Zombie Apocalypse Chap 69

Li Mei saw that Wang Yi hadn't taken the base of the flesh, and didn't speak, her face was uncertain, which made people a little scared.

"Yi, Brother Yi, in fact, I was not angry just now. I just blamed myself. I didn't stand by your side to help you when you were injured. You, don't do that."

Li Mei's words interrupted Wang Yi's thoughts. Looking at Li Mei with a guilty expression, Wang Yi beckoned and motioned Li Mei to come into his arms.

"I'm nothing. I just thought of something. Don't worry. I will still give you this basic meat. I don't need it now."

Seeing Li Mei's expression of rejection, Wang Yi immediately said to Li Mei.

"If you don't eat it anymore, once the time has passed, this basic meat will be wasted."

Li Mei couldn't screw Wang Yi, so he had to eat the meat, and then went down the door.

"Why are you going?"

Wang Yi looked at Li Mei who was about to get out of the car, with a look of confusion. What happened to this lady today? Since I came back, it has been abnormal, and I have to go out in the middle of the night.

"I'm going out for exercise. Didn't you say that after eating basic meat, exercise will be better?"

Wang Yi grabbed Li Mei and directly dragged Li Mei under him.

"It's so late, so you don't have to go out to exercise, it's the same in the car!"

"Huh?" Seeing Wang Yi's serious look, how could Li Mei not know what Wang Yi was thinking, but considering that Wang Yi still had injuries, Li Mei wanted to push back and struggled a little The arm clenched tightly by Wang Yi did not expect to further arouse the evil fire in Wang Yi's heart.

Despite the pain caused by the wound on his chest, Wang Yi still hugged Li Mei's thin waist, the two turned around and Wang Yi directly lay down on the back bed of the truck.

"Oh!" Li Mei screamed in fright, and the fan fist subconsciously hammered Wang Yi's chest. His complexion was pink. Knowing that he would not be able to escape tonight, he stretched out his hand to open the curtains of the two windows to block the trace. Starlight.

The next day, at about ten o'clock in the morning, Wang Yi woke up, but Yang Bing and Zhang Fei and the others had already prepared early, waiting for Wang Yi below.

Zhang Fei watched Wang Yi and Li Mei get out of the car slowly, and came up to say hello with a smirk.

"Oh, did Brother Yi take a rest last night?"

Hearing this, Li Mei's face immediately turned red. After leaving a sentence, I was going to prepare breakfast, and then ran away with her face covered. Wang Yi looked at everyone in a joke, and said to Zhang Fei without caring.

"Zhang Fei, you will stay in the repair shop today, tidy up the easily damaged parts of our cars, and load them on my truck with Liu Yang."

"Good brother Yi."

Zhang Fei nodded immediately without saying much.

Wang Yi didn't bring Zhang Fei on these two outings because Zhang Fei was originally the owner of this repair shop, and he was familiar with this scene. If Wang Yi and the others went out, Zhang Fei would be able to deal with it.

And today, Zhang Fei was given an important task, which is to take away all the parts that can be used by these vehicles!

In this way, if the vehicle on the road is damaged, it can be repaired so as not to stare at the side.

auzw.com "But Brother Yi, your truck is almost full, there is not much space left!"

Yang Bing reminded Wang Yi from the side.

It is also true that everyone loaded the overcoat and military boots of that carriage on Wang Yi's truck last night, and now there is not much space on the truck.

"That's it, Zhang Fei, first find out all the parts that can be used. Put as many as you can on the truck, and the rest will be loaded on Yang Bing's truck when we come back."

Yang Bing's truck has six large oil barrels and seven or eight small oil barrels. Although it sounds too much, it actually occupies half of the carriage, and half of the carriage is empty.

"Okay Brother Yi, in addition to these parts, there are also some food and mineral water, are they all concentrated?"

When Wang Yi came over the other day, he unloaded part of the food from the car. Everyone did not finish eating, and many of them were piled on the second floor.

Wang Yi considered for a while, nodded, and agreed with Zhang Fei's idea. Almost a week has passed since the apocalyptic eruption, and the zombies are also increasing. It is time for everyone to leave.

After Wang Yi finished eating, the people who were determined to go to the gas station yesterday got in the car. Wang Yi confessed a few words to Li Mei. Under Li Mei's worried eyes, the group embarked on the road to the gas station.

A total of two cars were driven this time. One was a truck driven by Yang Bing. Wang Yi was sitting in the co-pilot. In the rear compartment were several oil drums, as well as the pipe wrenches and hacksaw items prepared by Zhang Fei. Used to open oil tanks at gas stations.

The other car was Zhang Fei's pickup truck. Li Hu drove. Li Long and Zhang Cong were sitting in the car, with three people's weapons in the rear compartment.

After leaving the repair shop, Yang Bing led the way. As for the route, he had already considered the route. He went directly on Jianshe Road, from Jianshe Road to Lushan Expressway, and drove to the intersection of Lushan Expressway and Jinling Huancheng Road.

Although there are zombies on the road, they are not many. They were basically hit by Yang Bing directly by car. There is no danger for a few people. There are many gas stations on the roadside, but there are schools or schools nearby. It was a residential area, not suitable for fetching gas, so a few people didn't stay too much and drove all the way to the gas station that Yang Bing said.

"Brother Yi, that's the gas station in front!"

Yang Bing looked at the gas station about three hundred meters ahead, and said to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi took a look, and indeed, as Yang Bing said, the gas station is at the intersection of the two highways, because it is located next to the highway, and there are no neighborhoods or shopping malls around, but there is a construction site beside the highway. , It's about two or three miles away from the gas station. I don't know what project is being built.

"What is the construction site in front of?"

Wang Yi pointed to the blue and white colored steel houses in the distance, and turned to ask Yang Bing.

Yang Bing actually didn't know what these construction sites were for. He drove a little further and suddenly saw a small reservoir beside the highway. The **** protection on both sides of the reservoir was covered with steel bars and stones.

"Brother Yi, it seems that these workers should be building **** protection for this reservoir. If we go over, will there be any danger?"

"There should be no danger. The construction site is a few miles away from the gas station, but we still have to be careful not to make too much noise."

Wang Yi knew that the sense of smell and hearing of the current zombies was far from the perverted sense of the previous life. As long as he was careful when taking the oil, it would be fine.


When there was still a hundred meters away from the gas station, Wang Yi gave the order to stop.

Yang Bing didn't drive fast at first, and when Wang Yi said to stop, he immediately braked and the truck stopped firmly on the side of the road.

Li Hu in the back watched the truck stop, and consciously parked the pickup behind him, got out of the car and walked towards the two Wang Yi.