Zombie Apocalypse Chap 34

Really healed the scar and forgot to hurt!

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei unconsciously, shook his head and explained.

"If there are people in those two households, they can definitely hear me fighting with the zombies, but they don't even have the guts to come out and check, even if they are saved, they are still a few wastes, which is of no use to me."

Wang Yi walked downstairs as he said, and got the carbureted meat that hadn't come in anxiously on the 17th floor. After waiting quietly for a while, Li Mei walked down the stairs.

"Wang Yi, did you save me because I did it to you?"

Li Mei looked at Wang Yi's calm face, trying to find the answer she wanted in it.

"Aside from hitting my head with an iron rod and causing me trouble, is there any other use for me?"

After Wang Yi said this, he didn't care about Li Mei's expression, leaving her a back, and walked downstairs.

Li Mei stood in place with an awkward expression, as if suddenly thinking something clearly, a look of joy appeared between her eyebrows, changing her frowning attitude because of the advent of the end times, she actually followed Wang Yi with a smile all the way.

Two days later, at night.

"Wang Yi, are we leaving tomorrow?"

Li Mei ate the basic meat in her hands. This was the eighth piece of basic meat she had eaten. Even though she was physically stronger than an average adult male.

Moreover, Li Mei had dealt with a female zombie alone this morning, and the basic meat in his hand was obtained by Li Mei with her own ability.

Wang Yi slowly stopped exercising, got up from the ground, moved his lower arm and said to Li Mei.

"Leave tomorrow morning. The next four days will be when the zombies are weakest. If you are still in the city after these few days, I am afraid we will be in danger!"

As soon as Li Mei heard that her life would be in danger, she immediately stopped and squatted up which she had just done, and asked Wang Yi with a puzzled look.

"Why is life in danger? Hasn't it been going well these days?"

"Successfully because the zombie virus just infects humans at the beginning of the apocalyptic outbreak, and not all of it has been integrated with the human body. After a few days, the virus is fully integrated into the zombies, and the power and speed of the zombies will be greatly enhanced. Hit."

At that time, all the zombies trapped in the house will break out because of hunger and wander in the city. Do you think we will leave after the zombies become stronger. What is the chance of escape from Jinling?

"Zombies will become stronger!" A shocked expression appeared on Li Mei's face, a pair of beautiful and round eyes, with a surprised look.

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei's incredulous expression and continued.

"These few days are our safest days. After we leave Jinling City, we will not just kill zombies every day. We will face more dangers. We will improve our strength as soon as possible to be better in the last days. Live."

Li Mei nodded when he heard the words, and then started squatting up again. She was sweating profusely. The tight-fitting sportswear portrayed Li Mei's figure perfectly. Wang Yi couldn't help but stare at it. Never touched a woman.

Feeling Wang Yi's aggressive gaze, Li Mei suddenly felt a little unnatural, not knowing what she thought, turned her body around and started doing it with her back facing Wang Yi!

This time was great. Li Mei was already facing the danger that Wang Yi couldn't stand it anymore. Li Mei suddenly turned around. The slender figure was facing Wang Yi, heaving up and down with his movements, so tempted!

"Ahem, Li Mei, it doesn't work much for you to do this. I will teach you an exercise method that can better enhance the body's efficiency in absorbing basic meat and speed up the improvement of strength!"

Wang Yi flushed behind Li Mei, and his nose kept panting.

Li Mei heard that Wang Yi had a better way, so she stopped and wanted to turn around and ask Wang Yi.

"Wait, you don't need to turn around for this action!"

Wang Yi's hurried voice came from behind, and Li Mei was puzzled, what kind of exercise does Wang Yi want to teach herself? But in the past few days, I haven't seen him doing any special poses?

Although auzw.com was puzzled, Li Mei did not turn around according to Wang Yi's words, and quietly waited for Wang Yi's next step. This is a habit that Li Mei has developed in the past few days. , Listen to Wang Yi's words, don't let yourself hurt.

"Yes, that's it. Now you slowly bend over and put your hands on the TV cabinet."

Wang Yi's thickened voice came from behind.

"Uh, is that right?"

According to Wang Yi's words, Li Mei set her posture, her waist drooping naturally, which was very attractive.

"Put your legs apart, shoulder width apart."

Wang Yi continued speaking in that coarse tone.

"So? What's next?"

Li Mei heard a rustling sound behind him, just about to look back, suddenly felt a pair of fiery hands resting on the skin exposed on her waist, the feeling of electric shock made Li Mei shudder. I just felt that Wang Yi's big hands seemed to have magical powers, and the numb feeling spread all over Li Mei's body from the waist, and there was a seductive voice in his mouth.

Li Mei's body was trembling involuntarily, her legs gradually lost strength, and she fell to the ground.


"Well, wait, wait a minute, go to the house."

Li Mei hummed softly, what Wang Yi wanted to do, Li Mei naturally understood. After so much, Li Mei no longer had the idea of ​​rejecting Wang Yi.

This may be the sorrow of a woman who is helpless in the last days.

Li Mei's thin eyebrows were lightly frowned, and a strange expression appeared on her reddish face. While there was still a trace of reason, she made her last request.

Wang Yi* burned her body, but she couldn't ignore Li Mei's feelings. Her experience in the past few days was too cruel. If she was forced to stay here, she might be grudged in the future.

He leaned over and picked up Li Mei and walked to the bedroom, lowered her last layer of defense, and slowly looked at Li Mei's graceful body with the dim candlelight.

"You, don't look at it, come up quickly."

Li Mei waited for a long time before Wang Yi, slowly opened her eyes, but watched Wang Yi looking at herself with red eyes.

"Ah, oh! I'm here!"

The second day, early morning.


Sitting on the sofa, Wang Yi listened to Li Mei's cooking in the kitchen. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly with a smile. Recalling the craziness of last night, he could not help secretly saying that this woman was more beautiful than he thought.

"Okay! It's dinner!"

Li Mei came out of the kitchen with a plate of scrambled eggs. He felt like a good wife and mother. Wang Yi couldn't help but feel a little illusion. He wanted to live with Li Mei in this hut, but the idea just came out. Yi vetoed it.

Looking down at the unusually rich meals on the table, this is to take out all the ingredients in the house.

Li Mei was not feeling well at this time. Although she had only stayed here for three days, the hut gave her safety and she was about to leave. She did not know what the outside world had become.

"Don't think too much about it. Now the whole world has changed. It will only be more dangerous to stay here. As long as we can reach Hohhot smoothly, we will have a foothold in these last days."

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei who was a little melancholy, and comforted her, saying that after all, she has already had a relationship with herself, no matter what the purpose is, make her happy and feel more comfortable in her heart.

Li Mei put down the chopsticks in her hand, a complicated look appeared in a pair of beautiful eyes, and said hesitantly.

"Brother Yi, we are going northward to Hohhot. There must be crises, I am worried..."