Zombie Apocalypse Chap 104 Walkie Talkie

In fact, Wang Yi also feels that this car does not need to be modified. One is that this car is strong, and the other is that this car has a large body. If it is modified, it will cost a lot of steel. It is better to be like this, at least it can be beautiful.

"By the way, Zhang Fei, how much have you made the weapon I asked you to make?"

Wang Yi suddenly remembered the two weapons that Zhang Fei had made two days ago. He had no time to ask, nor did Zhang Fei take the initiative to mention it.

Zhang Fei was a little embarrassed, scratched his hair, and replied.

"Brother Yi, I have made all the short machete, and now only three of the gun-like weapons have been made. The requirements are too high, unlike the machete, just sharpen both sides."

Hearing what Zhang Fei said, Wang Yi felt nothing. When Zhang Fei was asked to do it, he didn't expect Zhang Fei to make much. After all, that thing needs to be forged, and it is not a concept with a machete.

"It's okay, it's okay to be able to make three. You will give these three weapons to Xiaoqing, Ling Xuan, and...

"Who else?"

Zhang Fei paused when he saw Wang Yi, and asked in confusion.

Wang Yi thought for a while, not counting Li Mei, the women in the team, except Xiaoqing and Ling Xuan, really no one can take the initiative to kill the zombies. Of course, if Wang Yi gave an order, they would still be obedient.

"And...Zhu Min!"

Wang Yi suddenly remembered Zhu Min's appearance last night, and wanted to help her to see how she was going.

"Uh, Brother Yi, Zhu Min did not behave very well yesterday, isn't it a waste to give her this weapon?"

Yang Bing heard that Wang Yi said that he would give Zhu Min the weapon, and immediately came out to remind Wang Yi what she was like, several people saw.

"It's okay, just give her this weapon, Zhang Fei will send it to her later, and I will give it to her, don't worry about other things."

When Wang Yi had already said this, Zhang Fei and Yang Bing had no choice but to nod his head in agreement, but in his heart he was thinking, does Zhu Min have something to do with Brother Yi and take care of her like this?

But a few people understand that there are some things that you can think about. If you tell a woman, it will be difficult for Brother Yi to handle it.

"By the way, Brother Yi, how to distribute those shorter machete?"

Zhang Fei thought that all the guns were divided, and the next division should be the machete.

"Take out seven of the twenty machetes and give them to Wei Ping and the others. The rest will be placed in the car for use."

Wei Ping and the others are nine people, seven men and two women, and each of them can fight with zombies, so naturally they have to arm the seven men.

"Brother Yi, I went around in the hotel when I was fine these two days, and I found a lot of good things!"

Lin Feng patted his head, as if thinking of something, and excitedly said to Wang Yi.

"Oh? What did you find?"

Wang Yi wondered slightly, what good things can be in this hotel?

Lin Feng smiled mysteriously and said, letting Wang Yi and a few people wait for him, then ran back to the hotel quickly.

"What is Lin Feng doing? What can he find? I stay with him every day and I haven't heard him say anything."

Zhang Fei didn't know what Lin Feng was up to. The two of them had modified their vehicles together for the past two days, and they didn't see anything unusual about Lin Feng.

"Since he said he has something good, let's wait here to see what he can get."

Wang Yi said lightly, and asked Shen He to open the Raptor's car door and sit in.

After a while, Lin Feng hurried over, holding a cardboard box in his hand.

"Lin Feng, after waiting for you for a long time, you came over with a cardboard box. I thought it was something."

Zhang Fei looked at Lin Feng panting and couldn't help but laugh.


Lin Feng ignored Zhang Fei, ran all the way to Wang Yi, and handed the cardboard box to Wang Yi just like offering a treasure.

"Brother Yi, look what's here."

Wang Yi took the cardboard box and looked at Lin Feng's mysterious face. He really thought there was something good in it.

Opening the carton and looking inside, I saw three walkie-talkies quietly in the carton.

Lin Feng saw Wang Yi staring at the walkie-talkie in a daze, and said smugly

"Brother Yi, I found this walkie-talkie in the security room on the first floor of the hotel. It should work."

Wang Yi picked up a walkie-talkie casually and turned on the switch. The indicator light of the walkie-talkie flashed, and then a mechanical female voice came out.

"Your walkie-talkie is dead, please charge it now."

Wang Yi's face was momentarily wonderful.

"Hey, fuck!"


Before Wang Yi could laugh out loud, Zhang Fei, Li Hu and others could not hold back.

"Lin, Lin Feng, your walkie-talkie is out of power. Find a place to recharge it!"


Zhang Fei looked at Lin Feng's embarrassed face, and put his arm on Lin Feng's shoulder easily, laughing out of breath.

This walkie-talkie is really useful for the team, but Lin Feng has overlooked a problem. Since the end of the world, power and water have been cut off all over the world. Even the flashlights used in the team were charged by Zhang Fei with generators these days. of.

Lin Feng shook his shoulders, shook Zhang Fei's arm, and said to Zhang Fei.

"Zhang Fei, don't you have a generator? You can use a generator to charge!"

Zhang Fei also laughed enough, straightened up and said sternly.

"Lin Feng, it's not that you can't use the generator to charge, but that the generator is too loud. Using it in this hotel can reduce the noise a bit. If it is outside, it will easily attract zombies."

"And the generator can't store electricity, it can only be turned on when you use it. Your walkie-talkie can be said to be useless."

Lin Feng immediately became a little discouraged when he heard this, and said in a low voice.

"Isn't it OK to charge in the car, isn't there a battery in the car?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said.

"The battery in the car is DC, only 12v, and this walkie-talkie is considered a high-power electrical appliance, it needs at least 220v voltage, it can't be used at all."

Zhang Fei was originally a vehicle repairer, and he naturally knew more about these common sense knowledge than Wang Yi.

Zhang Fei was talking about it, Yang Bing on the side seemed to think of something, raised his hand and patted Zhang Fei, interrupted Zhang Fei, and said with excitement.

"Brother Yi, I suddenly remembered that if this walkie-talkie wants to charge in the car, it is not impossible!"

In fact, Wang Yi didn't know much about these things. He thought Zhang Fei could not use the walkie-talkie. It was a pity. After all, if there is a walkie-talkie in the team, it would be much more convenient when driving in the future.

Hearing Yang Bing said that there were other ways, he was also interested right now, and raised his head to signal Yang Bing to continue speaking.

Yang Bing nodded and said slowly.

"Brother Yi, I used to run long distances, basically eating and living in the car, it is inconvenient, so I installed an inverter in the car, this inverter can convert the voltage on the car to 220v ."

"In other words, ordinary household appliances can be used, but over a long period of time, it will affect the life of the battery!"