Zombie Apocalypse Chap 33

One night later, a ray of sunshine appeared on the horizon, Wang Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the person next to his pillow was no longer seen. Hearing the intermittent cooking sound from the kitchen, Wang Yi's mouth suddenly put on a smile.

Facts have proved that Li Mei is stronger than Wang Yi imagined.

The seventeenth floor.

After breakfast, Wang Yi took Li Mei, who had recovered slightly, to start today's task.

To kill zombies, time waits for no one. On the one hand, Wang Yi needs to use basic flesh to improve his physique, on the other hand, he also wants to allow Li Mei to grow up quickly.

Wang Yi attached his ear to a door, listened quietly for a while, turned his head and said to Li Mei who was looking nervously at him.

"Li Mei, there should be two zombies inside. You should help me contain one zombie first, and I will help you after I solve the other one."


"Can I?"

Li Mei pointed at herself, puffed her cheeks, and said with an unconfident expression on her face.

"It's just to contain, and it didn't let you kill the zombies."

Wang Yi's face was calm and his tone was relaxed, making Li Mei feel that there should be no danger, hesitating and nodded.

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei and nodded, and understood that she agreed. Of course, Li Mei couldn't help but disagree.

Wang Yi picked up the iron rod and said to Li Mei who was in a daze.

"Give me the machete, you take the iron rod, if the zombie comes out soon, you can't beat it, run upstairs, find a place to drag the zombie, and wait for me to come and help you."

Li Mei didn't hesitate, she always felt that the iron rod was more reliable than the machete.

Wang Yi took the machete that Li Mei handed over and handed the iron rod to Li Mei.

Wang Yi's allocation is also reasonable. The machete is suitable for close combat. In Wang Yi's hand, you can quickly kill the zombies. The iron rod is longer. Li Mei can block the zombies with the iron rod and prevent it from getting too close to Li Mei. Even though the iron rod is heavier, Li Mei has absorbed a piece of basic meat last night, and it won't be too laborious to wave it.

After briefly handing over how Li Mei used the iron rod, Wang Yi took out the unlocking hook and stuffed it into the keyhole.


The door opened.

Li Mei stood in front of the door with a look of anxiety, holding the iron rod with both hands. After all, this was the first time she faced a zombie alone, and Wang Yi would not be by her side.


Li Mei was frightened by the deafening roar coming from his ears, and stepped back unconsciously. The palms of the hands holding the iron rods were sweaty and sticky, making Li Mei extremely uncomfortable.

A zombie that only reached Wang Yi's shoulder sprang out from the inside. He was short and dressed in a white and blue school uniform. It seemed that he was a middle school student. Before he could go to school, he was infected and became a zombie at home.

When the little zombies came out, they saw Li Mei standing stupidly in front of the door without running, just staring at it as if provoking, but in fact she was frightened by the zombie that came out suddenly, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

The zombie looked at Li Mei, who could not evade, probably because she felt that she had challenged her appetite, roared, waving two jet-black sharp paws, and rushed towards Li Mei who was standing blankly.

"Run, fool!"

Seeing Li Mei still standing there, Wang Yi yelled at Li Mei in a hurry.

Li Mei finally woke up under Wang Yi's roar, looking at the zombie who was about to pounce on her body, as if she could still see half of **** fingers in its wide open mouth, and immediately "Mom", dragging the iron The stick ran to the stairwell, pedaling a few times, it should have ran upstairs.

Wang Yi looked at the zombies that were chasing Li Mei, and fortunately it was not attracted by his own voice, so he hid behind the door again and stopped making any noise.

Wang Yi stood behind the door, letting the little zombie pounce on Li Mei.

The short zombie just chased Li Mei upstairs, and an adult male zombie sprang out from the door of the room. He was tall and half a head taller than Wang Yi!


auzw.com The male zombie just walked out of the door, stretched out his paws before screaming.

"Swipe!" A burst of breaking air hit!

The zombie only felt a white light flashing by his side, and then one of its paws fell to the ground. Without a trace of hesitation, the remaining paw quickly swept toward the figure!

Wang Yi took off the claws of the zombie with a knife, and secretly cried out that it is a pity that if the machete grows longer, it can cut off the two arms of the zombie together. I can't help but expect him to explain Zhang Fei's machete made of spring steel. I don't know if the kid listened to himself.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, but Wang Yi's body was not idle, watching the other paw of the zombie swept over and quickly jumped to the side.

The zombie's claw fell in the air, so naturally he wouldn't let it go. He bent his legs vigorously, took off on the spot, opened his big mouth and bit at Wang Yi's shoulder!

As soon as Wang Yi landed, the zombie's fangs bite over. At this time, Wang Yi's right hand holding a machete was on the other side of his body, and he had no time to swing the knife. In a hurry, his left hand clenched his fist and aimed at the zombie's temple. Smashed past!


The head of the zombie was fisted and crooked by Wang Yi. He missed Wang Yi and rushed towards the side wall. Wang Yi saw that the opportunity had come, turned around and slashed at the junction of the back of the zombie's head and neck.


As if a knife was slicing a watermelon, the zombie flew out from the upper half of his mouth and hit the wall, and the black and red brain gradually covered Wang Yi.

Watching the zombies fall, Wang Yi didn't have time to find Jihua Flesh, and hurried upstairs.

Wang Yi just ran up and saw that Li Mei had been pressed by the zombie at this time, and he was using an iron rod to hold the zombie's claws, struggling to prevent the zombie's big mouth from biting him.

Wang Yi quickly walked to the side of this person and the corpse, before he could stand firmly, he raised his foot and kicked at the zombie's waist.


Li Mei only felt that the pressure on her body was suddenly reduced, and the zombie had been kicked flying by Wang Yi and fell down the wall.

Li Mei fell to the ground, watching the zombies crawling over to him, and hurriedly rolled, trying to avoid the paws extended by the zombies, but the corridor is only two meters wide, where can he hide?

Seeing that the zombie was about to injure Li Mei, Wang Yi gave a soft drink, stepped on the zombie's outstretched claw, and at the same time stabbed the zombie's head with a machete.

There was a sound of skull cracking, and the machete went straight into the zombie's mind. Wang Yi quickly stirred him, feeling that the zombie was no longer moving, and he pulled out the machete and slashed at the zombie's head until he chopped his head in half, and his brain fell on the ground , Got up and stretched out her hand to Li Mei who was still closing her eyes in prayer.

This is the most important point in the apocalypse. It is best not to take it lightly before the zombie's head is completely split and it is confirmed that it is truly dead.

"Hey, the zombie is dead!"

Wang Yi watched as he fell to the ground, holding both hands on his chest, Li Mei said helplessly, who did not listen to prayers.

"Ah! Is it dead?"

Li Mei heard Wang Yi's familiar voice and slowly opened her eyes with a look of rejoicing.

"Yes, it's already dead, if you don't get up again, the brains from the zombies will almost drip onto your clothes!"


Li Mei screamed. The body that was originally lying on the ground seemed to be pulled by a rope, but jumped up straight. Wang Yi didn't even see her movements when he found that she had stood next to him, shocked. , It's a strange thing to keep secretly saying in my heart.

Wang Yi picked up the base of the meat in his brain and threw it to Li Mei.

"Get the basic meat, let's go to the sixteenth floor."

Li Mei took the Jihua meat thrown by Wang Yi and asked Wang Yi with a look of doubt.

"There are still two households on the 17th floor that haven't been cleaned up, so why go to the 16th floor?"

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei who was puzzled and said slowly.

"The two families on the seventeenth floor didn't have the sound of zombies when I was fighting with the zombies just now, so there is no need to go."

When Li Mei heard that there were no zombies, her eyes widened. "Then since there are no zombies, there must be people inside!

"Since there are people, we can save them!"