Chapter 14 Forced Smiles Don't Feel Good_1


Claudia Ross forced out a pale smile, "I'm not sad, you know. I'm finally single again, I should celebrate properly. I'm going to start enjoying life, hahaha... so happy..."

Nana Monty gently patted Claudia Ross's back.

She knew how tough it was to force a smile.

"Drink, drink, tonight we won't return until we're drunk..." Claudia Ross pulled Nana Monty to sit down, and glasses of red wine continuously poured down her throat.

Claudia Ross had reserved a VIP room, ensuring safety even if she got drunk.

She was determined to get herself completely intoxicated, holding nothing back as she drank.

She sang as she drank, living by the book for twenty-two years, she had never partied this hard before.

After three bottles of red wine, Claudia Ross was drunk, and so was Nana Monty; they sprawled on the sofa, blabbering nonsense.

When the waiter entered the room to serve more wine, he heard Claudia Ross calling out, "Husband, husband..."

Tears streamed down Claudia Ross's cheeks, the wine she drank flowed out as tears.

If she hadn't been drunk, she wouldn't have allowed herself to cry.

Thinking Claudia Ross wanted him to call her husband, the waiter picked up her phone and dialed the number saved as "Husband".


Wyatt Perry was working overtime in his office when Hailey Jack entered with Wyatt Perry's work phone in hand.

Although Claudia Ross was Wyatt Perry's wife, she didn't have the privilege to call his personal phone.

But the work phone had to be relayed through Hailey Jack.

Normally, Hailey Jack would have answered it himself, but today was exceptional, and he felt it necessary to report to his boss.

"Boss, it's your wife's call."

As expected, Wyatt Perry's eyebrows rose slightly as he reached out his hand.

This had never happened before.

The call connected, but it wasn't Claudia Ross's voice, "Sir, your wife is drunk at our bar. Can you please come to pick her up?"

Wyatt Perry frowned slightly, "Where is it?"

"Global Time Bar, VIP room 888."


After hanging up, Wyatt Perry stood in silence for a moment, "Let's go to Global Time."

"Yes, boss!"

To avoid attracting attention, Wyatt Perry brought only Hailey Jack with him as they discreetly made their way to pick up the drunk.

On the way to the bar, Hailey Jack constantly stole glances at Wyatt Perry. The boss seemed unflustered, his expression as usual not betraying any emotion.

Unable to resist, Hailey Jack spoke up, "Boss, the missus must be really upset, or she wouldn't have gotten drunk."

Wyatt Perry said indifferently, "Maybe she's happy."

Who said people only get drunk when they're sad? They can also do so when they're happy.

Knowing that Claudia Ross had considered divorce before him gave Wyatt Perry a slight discomfort.

In his view, he could always bring up divorce, but Claudia Ross couldn't.

If she proposed it, it would be a challenge to his authority and an insult to him.

Hailey Jack muttered under his breath, "She's clearly wallowing in her sorrows!"

They reached the bar. Before getting to the room, they witnessed a group of thugs harassing a drunk woman.

The woman leaned against the wall, her voice slurred as she called, "Husband... where are you…"

The thugs burst into laughter, "Little beauty, we are all your husbands. Tonight, you'll be over the moon, hahaha!"

Wyatt Perry's brows furrowed. Drinking in such a place was like asking for trouble.

"You're not my husband... My husband is... Wyatt Perry..."

At these words, Wyatt Perry's step faltered, and he turned to look.

Claudia Ross's disheveled hair was covering her face, but upon closer inspection, it was undoubtedly her.
