Chapter 12 Why Bother After Being Husband and Wife?_1

"I didn't say that, you were the one who said it." Claudia Ross chuckled with an unfathomable smile, "Could you make way for me, please? I need to see my lawyer, who knows, there might be some explosive news soon!"

Upon hearing this, the reporters and paparazzi immediately cleared a path, allowing Claudia Ross to meet with her lawyer with ease.

In just a few minutes, the topic of the Perrys' CEO being impotent hit the hot search, with multiple websites competing to report it.

People sympathized with Claudia Ross even more.

Married to an impotent husband, who also cheated on her, she had endured in silence for so many years, the frustration known only to herself.

Claudia Ross met with her lawyer, not crying or making a scene, but sat there calmly.

As she reached into her bag, about to take out the divorce agreement, Lawyer Bai spoke up, "Madam, the boss's intention is to proceed with the divorce as quickly as possible. Mr. Perry will not treat you unfairly, you will receive the Southern Mountain No.1 Villa and a sizeable alimony."

"Isn't it supposed to be a lawsuit for divorce?" Claudia Ross's hand paused, holding down the divorce agreement, and scoffed with a sneer, "Why not sue anymore? I have plenty of time to drag this out with him."

"Madam, you and the boss, as husband and wife, why go to such lengths?"

"When has he ever treated me as his wife? We're not even divorced yet, and he's already eager to marry that slut Katie Poole into the house. Please relay to him that it's not so easy to get rid of me with just a bit of money."

The divorce agreement in her hand was written to give up everything.

The way she was when she married him, was how she intended to be when they divorced.

She did not care for his money.

But she hated being dismissed like a beggar.

Lawyer Bai said seriously, "Madam, please mind your language. Ms. Poole and the boss have been childhood sweethearts. We hope you can bless them instead of continuing to cause trouble and split them up."

As a professional lawyer, he wouldn't say such subjective things; obviously, they were all instructed by Wyatt Perry.

Claudia Ross laughed coldly, "I have no interest in causing trouble or splitting them up. Those photos online weren't posted by me."

"Whether you posted them or not isn't important, the important thing is that Ms. Poole has been greatly hurt."

"She deserves it!"

At first, Claudia Ross was only guessing, but now she could be certain that those photos online were definitely posted by Katie Poole herself.

What a clever act of self-harm, to rope Wyatt Perry in so tightly.

Katie Poole, that kind of woman, could be so ruthless to herself, she was probably even more ruthless to others.

The door to Lawyer Bai's office opened with a sound, and Wyatt Perry appeared in front of Claudia Ross with a grim face.

"Boss!" Lawyer Bai quickly stood up to greet him.

Wyatt Perry's voice was cold as ice, "She won't sign?"

"Don't worry, boss, I'll persuade the madam again..."

Lawyer Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead, afraid that Wyatt Perry would blame him for incompetence.

"If she doesn't sign, she doesn't get to leave."

Wyatt Perry's sharp gaze swept over Claudia Ross and then he turned to leave.

"Wait." Claudia Ross rushed up to grab him, "Wyatt Perry, sit down and let's talk this through properly!"

Marriage is a matter between two people. If Wyatt Perry had a proper talk with her, she definitely wouldn't cling on to him.

She understood the principle of parting on good terms.

"I have nothing to talk with you about."

Wyatt Perry frowned in disgust, shrugging off her hand, "If you want to talk, speak with my lawyer."

"Wyatt Perry, we have been husband and wife for three years, don't you have anything you want to say to me?" Claudia Ross's nose tingled with emotion, looking at the resolute back of Wyatt Perry, her heart twisted in pain, "Even if it's just one sentence..."

"No!" He answered coldly.