Chapter 316: Save Our Daughter_1

Wyatt Perry lowered his head and said seriously, "If your daddy can't be found, Uncle will take care of you and Mommy."

Hearing this, Little An disdainfully curled his lip: "I still think my daddy is better; I only want my daddy to take care of me."

Receiving disdain from the grown-ups and now from the kids, Wyatt Perry's face couldn't be more embarrassed.

Is Mark Reed really that good?

After putting down Wyatt Perry, Little An walked to the bedside to help Claudia Ross drink water: "Mommy, Daddy isn't here, but I'll take care of you. I've grown up already, I am a man."

Claudia Ross took a sip of water and nodded approvingly.

Her precious son had indeed grown up, more considerate than his father.

After lying down for a while, Claudia Ross finally regained some strength and called Merek Hill.