Zombie Apocalypse Chap 32

Zhang Peng and Li Ran looked at the door with doubts.

He is back? Who is back!

Seeing the uncontrollable excitement on Li Mei's face, Zhang Peng immediately reacted, and the machete that was about to pierce Li Ran's heart homeopathically set on Li Mei's neck.

"Don't make any noise, or you will never see him!"

Zhang Peng whispered a warning in Li Mei's ear, and his eyes gloomily looked at the closed door.

"Boom boom boom!

Wang Yi knocked on the door again, but there was still no sound inside.

"Huh? Did she go out?"

This thought flashed in Wang Yi's mind, and he immediately shook his head. Although the time spent with Li Mei was short, Wang Yi had a thorough view of Li Mei.

A woman like Li Mei can definitely stick to her own ideas in front of outsiders, but if she is facing someone close to her, Li Mei will become extremely docile.

Just like Chen Jiaming, he treated Li Mei like that. Li Mei followed him without complaint. If Wang Yi hadn't appeared suddenly, I'm afraid Li Mei would still feel sad for Chen Jiaming's death.

And now, the person Li Mei is closest to may not be Wang Yi, but Wang Yi is definitely the most worthy of Li Mei Xinnai.

It is precisely because Wang Yi knew this that he concluded that Li Mei had not left the room, but why didn't she open the door?

Fell asleep? impossible! In this case, it is impossible to sleep at ease with Li Mei's knowledge.

Many assumptions have been eliminated, and only one possibility remains.

"There are other people inside!"

Wang Yi lowered his head subconsciously and looked to the ground.

If someone comes in, it will leave some traces.


As soon as Wang Yi swept his gaze to the ground, he saw something unusual.

A drop of black blood.

Lying on the ground quietly in a dripping state, Wang Yi stretched out his hand and sipped it. The blood was already a bit sticky, which proved that the person hadn't been in the room for a short time.

Wang Yi didn't say anything. Since it was confirmed that there was someone inside, Li Mei must have been held hostage at this time. If he rushed in, he might cause harm to Li Mei.

Acting lightly, slowly put the two backpacks on his body on the ground, Wang Yi slowly bent over, stepped back, walked directly to the door of Li Mei's house, and flashed in.

The few people inside the door waited for a while. After hearing the knock on the door no longer sounded, Zhang Peng immediately gave Li Ran a wink and asked Li Ran to look at the situation outside the door.

Li Ran cautiously walked to the door and looked out through the observation hole, but he saw nothing except the gray-white wall.

"It seems to be gone."

Li Ran scratched his head and said somewhat puzzled.

"Gone?" Zhang Peng frowned and turned his eyes to Li Mei.

"He is gone. It seems that you are not that important in his heart."

Zhang Peng moved the machete from Li Mei's neck and walked slowly in front of Li Mei.

"Hey! That kid is gone, can we...

Li Randang laughed twice, rubbing his hands, crossed Zhang Peng, and walked to Li Mei.

Now Li Mei has been blocked by the two in the living room, and there is no weapon in his hands. For the two of them, this is the best opportunity.

"Yeah, I can enjoy it."

Zhang Peng sighed quietly behind Li Ran.

"I'm welcome!"

Li Ran's eyes gleamed, and he stretched out his hands to grab Li Mei's shoulders. He, who was desperate, did not feel Zhang Peng's tone.


Just when Li Mei was about to take out the fruit knife from his pocket to resist desperately, a blood-stained knife tip suddenly penetrated Li Ran's chest and reached Li Mei.


A trace of blood spewed out from Li Ran's mouth, and the intense pain made him unable to say anything. He just opened his mouth unconsciously, spouting mouthfuls of blood.

"Hehe! How can such a wonderful woman be defiled by you?"

Zhang Peng lay on Li Ran's back, but his eyes were staring at the bewildered Li Mei.

"You, **** you!"

Li Ran's voice seemed to be a broken light box, unusually harsh, accompanied by a mouthful of blood, sprayed onto Zhang Peng's face.

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Zhang Peng was not angry, but suddenly laughed. He glanced at Li Ran with some disgust. Zhang Peng fiercely rotated the machete half a circle, then drew a knife, bringing out a **** blood from Li Ran's body.


Li Ran fell to the ground and slammed on the ground softly, without any breath.

auzw.com "Ah~

Li Mei screamed, holding her shoulders with her hands involuntarily, and she kept backing away from the sudden shock until she stepped back to the window.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, as long as you listen to me."

Zhang Peng was already a little mad. His blood-sprayed face kept twitching his muscles. Looking at Li Mei's eyes, he also brought endless longing.

"You, don't come over!"

Li Mei couldn't retreat, and went directly to the window, but Zhang Peng still ignored him, and slowly approached Li Mei.

"You come here again, me, I will jump down!"

Li Mei screamed, stroked her arms, and happened to open the window behind.

Turning his head slightly, looking at the window, a few ant-sized zombies wandered aimlessly below, Li Mei closed his eyes in despair.

"Huh? Wait! What was that just now?"

A face suddenly flashed in Li Mei's mind.

Hanging quietly outside the window, he smiled at himself.

"It's him! He didn't leave! He's always there!"

Thinking of this, Li Mei immediately opened her eyes, with a trace of disbelief, looked out the window, but saw Wang Yi speak, whispering two words.


Li Mei lay on the ground subconsciously. Zhang Peng on the opposite side didn't understand why Li Mei suddenly did this action, thinking that Li Mei had given up resistance.

"Haha, sister-in-law, you finally figured it out, I will be responsible for you."

Zhang Peng was incoherent in excitement, and wanted to rush to hug Li Mei.



A figure suddenly flashed outside the silent window. Zhang Peng didn't even react. The figure broke through the window and hit Zhang Peng with a mighty force.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Zhang Peng was directly kicked on the chest by Wang Yi who suddenly broke the window, flew out, and fell to the sofa fiercely.

"Bah! Fuck it! Grab a woman from Lao Tzu!"

Wang Yi rolled on the ground twice, took advantage of the momentum, got up, and stepped on Zhang Peng's face.

"Ahem, ahem! You, who are you?"

Zhang Peng, who was stepped on his feet, let out a violent cough, spewing drops of blood, splashing on Wang Yi's trouser legs.

"Who am I?" Wang Yi pulled out the machete with his backhand.

"I am the concubine in your mouth!"

Wang Yi grinned, without any hesitation, aimed the machete at Zhang Peng's neck and swiped hard.

In an instant, blood spewed out like a flood, Wang Yi immediately jumped away, ignoring the twitching corpse, and walked to Li Mei with a panic expression.

"never mind.

In a word, three words, a room full of blood, and two corpses that kept twitching, Li Mei felt extremely safe.


The black blood covered the moon. I don't know when, a light rain floated outside. Following the north wind, it blew into the living room, taking away the faint smell of blood.

The two corpses had been thrown at Li Mei's original home by Wang Yi, and the blood stains on the sofa were also cleaned up.

Wang Yi lay quietly on the bed, thinking about what happened today.

For Wang Yi, it was normal, but for Li Mei, it was a bit too cruel.


The door was suddenly opened, and Wang Yi did not get up. There were only two people in this room, except for Li Mei who was hiding in the kitchen and refused to come out.

"Yi, Brother Yi, I'm afraid."

There was a tremor in his voice, and a rustling sound came from his ear. Then, Wang Yi's quilt was lifted by a corner, and a smooth body slowly got in.

The slightly cool arms held Wang Yi tightly, and his long hair with a faint fragrance swept across Wang Yi's face.

"It's so fragrant."

Wang Yi muttered a little, and placed his arm on Li Mei's smooth shoulder.

"Woo~ I am so scared..."

Wang Yi was about to move, but the woman in her arms suddenly cried, and tears hit Wang Yi's shoulder.

"Shoo~ go to sleep, don't be afraid when you fall asleep."

Wang Yi sighed and lived in his commotion.

This woman in her arms has experienced too much, and in a short time, I am afraid that she will not be able to adapt.

A good meal is not afraid of being late!