Zombie Apocalypse Chap 106 Wang Yi Routine

Going north through Weishan Lake was not made by Wang Yi at will, but the only way to escape this time.

This Weishan Lake area was a gathering place in the previous life, and Wang Yi lived in this gathering place.

As for why he still went to Weishan Lake in this life, it was because Wang Yi wanted to find members of the corpse hunting group in the previous life.

When Wang Yi arrived at the Weishan Lake gathering place in the previous life, it was two years after the end of the eruption. At that time, Wang Yi had just become a third-level evolutionary and took Wan'er to live in the gathering place. Later, after a period of hard work, Wang Yi The formation of a corpse hunting group, and as far as Wang Yi knows, most of the members of the corpse hunting group are people near Weishan Lake, so in this life, Wang Yi wants to gather people from the corpse hunting group again.

Of course, Wang Yi wouldn't tell Li Hu and others about these thoughts, but since they asked them, Wang Yi couldn't help but answer them. After rationalizing his thoughts, Wang Yi said slowly.

"When we arrived at Weishan Lake, we basically walked about a quarter of the distance. If we continue to walk, the team will be exhausted. Although the team is basically evolving now, it is hard to avoid getting used to it every day. "

"So I thought about taking a break near Weishan Lake. One is to relieve the fatigue of everyone and prepare for the dangers encountered later, and the other is to organize the team. There may be many people on our way to Weishan Lake. If you join the team, if you don't sort it out, you will definitely leave hidden dangers when you hurry."

What Wang Yi said was reasonable and reasonable. If he rushed all the way to Hohhot without talking about others, I am afraid that Wang Yi would not be able to bear it. After all, the distance of two thousand kilometers would not be so easy to walk.

"It's still as thoughtful as you think, Brother Yi."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Wang Yi's opinion. After all, who can eat and live in the car for two or three months in a row, if that happens, it is estimated that the entire team will collapse before Hohhot.

Whether it is the end of the world or before, the combination of work and rest can best improve efficiency.

Several people skipped this paragraph, continued to study the map, and said their questions from time to time. Wang Yi answered them one by one. In the end, the route on the map remained unchanged at all.

This is the effect that Wang Yi wants. He makes his own plan, discusses with everyone, and gives everyone an opportunity. If there is something wrong, Wang Yi will also correct it. However, based on Wang Yi's experience in the past ten years, I am afraid that these people's ideas will not Not as thorough as Wang Yi's consideration.

After Zhang Fei's research was completed, and the plan and route had been determined, Wang Yi asked them to go downstairs to notify the others in the team.

"Brother Yi, let's go downstairs first."

Several people said, they put their chairs in place and wanted to go downstairs to agree to the team, but they were suddenly stopped by Wang Yi.

"and many more!"

Several people turned around, watching Wang Yi sitting on the bed thoughtfully, Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Brother Yi, is there anything else?"

Wang Yi seemed to have made some difficult decision, his eyes moved a few times, and he said to several people.

"You take down this road map, gather the team, and tell them that if their parents live near our planned route, when we pass by, as long as the situation is not too bad, I can consider going to rescue. "

When several people heard Wang Yi say this, all of them were shocked. No one could have imagined that Wang Yi would come up with this idea!

"Brother Yi, I'm afraid this is a bit bad. After all, we are also running for our lives, and we can't take care of it. Why..."


"Brother Yi, I know your ideas are good, but now we are all like this, how can we care about it?"

Although Yang Bing and Zhang Fei said so, they still respect Wang Yi more in their hearts. Although they are both orphans, Wang Yi's meaning is of little use to them.

But if this news reaches other people, Wang Yi will not only save his own life, but also save their relatives, how can he not be grateful to Wang Yi?

Wang Yi waved his hand and said to several people.

"This is the case. You go down and let me know. If so, let Yang Bing count it, and then give it to me."

Several people saw that Wang Yi had said so, so they had no choice but to go downstairs and tell everyone the news.

After a few people left, Li Mei suddenly threw himself into Wang Yi's arms, her beautiful eyes were reddish, and she sobbed for a while, whispering.

"Brother Yi, did you say that because you were going to save my parents?"

Wang Yi put his hands around Li Mei's waist and looked at Li Mei with two lines of clear tears on his face. He did not speak, but silently nodded.

The reason why Wang Yi did this is not only because of Li Mei, but the most important thing is to unite the people.

Of course, most of the people in this team are foreigners, and there are only a few people in Jinling. Except for Li Mei who doesn't know the situation at home, the others escaped from home, but they didn't bring their relatives. One, that is, their relatives will either become zombies or be killed by zombies.

For the rest, Wang Yi estimates that there will be no parents, and they will be on this route.

It can be said that Wang Yi's remarks are of no use to the team, except to gather people's hearts and make people in the team appreciate Wang Yi. After all, it is a route, not a net.

After all, the words are for you. If your home is not near that line, it is not my problem. I can only blame you for not being born.

The two chatted for a while, and it seemed that it was almost night. Wang Yi asked Li Mei to ask someone to prepare dinner, but he took out the two pistols and wiped them carefully.

Wang Yi handed these two pistols to Li Hu and Lin Feng before, but today he asked Wang Yi to come back, because there is a walkie talkie to convey the news, this pistol is in the hands of the two, and there is no signal to transmit. The role of.

Moreover, they both barely learned how to shoot. If they pointed at them to kill the zombies with a pistol, it is estimated that if the bullets are all out, no zombie will fall.

Wang Yi withdrew from the magazine skillfully. The bullet originally contained twelve rounds. Yesterday, four rounds were used. Now only eight rounds remain.

In fact, this pistol is not a threat to the zombies. It is not like a machete. It can control the force and direction with the arm. If the pistol hits the zombie's skull, it will fly directly, except like Wang Yi. Hit the zombie's eyes, thereby destroying the zombie's brain.

But Wang Yi can only hit the zombie in the eye when the zombie is still or when the movement is small. This is also the level of most people in the last days.

And if it is a rifle, it is much stronger than a pistol. In the early days of the end, it can barely kill zombies.

But in the middle and late stages, whether it's a pistol or a rifle, even shooting zombies' eyes and ear holes are useless.

It can't be said that guns will be useless in the future. At the very least, they are used to deter other survivors, but guns are more effective than cold weapons!