Zombie Apocalypse Chap 108 Target New Market Town


The two immediately stopped, shouted in unison, and each looked out of the car window.

"Liu Yang, there is a zombie here on my side, do you have one on your side?"

Li Hu looked at a male zombie wearing a black, green, black and green camouflage uniform, and walked towards Jimny danglingly, he should have been attracted by the sound of the engine of the vehicle.

"I didn't see the zombie here, because there should be only one."

Liu Yang looked around carefully, and found no other zombies.

"What are you waiting for, come on!"

Li Hu said that he took out a machete about one meter long from the back seat. It was specially prepared by Wang Yi for them, so it was easy to carry.

Liu Yang was also unambiguous, and also took out the machete from the back seat, and the two pushed the car door and walked towards the zombie.

The zombies were originally attracted by the sound of the vehicle, but when they came closer, they saw Li Hu and Liu Yang. They only felt that the air was full of flesh and blood. How could it be unexcited?

The zombie roared, changed the original swaying pace, the speed suddenly increased, and the person ran over quickly.

If Li Hu and Liu Yang were ordinary people, he would definitely have to be frightened by the zombie's momentum, but they didn't say that they had a lot of battles, but in a few days with Wang Yi, no matter whether it was a zombie or a human, they did not kill less.

The two looked at each other and smiled. If there are a lot of zombies, maybe they will think about it, but this one zombie is really not enough.

At the same time, he waved his hand machete and rushed towards the oncoming zombie.

The zombies were not afraid of the two, a big Peng spreading its wings, and two claws grabbing one person, delusioning that they would kill them when they met each other.

The two rushed in front of the zombie, squatted fiercely, and at the same time the machete moved upwards, and swiped the zombie's open arms.


Two clear voices sounded. From the side, Li Hu and Liu Yang seemed to be alone, squatting down at the same time, brandishing a knife, and then missing the zombie.


As soon as the zombie met his face, the two men unloaded his arms. When the zombie turned around, a black shoe sole was oncoming.


Li Hu kicked the zombie's face, kicked the zombie directly, and fell to the ground fiercely. Liu Yang lifted the machete, and while the zombie was still struggling, he chopped off the zombie's head with a sharp knife. .

"You take out the basic meat, I'll notify Brother Yi."

Li Hu said casually, ran back to the car and took out the walkie-talkie.

"Geyi Yi, Liu Yang and I have now reached the expressway beside Xinji Town, and the intersection leading to the town is in front of us."

Li Hu finished speaking to the walkie-talkie, leaning on the car, quietly waiting for Wang Yi's answer.

After a while, Wang Yi's deep voice came from the intercom.

"I see, you two are waiting there."

Li Hu casually threw the walkie-talkie back into the car, picked up a bottle of mineral water from the trunk, and walked to Liu Yang's side.

After such a great effort, Liu Yang had already taken the base of the flesh from the zombie's brain, and was shaking his hands violently, and there were all the stinking brains of the zombies.

Li Hu unscrewed the mineral water and handed it to Liu Yang.

"No, wash it!"

Liu Yang looked up and reached under the water bottle, Li Hu slowly poured out the water.

"I said Li Hu, in the entire team, you alone dare to waste water like this. If someone else does this and is seen by Brother Yi, you will definitely slap it!"

Liu Yang washed his hands, took the mineral water, and said to Li Hu with a smile on his face.

auzw.com Li Hu didn't care and shook his neck a few times.

Liu Yang saw Li Hu not talking, with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Li Hu, do you know why Brother Yi values ​​you so much?"

Li Hu shook his head slightly, brother Yi valued himself, he really didn't know why.

"Because you are ruthless!"

Liu Yang stared at Li Hu's eyes and said without question.

"I'm cruel, why am I cruel?"

Li Hu pointed to his nose with a look of confusion, but he felt that he was no different from other people.

Liu Yang smiled at Li Hu's bewildered look and said.

"Yes, it's because you are ruthless. Remember that time at the gas station. We were all asked by Brother Yi to kill those people, but you didn't. You killed yourself on your own initiative, and you don't want to let everyone go!"

Li Hu shook his head. He always thought those people should be killed, so Li Hu didn't think there was anything.

Liu Yang got up, rubbed his hands on his clothes, leaned against the car, took out the cigarette from his clothes pocket, and began to vomit.

The two waited for about twenty minutes, when the roar of engines came from behind the high speed.

"Brother Yi, they are here!"

Li Hu quickly leaned the car to the side of the road, while Liu Yang took a small red flag from the car and stood in the middle of the road.

In a moment, the team appeared in front of them.

The head of the truck is still Wang Yi's truck, and behind it are several unrecognizable commercial vehicles that have been modified. The tail dock is a red Raptor, but there is no trace of modification.

In the second echelon, Yang Bing's truck starts, followed by a few commercial vehicles, and at the end is the pickup truck like a hedgehog.

Ha ha ha ha!

Liu Yang saw the convoy coming, and hurriedly waved a small flag to signal Wang Yi to stop here.

The truck driven by Wang Yi slowed down abruptly and slowly stopped on the side of the road. Seeing that the truck had stopped, the following convoy also slowed down one by one and stopped behind the truck.

"Kang Dang.

The truck door opened and a pair of black military boots stretched out from the truck. Wang Yi stepped on the truck's stairs and walked down step by step.

He was wearing a yellowish camouflage uniform, with a half-hand-width belt tied around his waist, and a red scarf around his neck. This was given to Wang Yi by Li Mei, and Wang Yi should wear everything he said.

Wang Yi's resolute face was not irritable. He just wanted to step forward and ask Li and Hu if there was anything going on, but he heard a milky voice from the truck behind him.

"Uncle Wang Yi, hurry up and hug me down, I can't go down."

Wang Yi shook his head helplessly. There was only one person in the entire motorcade who dared to talk to himself like this, and that was the youngest Xiao Jingjing.

"Be careful and jump down."

Wang Yi turned back and raised his hands, motioning Xiao Jingjing to jump down.

Xiao Jingjing was not afraid, put the chocolate in her hand in her mouth, took a glance at it, and jumped down into Wang Yi's arms.


"Xiao Jingjing, why are you heavier again? It's only a few days, so eat less snacks in the future!"

Wang Yi took Xiao Jingjing's body and bowed sharply, feeling the girl's weight, and couldn't help joking.

When Xiao Jingjing heard that Wang Yi was about to cut her ration, she immediately pouted her little mouth and sobbed twice, tears coming out.

"Don't cry, Uncle Wang Yi won't give you something delicious, aunt will get it for you."

As soon as Li Mei got down from the co-pilot, she saw Xiao Jingjing crying, and quickly hugged Xiao Jingjing from Wang Yi's arms, gently comforting.