Zombie Apocalypse Chap 107 A big flicker

After wiping the pistols, four bullets were put in each, and Wang Yi put the guns away for future emergencies.

Dinner was ready at this time, Li Mei opened the door and called Wang Yi, and the two went downstairs together.

The lobby on the first floor is already overcrowded, and everyone has a trace of gratitude on their faces.

The reluctance was because I was about to leave, leaving the hotel where I had stayed for three days and embarking on an unknown journey.

The gratitude is because of the news from Yang Bing.

When Yang Bing called the people together, and all the news, everyone was shocked, as if they couldn't believe it was true. Under Yang Bing's repeated emphasis, the people readily accepted this fact.

Even though the route to the north did not pass through their home, they still remembered Wang Yi's kindness.

In any case, Wang Yi at least gave everyone hope to find their families.

Yang Bing watched Wang Yi come down, hurried to Wang Yi's side, and whispered.

"Brother Yi, according to what you mean, I have already counted them. In the whole team, there is only the girl named Zhou Li. Her family happens to be in Pei County, not far from the Weishan Lake where we are going. As for the others, There is no way near the route."

Wang Yi nodded, this is almost as expected, and her home is still near Weishan Lake, so as long as she doesn't become a zombie, she should be gathered in Weishan Lake.

Just as the two were talking, a girl trot to Wang Yi's body, thanking Wang Yi.

"Yi, Brother Yi, I know I'm causing you trouble, but I'm the one mom, and I've been with her since I was a child. I, I really want to save her."

As the little girl was talking, she was saved with tears in her eyes. It didn't matter what she cried, she even moved the atmosphere in the whole hall.

Even Li Hu's men wiped their eyes in secret.

Wang Yi's eyes swept away. In this situation, without saying anything, after waiting, it is estimated that good things have become bad things.

Stepping forward to hug the girl in his arms and let her lean on his shoulders, this is not because Wang Yi took the opportunity to take advantage, but the action and language will make her more infectious.

Gently comforting the girl, Wang Yi looked around the crowd and said slowly.

"Don't be sad, everyone, I know that there may be many families who are still struggling in the last days."

When everyone heard Wang Yi's speech, they all put away their tears, tried to stabilize their emotions, and waited for what Wang Yi would say next.

Wang Yi patted Zhou Li's still trembling shoulders, motioned her to come out of her arms, and then walked into the crowd, feeling that everyone's eyes were following her, Wang Yi also aloud the words she had prepared before. Speaking out.

"I can understand everyone's feelings now. The end of the world has erupted, zombies are rampant, friends have lost contact, family members do not know whether they are alive or dead, and I am worried about my family, but there is nothing I can do."

"When we arrive at the destination and truly settle down, I will create opportunities for everyone to find their relatives. But now, only by taking good care of ourselves and working hard to live can we have the opportunity to find relatives."

After Wang Yi said something, there was no sound in the hall. Everyone stared at Wang Yi in a daze, not knowing who it was. They clapped their hands first, and then, one by one, applause echoed in the whole hall.

It was not Wang Yi's words that moved them, but Wang Yi gave them a promise that they would settle down and give them a chance to find someone they care about.

Even if this opportunity is hopeless, it is enough, at least, to give people such a goal.

Thanks to the fact that the door of this hotel was completely blocked by a few women in the team, with quilts, or the loud noise, I'm afraid the zombies would have been attracted to them.

Wang Yi saw that everyone had been moved by his own words, and knew that if he continued speaking, it might be counterproductive, so he waved his hand hastily.

auzw.com "Okay, now we have dinner. After we finish eating, everyone will not go out. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the team will leave on time."

After dinner, Wang Yi and Li Mei returned to the room. Zhang Fei took care of the other work, so Wang Yi didn't need to worry about it.

The two lay quietly on the bed, cherishing the last time of stability, knowing that once the convoy set off, it would not be like in this hotel.

"Brother Yi, you said, when we are safe in the future, are we really going to find their parents and relatives?"

Li Mei was half lying on Wang Yi's body, her chest squeezed hard against Wang Yi's chest, revealing a perfect arc.

Wang Yi stretched out his hand to straighten out Li Mei's slightly tousled hair and said slowly.

"No one can say for the future. I don't dare to guarantee that we will reach the destination safely, but the only thing that can be said is these words. Give them some hope, and they won't sink into the end times. ."

Wang Yi didn't want to deceive everyone. In these last days, zombies are not the only threat. For fear of zombies, mental torture, and material deficiencies, people cannot bear the pressure every day and choose to commit suicide. He rushed into the group of zombies like crazy.

Not everyone has a strong heart. Even before the end of the world, people who choose to commit suicide due to social pressure have never been less, but the source of pressure has changed from money to life.


"Brother Yi, I have no hope for the future. I don't know where our road is or where to go."

Li Mei sighed gently, propped up her upper body, and blew out the faint candle. The room suddenly plunged into darkness.

This night, I don't know how many people awakened in their sleep, and how many people did not fall asleep at all.

The next day, afternoon.

Lushan Expressway, Renhe Section.


On the originally quiet road, there were bursts of engine roars from far and near, and after a while, a green Jimny, which was converted into a hedgehog, drove up quickly along the highway, avoiding broken vehicles on the road from time to time.

"Li Hu, it seems to have reached the boundary of the new market town, right?"

Liu Yang didn't know where he found a leather jacket, put it on his body, did not wear good sunglasses on his ears, had to be clamped on top of his head, looked at the small buildings on the far side of the road, and said to Li Hu who was driving.

Li Hu glanced at Liu Yang, and suddenly stepped on the brakes. Liu Yang was not ready at all. He was slammed by inertia, and his head hit the windshield.


The sound of glass shattering came to mind, but it was not the windshield, but the sunglasses Liu Yang was wearing on his head.

"Oh fuck, Li Hu, are you trying to murder me?"

Liu Yang pulled off the face stuck to the windshield and cursed at Li Hu who was smirking on the side.

Li Hu didn't answer his lips, stretched out his hand to hold the calm sunglasses on Liu Yang's head, and said with a smug expression.

"If you let Brother Yi see your broken sunglasses, it would be good if Brother Yi didn't scold you, it would be like a treasure."

When Liu Yang saw that his beloved sunglasses were broken, his expression immediately changed, and he got up and rushed towards Li Hu. The two big men played "car shock" in Jimny.


A howl suddenly sounded, interrupting the two who were still tearing.