heart becomes chaotic, it will be extremely slow to react to external influences.

Just like now, Zhang Peng has put his hand on Li Mei's leg and slid gently, but Li Mei unconsciously looked at the food in front of him in a daze.


Even through the pants, Li Mei's sleek and tight thighs made Zhang Peng take a breath.

How long has it been since Zhang Peng first saw Li Mei in a wedding dress and held by Chen Jiaming at that wedding. Zhang Peng was deeply infatuated with this woman, but Zhang Peng knew that Li Mei was a brother. Women, although they want to touch them, they can't touch them.

But who would have thought that an old king next door let Zhang Peng see hope, and the subsequent apocalyptic eruption added a raging fire to this hope!

Turning his head to look at Li Ran with a look of eagerness, Zhang Peng's eyes flashed a bit of cruelty.

He wants to share this woman with himself, hehe, how is it possible!

Holding the machete without a trace, Zhang Peng made up his mind. As long as he had the opportunity, he would send Li Ran directly to see the green hat Chen Jiaming!

"Boom boom boom!

The sudden knock on the door caused all three people in the room to have a meal.

"Yes, he's back!" The knock on the door pulled Li Mei's consciousness out of his thoughts. Feeling the big hand walking on her leg, Li Mei immediately got up and threw Zhang Peng's hand away.