Zombie Apocalypse Chap 35

"There is nothing to worry about! Although it is comfortable here, it is not a long-term solution. After a few days, the virus will fully merge with the zombies, and this is the most dangerous place!"

This little lady slept with herself all night and even changed her name.

Wang Yi secretly said in his heart, but he didn't say anything. It just reminded Wang Yi of the corpse hunting group in his previous life. The group of brothers under his team also called Wang Yi this way. I don't know how they are now.

Quickly grabbed a few bites of rice, put the bowl on the table, pointed to the two suitcases on the floor and said.

"I have packed my things. When I go downstairs, I will attract zombies. You get in the car with your suitcase and wait for me in the car. Wang Yi gave Li Mei the key to the truck."

Li Mei also knew that Wang Yi had been prepared. He took the key and followed Wang Yi to the window.

At this time, there were about ten zombies swaying aimlessly downstairs. These were all people who were doing morning exercises or working early when the outbreak occurred. Not many, but they can't be dealt with with Wang Yi's current ability. Wang Yi can only lead away the zombies and let Li Mei get in the car first.

"Look, it's the truck." Wang Yi said, pointing to the truck whose front was covered by a black cloth.

Grabbing the weapons and the suitcases, the two went down to the first floor one after another.

Wang Yi gently opened the door of the unit, looking at so many zombies outside, turned around and nodded to Li Mei, took the lead and walked out with the iron rod, but did not notice that a pair of eyes in the window on the third floor opposite was watching this scene. , Watching Wang Yi coming out of the door, his pupils shrank instantly!


"You living dead! I'm here!"

Wang Yi threw a convenient bag on the zombie closest to him. Inside was the viscera that Wang Yi went to the 18th floor this morning and took off the man who was only half of his body!

The zombies were already hungry and hungry. At this moment, seeing Wang Yi standing in front of the door yelling, smelling the smell of flesh and blood in the air, had already made them extremely excited.

Ouch! !

The zombie closest to Wang Yi has already rushed over, and his claws are about to touch Wang Yi!

"Fuck you!"

Wang Yi roared, his body slightly dodged the attack from the zombies, his facial muscles were fierce, and he swung an iron rod and smashed his head against the zombies!

clang! !

The zombie was knocked down by a stick, but did not die. Instead, he shook his head and continued to walk towards Wang Yi who had already run away.

"Come on!"

Wang Yi yelled as he ran, attracted a dozen zombies around him, and followed Wang Yi, as if a fish was grabbing a fish hook, chasing him!

Seeing that the zombies had been led away by Wang Yi, Li Mei hurriedly opened the door of the unit, dragged two suitcases and quickly ran to the front of the truck, reaching out and lifting the black cloth covering the head of the truck.


Looking at the unrecognizable truck that had been modified by Wang Yi, Li Mei called out in surprise.

The windows of the truck are all welded into a mesh with thumb-thick steel bars. Each mesh is about the size of a fist to ensure that zombies will not break the glass and enter the cab. The front anti-collision beam is connected to the front end of a bulldozer. The shovel looks weird and ferocious!

Before he could think about when Wang Yi refitted the truck, Li Mei hurriedly took out the key, and wanted to open the door and put the suitcase in first.



"Beauty, don't move!"

A hoarse voice came from behind Li Mei, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, she felt something against her waist and pierced her clothes.

Wang Yi was hurriedly passing through a small park in the community, followed by a dozen zombies, and more and more zombies heard their voices coming towards Wang Yi!

"If I remember correctly, walk through the park, and behind it is an independent community hospital."

Wang Yi thought in his heart that his plan was to attract the zombies to the community hospital after passing through the park, and then pass through the hospital, throwing away the zombies behind him.


A stick smashed the zombie that suddenly appeared in the woods. Wang Yi shook his body for a while. He was not in love with war, and the speed accelerated again. At this time, after three days of fusion of the virus, the speed of the zombie was no longer much slower than that of normal people. The zombies that appeared from time to time gradually slowed down Wang Yi's speed, dangerously advancing.

"Hurry up!

Wang Yi held a heavy iron rod in his hand. Although there was no pressure on Wang Yi, it also slightly affected his speed!


There was a burst of air behind him, and the zombie who was chasing the fastest was only half a body away from Wang Yi. It saw the opportunity and launched an attack on the back of Wang Yi's neck. The sharp claws were about to touch Wang Yi. !

"not good!"

Listening to the voice behind Wang Yi, he knew that the zombie had launched an attack, but it was difficult to hide, because bending over would definitely affect Wang Yi's speed!


Wang Yi's eyes lit up, and a gully about 1.5 meters wide appeared in front of him! It should have been dug by some pipeline buried in the community, Wang Yi tried his best, and the speed suddenly increased, and he dodged the attack of the zombies behind him dangerously and dangerously. Before the zombies came next time, he jumped!

Boom! Jumping directly over the wide ditch, the zombie behind him didn't react because he was following too tightly, and fell into the empty space.

The few zombies behind him also focused their attention on Wang Yi. They did not see the wide ditch. They fell four or five under the push. When they wanted to climb out, the zombies behind had already arrived, one by one. Or stepped or jumped over the gully, leaving only the fast running zombies roaring in the gully.

Once again, the distance between the zombie and Wang Yi has been widened.

There is a community hospital in front. Wang Yi walked through the park, looking at the five-story white building not far away, suddenly speeding up.

Like an arrow from the string, Wang Yi rushed through the community hospital lobby. The zombies inside only felt a shadow flashing in front of them, and Wang Yi went up to the second floor.


There were about forty or fifty zombies who followed Wang Yi, all of which were attracted by Wang Yi's yelling in the community just now. There were scattered zombies in the distance coming here, and for a while The roar of zombies reverberated throughout the hospital, one after another, so lively.

The hospital lobby was directly opposite to the stairs. After Wang Yi came in, he went straight up the stairs. The forty or fifty zombies behind him were crowded and shouted. They were actually blocked at the top of the stairs, like arhats, one behind the other.


A zombie suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs on the second floor, raising its sharp claws and grabbing it at Wang Yi who had just run upstairs.

Wang Yi reacted quickly. He raised his head and almost avoided the zombie's claws, and the iron rod he was holding hit the zombie's waist.


The zombie was hit by an iron rod, and his waist broke directly. The whole body was folded back together like an allegro, and his body slid down the stairs.