Zombie Apocalypse Chap 103 Living Comfortable without anyone's Help

"Yi, Brother Yi, I think you are tired today, so I think...

Zhu Min sat on the edge of the bed, put the quilt on himself a little nervously, looked up at Wang Yi who had already stood up, and stammered.

Wang Yi looked at this naked woman and didn't know what to do. Wang Yi knew what she thought.

Climbing to the strong and surviving better in the last days, Wang Yi has never seen him less in his previous life, but he did not expect that it would happen to him.

Wang Yi sighed, slowly squatted down, lit the candle on the cabinet, and put the flashlight aside.

Zhu Min was a little panicked. She originally wanted to cling to Wang Yi and survive better in this team. Who knew Wang Yi would be so alert.

The body was trembling constantly, and Zhu Min was afraid that Wang Yi, who was so angry, would hurt her, and even the quilt covering her body would slip onto the bed.

Wang Yi shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand to cover her quilt, stared into her eyes, and said.

"Why are you doing this, to be honest."

Seeing that Wang Yi did not turn into anger, Zhu Min was stunned for a moment, the corners of his eyes were slowly moist, and he said with a slight cry.

"Brother Yi, when Yang Bing and I went out today, they made up their minds to kill the zombies, but I don't know why, I was scared when I saw those zombies."

"Even if they have cut off its hands and feet, I am still afraid. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I can't break through that barrier in my heart."

"I, when I think that I don't dare to kill zombies, it will be of no use to you. I'm afraid you will leave me behind. I, I also didn't want to understand for a while."

When Zhu Min said this, he suddenly opened the quilt, letting her graceful body be exposed in front of Wang Yi's eyes, grabbed Wang Yi's arm, and pressed it against his chest.

"Brother Yi, I beg you, woo, don't leave me, let me do anything, please!"

Zhu Min cried at this time, crying very sad, Wang Yi could see that she did not cheat.

Slowly pulling his hand out of the soft spot, Wang Yi lifted Zhu Min's pointed chin, looked at the woman who was crying like a tearful woman, and sighed. After all, she shouldn't want this either.

"I... never thought of giving up on you. Although you dare not kill zombies, you can do other things, cook food, wash clothes, and there will always be things you can do. If you look down on yourself, then, I really won't let you stay in this team."

Wang Yi's tone is as gentle as possible, this woman can no longer withstand wind and rain.

"Yes, but I'm really scared, Brother Yi, I, I...

Wang Yi stretched out his hand to cover Zhu Min's lips and shook his head slowly.

"You remember, this is the end of the world. It is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself."

Zhu Min lowered his head, did not dare to touch Wang Yi's gaze, forcibly resisted not crying, but the weak shoulders kept shaking.

Wang Yi did not disturb her, she needed tears to restore her dignity.

Zhu Min cried for a while, slowly raised his head, no longer avoiding Wang Yi's gaze.

"Thank you, Brother Yi, I know what to do."

Zhu Min wiped away the tears, got up and picked up the clothes thrown on the ground, put them on one by one, opened the door, as if thinking of something, turned to look at Wang Yi.

"Brother Yi, if I don't despise myself and live on my own in these last days, will you refuse me in the future?"

Wang Yi looked at Zhu Min with a real face and shook his head.

"If you live on your own in these last days, then you won't need me either."

Zhu Min smiled lightly, turned and walked out, she got the answer she wanted.

Wang Yi watched that Zhu Min was gone, leaning on the head of the bed weakly, thinking about what happened just now, secretly saying that Zhu Min was not an ordinary person.

After a while, the door was opened again, but this time it was no one else.

"Brother Yi, this is your basic meat. I have eaten mine."


Li Mei took out the basic meat from her pocket, gently put it in her mouth, and climbed onto the bed in an extremely seductive posture.

The whole body was pressed on Wang Yi's body, closed his eyes, found Wang Yi's lips, and crossed Jihua Flesh over.


"Hate, don't keep sticking your tongue out."

Li Mei hammered Wang Yi's chest lightly, leaning on the bed and slowly taking off her clothes.

Wang Yi was burned in the fire by Zhu Min's flirtation just now, but he just forcibly resisted and reminded himself that Zhu Min's woman was too scheming to touch her.

It is estimated that if another woman in the team were replaced, Wang Yi might have already picked up the gun, so she would be able to easily let her out of the room.

Now looking at Li Mei's slender figure, Wang Yi can no longer hold it.

Before Li Mei took off her clothes, she grabbed Li Mei and rolled over on the bed.

"Oh, wait a minute!"

Li Mei seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly opened the quilt, picked up the flashlight on the cabinet, and took a photo of the bed sheet.

"Why is this wet?"

Li Mei looked at Wang Yi with an unnatural look, her eyes were full of doubt!

"Ahem, how come this sheet is wet, did you make it?"

Wang Yi hurriedly wanted to push to Li Mei. After all, if this stupid lady found out about this, Wang Yi wouldn't dare to make sure that she could do anything extreme.

Li Mei did not answer, but stared at Wang Yi closely. Isn't it clear whether she is wet or not!

Just when Wang Yi was about to be unable to carry it, Li Mei burst out laughing suddenly, patted Wang Yi on the shoulder, and said charmingly.

"If you really can't hold it back, you can still use other methods, how old you are, you still do it yourself, you are ashamed!"

Wang Yi's expression suddenly became colorful, and I don't know what to say at this time.

"Uh, hehe, yes, I, that's too much, not like this next time."

"I want to have another time!"

Li Mei looked at Wang Yi with an embarrassed look, and reluctantly sat on Wang Yi's lap, slowly lowering her head.

Early the next morning, sunlight shone through the thin curtains on Wang Yi who was still sleeping.

"Boom boom boom, I remembered a knock on the door.

"Brother Yi, come down to eat!

Ling Xuan's crisp voice came from outside the door, and Wang Yi replied, waking Li Mei, the two of them cleaned up at random and went downstairs to eat.

Breakfast has become very rich, thick rice porridge mixed with minced meat, one egg per person, this is standard.

After eating, Wang Yi and Zhang Fei Linfeng walked to the parking lot to check the modification of the vehicle.

"Brother Yi, now all the cars in the team have been modified, and only the bird of prey in Shenhe has not been modified."

Zhang Fei pointed to the red bird of prey parked on the side of the road and said to Wang Yi.

"I don't think the Raptor needs modification. It has a lot of horsepower, and the bodywork is also strong, much stronger than our commercial car."

Yang Bing said casually, he stepped forward and shot the bird of prey, but there was no trace on the car. You must know that Yang Bing has been taking basic meat for a few days, and he is about to reach the first level. .

"That is, my car is modified, and it's full of steel plates!"

Shen He looked confident. When he first bought this car, it had already been modified by himself. To be honest, I'm afraid those commercial cars are really not rivals.