Zombie Apocalypse Chap 70

Wang Yi waved his hand and motioned for several people to come around.

"We are still about a hundred meters away from the gas station, but we don't know what's inside, so we can't rush in."

Wang Yi paused, looked at the clear expressions of several people, and continued.

"Now I need someone to go over and see the situation first. If there is no danger, wave his hand by the roadside. We can see it. If there is danger, we will run back quickly!

Wang Yi's meaning was already obvious. To put it bluntly, he wanted to explore the road alone, but Wang Yi couldn't guarantee whether there was any danger in the gas station.

"I'll go, Brother Yi!"

Just after Wang Yi finished speaking, Zhang Cong, who came out for the first time, took the initiative to stand up.

Zhang Cong is the tallest among several people. Even if he is half a head higher than Wang Yi, his legs are also slender. If you are running, you should not slow down there.

"Okay, you must pay attention when you go. Once you find that there are zombies in the gas station, no matter how many there are, you must run out as soon as possible. Don't be aggressive. I will let Li Hu drive to meet you."

Wang Yi thought about it. This Cong is indeed the most suitable to explore the way. He is tall and long in legs, and he has also fought with zombies. He doesn't panic when he encounters zombies.

As for why he didn't drive the pickup truck directly, Wang Yi was considering that the pickup truck is loud, diesel engine, and if there is any danger, it's not easy to nod on the road. There will be one or two cars crashing on both sides of the highway. On the side, passing is easy, but if you turn around on the road, it is much more difficult.

Zhang Cong took a deep breath, nodded to Wang Yi, took the machete, and slowly walked towards the gas station.

Wang Yi handed out the cigarettes he was carrying to everyone, and then asked Li Long to climb onto the top of the truck, not only paying attention to Zhang Cong's actions, but also allowing Li Long to observe his surroundings, so that no zombies could touch them while a few people were not paying attention.

"Li Long, did Zhang Cong come out?"

After a while, Wang Yi became a little anxious when seeing that there was no movement at the gas station, and raised his head to ask Li Long who was still waiting on the truck.

"I haven't seen Zhang Cong come out, Brother Yi, do you think he is in any danger!"

Li Long is also a little worried. This satoshi has been in for nearly five minutes, why hasn't a signal been sent?

Wang Yi took a sharp cigarette and threw the cigarette **** on the ground.

"No matter what, Li Hu, Yang Bing, and I drove to the gas station to have a look, Li Long is still watching here, pay attention to safety!"


Li Hu agreed, and hurriedly ran to the back and drove the pickup over.

Wang Yi and the others just got in the car, but they heard Li Long shouting from the top of the truck.

"Brother Yi! Zhang Cong came out, standing on the side of the road waving to us!"

When Wang Yi heard this, he immediately ordered Yang Bing to drive the truck. Li Long also turned over with agility, and got directly into the truck. The two cars drove one after the other to the gas station.

Waiting before Zhang Cong, Wang Yi saw the blood on Zhang Cong through the glass?

Several people got out of the car quickly, without Wang Yi's instructions, quickly grabbed their weapons and looked into the gas station.

Seeing everyone looking tight, Zhang Cong quickly stepped forward and explained to them.

"It's okay, that zombie has been killed by me!"

auzw.com Wang Yi got a little angry when he heard this, and said in a deep voice.

"Didn't you let you come out when you find the zombies?

Who let you do it! "

Zhang Cong also knew that he lacked consideration for what he was doing, and quickly said to Wang Yi.

"Brother Yi, after I entered the gas station, I saw that there were no zombies in the hall, and then I wanted to go around to make sure that I just walked to the staff dormitory, and a zombie rushed out!"

"I originally wanted to run, but one of them was blocked by the zombie in the hall without paying attention. I had no choice but to fight the zombie."

When Wang Yi heard Zhang Cong say this, he nodded. Since he didn't intend to fight with the zombies, Wang Yi has no reason to continue to investigate.

Several people walked slowly into the gas station, and sure enough, they saw the zombie Zhang Cong said in front of the hall.

That was a male zombie, it should be an employee of this gas station.

He is not tall, and one arm has been broken. It looks like it was bitten by a zombie and then infected into a zombie.

Wang Yi looked at the zombie's head, although Zhang Cong had cleaved it open, but Zhang Cong had not taken out the basic meat inside, knowing that Zhang Cong was waiting for him to come and distribute it.

If Zhang Cong did not wait for Wang Yi to take away the Jihua meat, then Wang Yi would definitely let Zhang Cong hand it over, and then he would find a reason to kick Zhang Cong and his wife Jiang Li out of the team!

These thoughts flashed in Wang Yi's head, thinking that this basic meat should be given to Zhang Cong, this zombie was killed by Zhang Cong alone, and Zhang Cong did not move the basic meat in his absence.

"Zhang Cong, I will give you this basic meat."

Zhang Cong was not hypocritical when he heard the words, reached out his hand and touched the zombie's mind twice, then took out the base of the flesh and put it in his pocket.

Wang Yi didn't rush to get gas, but went around the gas station, thinking about the surrounding geographical situation.

There are a total of six fuel tanks in this gas station, four of which are gasoline and two diesel. At this time, a small Jimny is quietly parked aside. There are a few broken fingers on the ground beside the car door, lying in a dry pile. In the blood.

The fuel tank was already full. I thought it was when this person was refueling and caught up with the apocalyptic outbreak. Those who didn't come rushed into the car and were killed by a zombie.

Li Hu went up and kicked the finger away, sat in the car and played around for a while, and Jimny started with a buzzing sound.

"Brother Yi, this car is not bad, it's a serious off-road vehicle, strong and fuel-efficient, let's drive away soon!"

Li Hu stretched his head out of the car and shouted to Wang Yi with excitement.

Wang Yi also had the idea of ​​driving this car away. Although this car looks small, its ability to climb mountains and wading, uphill and downhill is much stronger than that of ordinary cars, and it could not be used to explore the road better.

"Okay, you can drive when you are away, and let Li Long drive that pickup truck."

Li Hu heard Wang Yi agree, and immediately took the key down and held it tightly in his hand, for fear that Li Long would come to grab it.

"Brother Yi, the owner of this car is probably trying to refuel, and he was eaten by zombies without removing the key!"

Li Long looked at his younger brother with a vigilant look, couldn't help but smiled and shook his head. How could he not know that his younger brother had been greedy for Jimny for a long time.

"Yes, this apocalyptic eruption suddenly occurred. Most people were killed by zombies in their sleep. The owner of this car was just a little out of luck. They all drove out, and they still didn't escape the disaster! "

Everyone said all the way, and they walked to the two oil tanks at the gas station.

These are two wellheads, which are covered with thick cement to prevent fires or hot or cold weather.